The timer went off, I heard the slight humming on the counter, but alas the “trick or treat” pleas fell on deaf ears. My blender, food processor, and, the leader of the pack, dehydrator had threaten to prank me if treats were not produced.
And low and behold, they made good on it, several times over. What better time than the day before for Halloween to showcase the raw food calamities at the Daily Raw Café.
Of course, more times than not, my kitchen and I play well together, creating tasty treats to keep those impish machines at bay. Fortunately, the odds are in my favor of making something edible.
I won’t divulge exactly what went awry with each dish. I consider them works-in-progress and they just haven’t found their way yet. Besides, I learn more from the "tricks" than I do the "treats."
Then again, if it weren't for those mischievous appliances giving me these culinary mishaps, I would not have anything to blog for today now would I?