Raw Food Recipes + Vegan

In 7 days
Everything I Ate Raw, My Year of Living Foods

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After all the raw recipes and the juice feasts in 2007-08 and in January of this year, it's hard to believe that I have never been 100% raw for longer than 7 months, give or take a few.

It's an idea I've been toying with for a number of years, ever since I perused Tucker Shaw's book "Everything I Ate: A Year in the Life of My Mouth." I was fortunate to work with Tucker at the Denver Post and he has been supportive of The Daily Raw Blog. And the sweet guy that he is, Tucker has given his blessing on this raw adventure.

So starting January 1st, in the spirit of Tucker's book, I will take pictures of every thing I eat and everything I eat will be raw.

Now, I'm not going to worry about percentages. For the most part, I will consume a 100% raw vegan diet, but if a dish contains vanilla extract or gracious forbid the IS IT, or ISN't raw agave nectar, I'm not going to nitpick over ever ingredient. The only guidelines I am following is uncooked and vegan, that seems simple enough.

After years of hee-hawing back and forth, the timing feels good. Since I do work at "the birthplace of gourmet raw vegan cuisine" it's a wonderful opportunity to get a glimpse of the incredible meals that the students create, especially, the Gourmet Chef students. I can't wait to start sharing some of those photos, they are always so creative.

Although my journey will mostly be expressed in pictures, from time to time I will chat about the how the experience is going and of course if you have questions please feel free to ask.

Man on the Raw will also start the journey with me (about 6 months of raw is his goal), I'm not entirely sure if he will be blogging about it. Of course, I'm all about the blogging so I will give him a nudge to write about his thoughts. A few people at work will start the year with a 30-day raw fest. Any one else out there should come along for the ride, it will be fun.

Yeah! I love the new year, it's all about the possibilities and fresh starts, new beginnings, projects and all. Wish me luck and stay tuned to watch my adventure unfold.

art, Food, Juice, life, man on the raw, RAW, RAW RECIPE (photo), recipes, the Denver Post, Tucker Shaw, and more:

In 7 days + Vegan