Raw Food Recipes + Vegan

Sprouting Grains 101
RAW RECIPE (photos)
RAW RECIPE (photos)

Jar #1 — 1 cup Kamut, 2 cups waterJar #2 — 1/2 cup Kamut, 1 cup waterJar #2 — 1/2 cup hard Winter Wheat Berries, 1 cup water

RAW RECIPE (photos)

I love learning! If I could afford it, I would be a career student. I'm not sure if I'm curious by nature or by design. As I grow older I find myself doing things that I would have, in the past, shunned away from.

RAW RECIPE (photos)

Kitchen Notes

Sprouting, for instance, was one of those things. It intimidated me, I think I tried it once, it didn't work out, so I moved on my merry way.

Well, I'm a bit wiser and I thought I would give it a go. So, guess what I did this weekend?

RAW RECIPE (photos)

Jar #4 — 1/2 cup Soft Pastry Wheat Berries, 1 cup waterJar #5 — 1 1/2 cup oat groats, 3 cups waterJar #6 — 1 cup split peas, 2 cups water

The things I wanted to learn:1 How was it to sprout in a glass Mason Jar with 6 x 8 piece of cheesecloth? It worked fine.2 How long does it take for watched sprouts to sprout? Not long, they sprout really quick.3 How much many cups dry do you get sprouted. Approximately, double in size.

RAW RECIPE (photos)

Sprouting Grains
1 Place grains in a mason jar. Add 2-3 times as much water. Soak overnight or at least 8-12 hours.

RAW RECIPE (photos)

2 Drain the soaking water. Rinse thoroughly with water and drain.3 Set at a 45-degree angle out of direct sunlight and at room temperature.4 Rinse and drain 3-4 times a day.

RAW RECIPE (photos)

5 Continue to rinse and drain until the tails are the length of the grain. Approximately 12-24 hours after first soaking. COMING on Monday — Essene Breads

Food, how to, pie, RAW, and more:

Sprouting Grains 101 + Vegan