1.One thing the world doesn’t know about me is that I worked in a cardboard box factory.
2. I am most proud of getting to a point in my life where I'm willing to hold a space of love in any circumstance.
3. My biggest achievement is releasing 160lbs of excess weight and seeing my life completely shift in every way imaginable as a result.
4. My most memorable meal is durian with Mr. Monarch on the beach in Los Angeles.
5. My idea of the perfect day is writing, meditation and yoga on rising in a sunny place...moving into plenty of greeeeeeeen juice, time outside all day in lush greenery with loved ones, tasty raw meals with fresh local produce...hammock time with a wonderful book, massage, singing, snuggling and sleeeeep.
6. My favorite superfood is bee pollen
7. I am reading "Spiritual Midwifery" and "Gaia's Garden".
8. The most beautiful place on earth is our kins' domain in Vilcabamba, Ecuador.
9. If I could share a raw dinner with any three people they would be John Lennon, Anastasia (from the Ringing Cedars books) and my husband.
10. If I were to be remembered for one thing, it would be that I was nice to donkeys.
Angela Stokes-Monarch, raw author, blogger and co-host of The Raw Food World tv and radio shows, devotes her life to spreading a message of hope for natural and healthy weight loss for others living with overweight, obesity and overeating issues. Her website, Raw Reform, provides raw guidance.