Hello everyone! I want to thank you all for the patience and support you have given me these past three months during my juice feast. I am happy to say that starting next week, The Daily Raw Blog will return to posting 4-5 days per week.
Also there are some new and exciting things going on and I hope you will enjoy.
Monday (and sometimes Friday) features "Focus On"
The Daily Raw will "Focus on" a spice, an ingredient, a piece of equipment, etc. There will be great tips, history and information on an item along with a recipe.
Tuesday honors the readers
The features include "Dear Daily Raw", surveys, reader feedback, questions, comments, etc.
If you have a raw food kitchen question, forward to "Dear Daily Raw" at yahoo.com. Your question will be posted in Tuesday's section.
Wednesday is Recipe Day
Traditionally, across the country Wednesdays are food day for newspapers. It will be no different for The Daily Raw.
Thursday is the day for News You Can Use and the Calendar listing
If you have an raw food event you would like to have posted, pass it along for Thursday's Calendar section. Send items to yahoo.com.
Fridays is my day off, well, actually it's my Test Kitchen day. I'll take the day to develop new recipes and test them out.
Unless I want to share with you what I'm working on or if it's a special occasion, there won't be any posts on Fridays. But you never know what surprises I might have in store.
And don't forget about the monthly Daily Raw Blog Recipe Challenge .
There will be some major news coming in late April, early May so stay tuned.
See you next week for new and fun raw food at The Daily Raw Blog. Peace and Love, Terilynn