Raw Food Recipes + Vegan

Thanksgiving Dish Replay — Essene Stuffing
RAW RECIPE (photos)

I first published this recipe on November 18, 2007. It was very tasty raw food holiday dish, a great addition to the holiday menu.

Here is my contribution to the holiday. Please enjoy.

Essene Stuffing
3 cups diced Herb Essene Bread
¼ cup chopped onions
1 cup chopped celery
1 tablespoon poultry seasoning
1 teaspoon sea salt

1 In a large bowl, combine diced bread, onion, celery, poultry seasonings and sea salt.

2 Place mixture on Teflex sheet. Dehydrate at 100 degrees for 3 hours.

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Thanksgiving Dish Replay — Essene Stuffing + Vegan