Raw Food Recipes + RAW

Power to the People

Hello everyone, here is me and my 10-year old Donavan yesterday, we stopped for a picture before her 5th Grade Continuation. She's a 6th grader now! Woo hoo!
I hope you are enjoying yourselves so far. We are at the half way point and I wanted to bring a topic up for discussion and a vote.

I have had a few suggestions requests that maybe the giveaway should be extended through the holiday weekend. Since there are a lot of giveaways and a lot of ways to win, it could give people a break from the internet and they can come and visit without a time crunch. Although, this is Memorial Day weekend, who would be at the computer anyway?

I am open to this request but I don’t want those who have been entering so far to be put out and I really don’t want it to seem like I’m changing the rules of the game in mid-stream.

Yet, this is such a loosey goosey situation. It’s meant to be fun, I want ALL to have fun and if I extend it it does create more chances to win.
As your hostess for the festivities and I am very grateful for your presence, I think you should be involved in the decision process.

It isn't any extra work for me, so no worries there. Just tell me what you think in the poll above and we will go from there.

The time would be the same 12:32 a.m. (EST)
The choices are:

(tonight)12:32 a.m. May 28 (original deadline)
12:32 a.m. Monday May 31 (winners announced after 6:30 a.m. Monday)

cyber celebration, Healthy Lifestyle, and more:

Power to the People + RAW