Man on the Raw and I did some major kitchen spring cleaning and carpentry (check out the wood board on the stove burners) in the midst of a mini-blizzard on Friday.
Come Saturday and Sunday Colorado’s winter wonderland transformed into pleasant warm spring.

Saturday night, I hosted another raw dinner party for friends. It was a pleasant, relaxing evening and everyone enjoyed the food, which is always good. For the first time during the juice feast I felt left out, not eating and for the last week I haven’t been enjoying the green juices as much so….
Today, Day 81, my juice feast has officially left the building and has taken residence in Smoothie and Prunesville.

I love the juice feasting experience and I just might venture on an extended trip again in the far-off future. But for now, quick juicy pit stops once or twice a week will suffice.
On Tuesday a very special lady, who I absolutely adore, will be sharing her “10 Thoughts.” I could be nice and tell you who she is, but you’ll have to wait till tomorrow. I promise you won’t be disappointed.

Thai Coconut Curry Soup, p. 104This week for The Complete Book of Raw Food Endeavor, recipes from Elaina Love will be featured on Wednesday. I served a collection of her dishes at a “Nothing But Love” dinner party I hosted last month.
Don't forget about the giveaway here of the e-book “Me Raw-You Cooked” by Emma and Rod MacDougall

Oh, my goodness I almost forgot! My eldest daughter, Jordan turns 19 today. Happy Birthday, Jordan, I love you baby!
Also, Man on the Raw has a birthday tomorrow and I know for a fact he (he would never admit it) would love your well wishes on his blog here.