I hope you have a wonderful weekend, I am not quite sure if I will be seeing you or not since today is the last day of the poll to the left.

Choose wisely, dear readers the fate of my blogging humanity, as we know it, hangs in the balance.
Okay, okay, I'll stop. Today is the last day and I would really appreciate your vote. But the Daily Raw Blog world will survive to see another day, if you don't vote. No pressures, it is just for fun, right?
I am not really into bribes, I would never think of trying to bribe you with a plate of cookies or anything. You are much to clever to fall for something like that. But just in case you were hungry for a few recipes here you go, enjoy reading them while you are clicking the mouse on the poll to the left. And if polls really and truly aren't your thing, that's cool, there is a nice Give-away here.

Chili-Lime Jicama Fries
Serves 4
1 jicama, peeled, cut into matchsticks
Juice of 1 lime
½ teaspoon honey
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 teaspoons chili powder
1 teaspoon sea salt
Lime wedges
Place jicama in a shallow serving bowl.
Whisk lime juice, honey, oil, chili powder and sea salt in a bowl. Pour over jicama. Let sit for 1 hour to allow flavors to meld. Garnish with lime wedges.

Almond Orange CookiesAdapted from Valya’s Almond Orange CookiesYields: 25-30 cookies
2 cups raw almonds, soaked for 6-8 hours1 ½ cup raisins1 cup unsweetened coconut orange, peeled, segmented1 teaspoon organic vanilla extract
1 teaspoon cinnamon
½ teaspoon nutmeg
¼ teaspoon sea salt
Combine all the ingredients in a food processor until well-combined. Mixture should be a sticky consistency; holding together well.
Form mixture into small cookie shapes and place on dehydrator screens (without Teflex sheets). Dehydrate at 115 degrees for 20-24 hours or until dry on the outside and a bit chewy on the inside.