Have you met Brenda Hinton, yet? Here she is with, my boss, Cherie Soria.
Brenda is super nice. She is a fun-loving guest instructor at Living Light and an all-around great person. Brenda own the company Rawsome Creations. The company offers Raw Food demos, lectures, classes and consultations for individuals and businesses. It also sells nut milk bags, one of which Brenda graciously donated to me and I in turn decided to pass along to one of you.

The bags are a 10x12" re-usable hand-made nylon bag with a portion of the the sales goes ito support Ibu Robin at the Bumi Sehat Birthing Center and Yayasan Widya Guna Orphanage. To read about Brenda's Nut bag story and her love affair with Bali please visit here.
I haven't done a giveaway in awhile, I'm a bit rusty. I have more giveaways coming in the very near future. so I need to pace myself a bit on this one. Let's keep it simple.
Two ways to win:
First way: Tell me, if you win, what would you use your new nut milk for.
Second way: Spread the word of the Giveaway. On Facebook, Twitter, blog or whatever social media of your choice post "The Daily Raw Blog is having a Nut Milk bag giveaway" and link to the this site. Then come back and post a comment telling me where you mentioned the giveaway at.
Third, fourth, fi ??th way: Okay, twist my arm, why don't ya? If you want to share the giveaway in all your social media hook-ups and enter again, and again and again...go for it, you have my blessings.
Good luck!
The contest will end Sunday, April 10 at 11:59 p.m. (EST). The winner will be announced on the Daily Raw Café, Monday, April 11th.
This giveaway is open to U.S. mailing addresses only.