What's up with that? No, show today? I know, I know and there won't be one next Monday either. Man and the Raw and I are separating. He is "back to his old tricks" and we all know where that path can take us. My gracious, I really shouldn't mislead you like that. I'm kidding...sort of.

We are not separating within the marriage. I love the guy. Anyone who makes compost for the family garden is a keeper.

But in the physical sense, unfortunately, there will be a separation within the family. More on that later. Man on the Raw makes the richest soil, look at it. He really must talk to you guys about his soil. It is fabulous.

Man on the Raw came up with the idea for taping a special show of "He Said...She Said" for the Daily Raw Blog's anniversary celebration, so we are holding off showing videos until then. After the May 28th shows, "He Said...She Said" will be on hiatus for the summer. Details to follow.
Along with a special "He Said..She Said," there will be more videos, including one featuring Man on the Raw making a green juice...methinks. He has to give the okay on that one.

For your viewing pleasure, here are pictures of the family playing in the garden. Bishop planting my Mother's Day Flower.

It's a tradition, every Mother's Day we plant our seeds in the garden and I am very pleased with the crop thus far. After a week we have the micro greens popping up very nicely and the rest of the greens are doing well.

Avery and her basil