“Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its works. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. Our food should be our medicine. Our medicine should be our food. But to eat when you are sick, is to feed your sickness.” — Hippocrates
Reading “Power Juices, Super Drinks: Quick, Delicious Recipes to Prevent & Reverse Disease” by Steve Meyerowitz (aka The Sproutman), I couldn’t help but think of Hippocrates's quote. In its essence the book embodies the quote.
Meyerowitz creates a medicine chest, in book form, filled with juice, smoothie and tea recipes for just about whatever aliment plagues you.
Achooo! Bless you. Try the “Vitamin A & C Potion” on page 116 to put that cold in check. The juice is filled with carrot, red pepper, spinach, collard greens, kale and spirulina to help rebuild your immunity.
Feeling blue? Perk up into a “Heavenly Peace,” p., 139, by blending cashews, cantaloupe, wheat germ and water. The anacardic acid in the ingredients has been used as an anti-depressive.
Can’t fall asleep? Drink “Good Night Tea,” p. 257, one bag each of Valerian, Passion Flower, Chamomile and Hops, an hour before bedtime. You will be counting zzzzz’s in no time.
This book was constantly by my side as a reference during both my juice feasts.
If you are ready to be your own physician this book is a good starting point.

Rejuvelac is a fermented liquid used to improve digestion and as a starter for raw nut and seed cheeses, yogurts or as flavorings in soups, sauces or drinks. It is rich in enzymes and contains eight of the B vitamins, vitamins E and K. You can make Rejuvelac with sprouted wheat berries, rye, quinoa, oats, kamut or barley.

Day-by-Day Plan for making Rejuvelac
Adapted from Steve Meyerowtiz and The Complete Book of Raw Food, p. 9
1 cup Soft Wheat Berries
Filtered Water

Day #1: Make sure your jar and any utensils you are using have been thoroughly cleaned to prevent contamination during the fermentation process. Place wheat berries in a gallon (or ½ gallon) jar.

Add about 1 quart filtered water. Cover the mouth of the jar with a piece of cheesecloth and secure with a rubber band. Soak the berries for at least 8-12 hours.

Drain the berries, rinse them with water and drain again. Place the jar upside down at a slight angle to drain off excess water. Once water is drained, place the jar upright in a cool, place away from direct sunlight and allow to sprout.
Day #2: Rinse and drain the berries twice, morning and evening. After each drain, place the jar upside down at a slight angle to drain off excess water. Once water is drained (about 5-10 minutes), place the jar upright in a cool, place away from direct sunlight and allow to sprout. You will see little tails develop.

Day #3: Rinse and drain the berries twice, morning and evening. Once drained, remove the cheesecloth (discard it) and fill the jar with approximately 3 quarts (or 1 ½ quarts for a half gallon) of filtered water . Secure the jar with another cheesecloth and rubber band; place in a warm area of your home, somewhere between 68-90 degrees. The warmer the surrounding temperature, the faster the wheat berries will ferment. It should take between 36–48 hours depending on the temperature and the strength/flavor desired.
If you see a foam forming on top, then it should be ready.
Day #5: Pour your first batch of Rejuvelac into quart Mason jars and store in the refrigerator. It’s ready to drink. Rejuvelac should have a slight yeasty smell with a lemon-like flavor.
Day #5: 2nd Day batch of Rejuvelac: Do not rinse the wheat berries. Pour 3 quarts of filtered water into jar with sprouted wheat berries and allow to ferment another 24 hours.
You can create a 3rd Rejuvelac batch by repeating Day 5. I wouldn’t recommend extending it a fourth day.
You can compost the sprouts or give them to squirrels, rabbits or birds.
Rejuvelac may be kept in the refrigerator for up to a week as long as the taste still agrees with you.

Strawberry Fizz
Serves 2-4
½ cup frozen organic strawberries
1 cup Rejuvelac
1 tablespoon raw agave nectar
Process ingredients in a blender.

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