Judi, from Kansas City, wanted raw recipes for kids to share with moms in her area.
Fresh fruit is always a winner with children. A piece of fruit is the simpliest thing you can give a child and they will be happy for it.

(Avery at 8 months)Bananas, apples, mangos, melons, children more times than not love them all. My youngest daughter Avery loves eating an avocado straight from its skin.

(Avery at 3 years old)All the raw desserts my children loved without fail, especially ice cream made in the blender.

DonavanA green leafy salad is an excellent meal for children. My children eat their greens some of the times. They are more likely to eat salad if they can pick their own from our garden and help with the dressing preparation.
My son Bishop eats mint straight from the ground.

The more you involve children in the preparation of the meal, the more they are likely to eat it, no matter what you prepare. My least "raw" kid, Bishop actually tasted the raw kale he was tearing. He didn't like it but at least he tried it. I don't think it dawned him that kale is one of the ingredients in the smoothies he drinks for breakfast.

(Avery and Bishop tearing kale for kale chips)Below are some recipes from the Daily Raw Blog archives that my children have enjoyed over time.
Donavan's SaladAnts on a LogAnts in a CanoeRaw CandyGuacamoleChocolate Pudding
Fruit KabobsMixed Fruit Ice Cream

Tropical Green SmoothieMakes 2 quarts1 handful of your favorite greens1 cup water1 small pineapple, peeled, cored, diced2 mangos, peeled, diced2 very ripe bananas, peeled2 tablespoons raw agave nectar, or more to taste
Combine greens and water in a blender. Process until greens are liquid. Add remaining ingredients in a blender until well incorporated, working in batches if necessary.
I feel downright embarrassed submerging these grapes in chocolate. They were very sweet and tasty by themselves. No worries, we have about 5 more pounds of them sans chocolate. This recipe really should be called "THE PRE-BREAKFAST TO FEED BISHOP WHEN HE RISES AT 5 IN THE MORNING WANTING A SMOOTHIE AND PROCEEDS TO INTERUPT MY SLUMBER TO GET FED" Grapes. But that title seemed a bit long.

Chocolate-Covered Grapes1 pound seedless grapes1 recipe for Chocolate Sauce

Use scissors to snip the grapes into small bunches, put them on a large platter lined with parchment or wax paper. Place platter in the freezer while you prepare the chocolate glaze.

Chocolate Glaze¼ cup water¼ cup maple syrup (not a raw product)½ cup cocoa powder¼ cup coconut oil (liquid)
Combine ingredients in the blender until well combined. Pour into a bowl. Hold a bunch of grapes by the stem over the bowl of chocolate. Dip the grapes into the bowl of chocolate to coat them completely. Let the excess drip back into the bowl. Arrange the chocolate-covered grapes on the platter; repeat with remaining grapes. Freeze for 30 minutes and serve.