Raw Food Recipes + Vegetables

Happy Anniversary Daily Raw Blog

Although the Cyber Celebration is Thursday and Friday, today is the official anniversary date of The Daily Raw Blog. It was three years ago today that I first placed fingertips to keyboard to lay document in the blogosphere.

Please enjoy this blast-from-the past as I revisit May 25, 2007.

Happy Anniversary Daily Raw Blog!

It started with a Feast.
“I’m going on a 92-day juice feast.”

Silence across the phone line, my sister has abandoned me.

“I’m starting a 92-day juice feast.”

“I heard you, why are you fasting?"

I explained to her that I’m not fasting but I’m going to feast daily on 1,200-1,500 calories of fresh fruit and vegetable juices.


I told her about the video I saw of Angela Stokes. She is a raw foodist from the UK who embarked on the feast created by David Rain. The video focused on Angela’s first solid food after completing her 92 days.

My sister listened quietly as I went on and on about how Angela’s skin glowed and her crystal-clear blue eyes reflected the clarity she spoke of acquiring during this fascinating journey.

In that 8 minute and 36 second video, she simplified the world for me. She gave me hope that life could be as simple as she stated and dare I say that I could acquire the peace that my sister and I beg for on a daily basis.

Forget that we have seven children between us, we still wanted peace.

“You want blue eyes that reflect?”

“By juicing you remove the fiber from foods, thus your body can absorb and assimilate the nutrients quicker.”


I spent the next few minutes explaining that my body, particularly my digestive system, was going on a three-month vacation. With nothing to digest but liquids, my body could concentrate on cleaning matter out of my colon and small intestine. Decades of eating cooked foods will hopefully come out and I’ll be able to start fresh with a clean body.

As Angela puts it in her e-book, “The aims of Juice Feasting are to: Cleanse, Rebuild, Rehydrate and Alkalise.”

“And why are you doing this?”

“To lose weight, duh.”

angela stokes, David Rain, fruit, Juice, life, and more:

Happy Anniversary Daily Raw Blog + Vegetables