photo by Zephyrinus SUNDAYS
105degrees hosts Sunday Suppers featuring a 3-course menu prepared by a Level II culinary student, 4-7 p.m. $25. 5820 North Classen Boulevard, Suite 1, Oklahoma City, OK, 405-842-1050 WEDNESDAYS Live Raw Food World TV Broadcasts featuring Angela Stokes-Monarch and Matt Monarch, 6 p.m. Pacific time.
Hippocrates Health Institute presents "Save Your Life" open house 5 p.m. the last Thursday of the month. Reservations required. 5 West Palm Beach, FL, 561-471-8876
Hippocrates Health Institute hosts an open house noon every Thursday. Reservations required. 1443 Palmdale Court, West Palm Beach, FL, 561-471-8876
Hippocrates Health Institute hosts an open house noon every Saturday. Reservations required. 1443 Palmdale Court, West Palm Beach, FL, 561-471-8876

Ann Wigmore Foundation presents Living Foods Lifestyle® reTREATs, 10-day retreats offered every month. $1800. San Fidel, New Mexico, 505-552-0595
Cafe Gratitude hosts an array of raw food preparation classes, workshops and more.
Cousin's IV offers raw food classes, detox programs, demos and more. 3038 West Irving Park Road, Chicago, IL, 773-478-6868
First Bite Kitchen offers a variety of raw food classes. 2525 28th St, Suite 140, Boulder, CO
The Living Centre, an Eco-Spiritual Educational Sancutary, offers classes on raw food cuisine, gardening, herbs and more. 5871 Bells Road, London, England
Living Light Culinary Arts Institute offers classes in Raw Vegan Cuisine for individuals, chefs and instructors. 301-B North Main St., Fort Bragg, CA, 800-816-2319

MAY 13 or 15: Fermenting Foods For Ultimate Enzymes, 1-3 p.m. May 8, 6-8 p.m. May 13 or 1-3 May 15. Learn how to ferment your own foods at home and sample fermented kefir, yogurt, and kimchi. $40. 105degrees, North Classen Boulevard, Suite 1, Oklahoma City, OK, 405-842-1050
MAY 13: Dr. Alejandro Junger lecture to benefit Healthylunches.org, 7 p.m. The Director of Integrative Medicine at Lenox Hill Hospital discusses his Clean Program and the benefits of cleansing. $15. Space is limited. Live Live & Organic, 261 East 10th St, NYC, NY, 212-505-5504
-MAY 14: Vilcabama Raw Food Gathering, Angela Stokes-Monarch and Matt Monarch host a 'free' gathering, no entrance fee, no 'structure' — just turn up, meet the tribe, Vilcabama, Ecuador, rawinecuador.ning.comparty, 6-10 p.m. Better Life Cuisine, 717 Broadway Ave., Santa Monica, CAMAY 15: Erika Wolff and the Power of Raw, hands-on workshop, 9:30 a.m.-4
p.m. $148. 184 Morrison Point Road, Milford ON K0K 2P0, Tel: 613-476-0302, erika(at)powerofraw.com
MAY 15-16: ALIVE! Expo features the newest and best natural, organic, green and eco products to benefit Project Green, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. May 15 and 11 a.m.-6 p.m. May 16. Activities include cooking and fitness demonstrations, food and wine tastings, lectures, workshops, mini massages and more. Georgia World Congress Center, 285 Andrew Young International Blvd., NW, Atlanta, GA

MAY 16: Raw Recipe Exchange, noon-1:30. Send raw recipes to renee.ascione(at)wholefoods.com and Whole Foods Market will choose a few recipes to make, sample and discuss the during the open forum. Pre-registration required, space is limited. Whole Foods Sauganash 6020 N Cicero Ave., Chicago, Illinois, 773-205-1100MAY 17: Pure Food and Wine and One Lucky Duck participate in Taste of the Nation NYC 2010 to benefit Share Our Strength, 8 p.m. Grand Hyatt NYC, 109 East 42nd St., New York, NY, 212-883-1234
MAY 17-23: Hemp History Week is a joint project of Vote Hemp and the Hemp Industries Association to anchor and organize events as part of a national grassroots, media and public education campaign.
MAY 18-22: David Wolfe Unleashed, a health workshop featuring discussions on the LongevityNOW Program, superfoods, spirituality and more. Costa Rica
MAY 20: Mooi Raw/Vegan Restaurant opens. 1700 Sunset Blvd., Echo Park, CA
MAY 20: Green Spirit Raw Food Living with Chef Linda presents a Raw Basic class, 6-8:30 p.m. $50. Registration required. GreenSpiritliving.com, 773-484-0937
MAY 20: Art of Cheese making class. $40. 105degrees, North Classen Boulevard, Suite 1, Oklahoma City, OK, 405-842-1050

- MAY 22: Cru Restaurant hosts "Around the World" series, raw food classes, 3-4:30 p.m. Sundays through May 22. $20 per class, cash only. No reservations required. Where, 1519 Griffith Park Blvd., Los Angeles, CA, 323-667-1551
MAY 22: "Crank It Out" Juicer and food processor techniques highlighting Green Juices, sprouting, patés and more, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. $45. Lenore's Natural Cuisine, 164 Ox Creek Road, Weaverville, NC. Register at 828-645-1412
MAY 22: Fallbrook Spring Open House Potluck, 1 p.m. Please bring a raw vegan dish to share. Vegetarian dish is okay. Rainbow Valley Grange, 2160 Rainbow Valley Blvd., Fallbrook, CA, 760-809-6668
MAY 22: Revitalive Health and Wellness Center hosts Vibrant Life Expo to benefit The Food Project, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Highlighted speakers include best-selling author and life coach Cheryl Richardson, motivational speaker and author Victoria Moran, fitness expert Michael Gerrish and fashion stylist Ginger Burr. $99 in advance, $125 at the door. The Firehouse Center for the Arts, Newburyport, MA, 978-462-1488MAY 22-23: Chicago Green Festival, showcases more than 350 diverse local and national green businesses, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. May 22 and 11 a.m.-6 p.m. May 23. More than 150 renowned speakers appear for insightful panel discussions and presentations. $10, $15 both days. Navy Pier, 600 W. Grand, Chicago, IL

MAY 22: The Raw Food Witch hosts a Dehydrator Treats and Crackers class, 1-4 p.m. $80. Downtown Toronto, Canada, nathalie(at)rawfoodswitch.com
MAY 22: Silvia Clausin, of Raw Deli, holds classes at The Raw Food Chef School. Brighton, England
MAY 23: Rod Rotondi's Raw Foods Preparation & Lifestyle Introductory Course, 6 p.m. Live Studio Chicago, 678 North Wells, Chicago, IL MAY 25: Raw Deserts that Sizzle, 5-9 P.M. $75. 8 Edward Place, Stamford, Ct. To register and reserve a spot contact: janzerr(at)gmail.com or call: 203-438-3417
MAY 27-28: The Daily Raw Blog's 3rd Anniversary Cyber Celebration features giveaways every 30 minutes, recipes, videos, reviews and more.
MAY 29: Denver Metro Area Living and Raw Food Cafe rawluck, 2 p.m. Whole Foods Market, 870 S. Colorado Blvd., Denver, CO, 303-691-0101

MAY 27: Green Spirit Raw Food Living with Chef Linda presents a dehydrating class, 6-8:30 p.m. $50. Registration required. GreenSpiritliving.com, 773-484-0937
MAY 29-JUNE 4: Raw Food Family Camp. Germany.
MAY 31: Jennifer Cornbleet's "Raw For Dessert" book signing, lecture and free samples, noon -1:30 p.m. Call for registration. Barbara-Jo's Books to Cooks, 1740 West 2nd Ave., Vancouver, Canada, 866-688-6744
MAY 31-JUNE 19: Raw Food Nutrition Science, Health Educator and Raw Culinary Arts Certification. $500. The Commercial Kitchen of Jackie & Gideon Graff, 1085 Lake Charles Drive, Roswell, GA, 770 992-9218, email: rawfoodrevival@att.net
JUNE 1: Jennifer Cornbleet's "Raw For Dessert" book signing, lecture and free samples, 7-8:30 p.m. Registration suggested. Whole Foods Market, 17991 NE Redmond Way, Seattle, WA, 425-881-2600
JUNE 2: Jennifer Cornbleet's "Raw For Dessert" book signing, lecture and free samples, 7-8:30 p.m. Call for registration. East West Books, 6500 Roosevelt Way Northeast, Seattle, WA, 206-523-3726
JUNE 3: Jennifer Cornbleet's "Raw For Dessert" book signing, lecture and free samples, 7-8:30 p.m. Call for registration. Whole Foods Market-Roosevelt Square, 1026 Northeast 64th St., Seattle,WA, 206-985-1500
JUNE 4-7: Alissa Cohen Living on Live Food Teacher Certification. $2475.00. Space is limited. Kittery, Maine and Boston, MA, 978-985-7217 RawTeacher.com
JUNE 5: "The Heat Is On" Focus on dehydration techniques, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. $45. Lenore's Natural Cuisine, 164 Ox Creek Road, Weaverville, NC. Register at 828-645-1412
JUNE 5-11: A Raw-habilitation Retreat, classes, demos, lectures, hikes, tours, bodywork and more. Costa Rica, 404-271-9997 or 770-518-4463; or email Dr. Sam at DrSamPT@gmail.com

JUNE 6: Hippocrates Health Institute presents a nine-week Health Educator Course. 1443 Palmdale Court West Palm Beach, FL, contact Linda Frees at lfrees(at)hippocratesinst.org
JUNE 7-13: UZAZU Embodiment Retreat with David Rainoshek. $1,245-$1,645 before MAY 17. Glen Ivy Center, Corona CA, 604-253-3039
JUNE 12-22: Conscious Cleansing Retreat offers an extensive and in-depth immersion into the lifestyle of live-foods, natural health and spiritual practices. $2,895. Tree of Life, Patagonia AZ, to register email tolrep2(at)treeoflife.nu or phone 866-394-2520
JUNE 13-20: Organic Avenue hosts Juice Fast for Peace with Gabriel Cousens. $799. Culture of Life, New York City, customerservic(at)cultureoflifestore.com
JUNE 19: The SimplyRaw Festival features raw vegan pie contest, food preparation workshops; yoga; food sampling, rebounding; sprouting workshops and more, 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Free. Central Park in the Glebe, Ottawa, Canada
JUNE 20: Raw Chef Intensive, 11 a.m.-7 p.m. $400 advance payment by JUNE 18, $425 thereafter. Raw Soul, 348 W. 145th St., New York, NY, 212-491-5859
JUNE 25: The Best of Raw Contest features speakers, chocolate, prizes, music and more, 7 p.m. $15. Organic Avenue, 116 Suffolk Ave., NY, NY
-JUNE 25: Ani Phyo's book signings and appearances.
JUNE 27-JULY 2: Herbalist Brigitte Mars teaches “Healing with Herbs and Raw Foods.” Hollyhock Retreat Centre, Cortez Island, British Columbia, Canada. 1-800-933-6339
JULY 2-4: Fresh Food Festival creates a forum for raw fooders in Scandinavia and other countries. Activities include lectures, yoga, Tai Chi, workshops, live music, food and more. Lolland, Denmark
JULY 5: 105degrees Academy begins its 12-week Chef Certification Level II class, Advanced Raw Cuisine, 7 a.m.-2 p.m. or 3-10 p.m. Monday-Friday. 5820 North Classen Boulevard, Suite 1, Oklahoma City, OK, 405-842-1050
JULY 9-11: Raw Magic Summer Weekend Retreat with Kate Magic. £295, £550 for two. The Manor by the Lake, Cheltenham, UKJULY 24-31: Raw Food Family Camp. Germany.

JULY 26-30 and AUGUST 2-6: Vegan Fusion hosts a 10-Day Blossoming Lotus — Vegan Fusion Cuisine Intensive, vegan and raw food cuisine. Garden Island of Kaua’i, Hawaii, 808-822-0820 or email info@veganfusion.com
AUGUST 27-29: The Sixth Annual Vibrant Living Expo, 2010 Vibrant Living Expo and Culinary Showcase. Early registration is $165 before MAY 31, $225 thereafter, for all three days or $75 per day. The Living Light Center and Town Hall Fort Bragg, CA
AUGUST 28: First annual Veggie for a Day Music Festival. Turquoise Barn, 8052 County Highway 18, Bloomville, NY, 607-538-1235
SEPTEMBER 24-26: Raw Spirit International Festival features raw chef demos and tastings, yoga, tai chi, lectures, kids’ programs, organic farmers’ market and more. $110-$150. Granite Dells, near Prescott, Arizona, 928-308-2146
OCTOBER 23-24: ALIVE! Expo features the newest and best natural, organic, green and eco products to benefit Project Green, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. October 23 and 11 a.m.-6 p.m. October 24. Activities include cooking and fitness demonstrations, food and wine tastings, lectures, workshops, mini massages and more. 305 Harrison St., Seattle Center, Exhibition Hall, Seattle, WA
NOVEMBER 3: Raw Holiday Cuisine, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Brigitte Mars teaches how to make nut nog, stuffing, cranberry sauce, sweet potato casserole, pumpkin pie and more. $70. Boulder, CO, 303-442-4967
DECEMBER 30, 2010-FEBRUARY 5, 2011: Dr. Douglas Graham hosts "Fasting and Feasting in Costa Rica" $9,999

-MAY 15: Karen Knowler needs stories. The Raw Food Coach is looking for case studies of real people to be featured in her upcoming book and other publications. Stories of weight loss, health recovery, life, mind, body, heart and soul transformations or rejuvenation, because of a raw food diet, are all welcome. Your story should be no more than 500 words, ideally in a word document, include your photo (before and after if applicable, with dates, your name and location as you would like it to appear (e.g. Sarah Smith, Oxford, UK). A three-week fast and one week of refeeding will be provided as part of your experience. They offer hands-on experience in sales, marketing, administration and production. Detroit Zen Center seeks volunteers for its living foods cafe, juice bar, Korean tea ceremony and more. Call 313-366-7738 to arrange a time.
Hippocrates Health Institute seeks a Florida Licensed MD or DO physician to join their Medical team.

Hippocrates Health Institute needs an experienced sprout grower with proven track record. Send your credentials and letter of interest to bclement(at)hippocratesinst.org.
Living Tree Community seeks the following positions: Sales and Administration: Organic and Kosher Food, Operations Manager, Regional Sales Rep, Office Administrator, Assistant Bookkeeper and Assistant Warehouse Manager. Visit the website for details.
Health Survey: High Raw Vegan Kids. Philip and Susan Miller Madeley are in the final stages of completing a master’s thesis in Vegan Live Food Nutrition with Gabriel Cousens M.D. They want to interview Raw Vegan parents w)ith children and Raw Vegan Authority. Email or 760-294-2406
The Living Centre, an Eco-Spiritual Educational Sancutary, seeks two enthusiastic and energetic individuals for its part-time Forest Gardening Permaculture Internship. Please send a resume, references and cover letter explaining why you are the person for this position to: info(at)thelivingcentre.com. Personal interviews will be arranged with selected applicants only. 5871 Bells Road, London, England Chef Mehmet seeks raw food and green-minded people for organic farming and kitchen help for an international branch of Cousin's IV in Izmit, Turkey. Email meagan@cousinsiv.com if interested.Costa Rica Fasting Internship, DECEMBER 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 5, 2011. Responsibilities include but not be limited to: monitoring fasters, caring for the facility, preparing daily meals, attending lectures, attending all meal discussion groups and more. Submit a nonrefundable processing fee of $75 with your application. $4999, cost of internship.
Volunteers Needed. Cousin's IV hosts two booths at the Green Festival Chicago 2010 on MAY 22-23. They seek volunteers to help out in the kitchen and manning our booths. If you are interested, email Meagan at meagan@cousinsiv.com. CONTESTS

-MAY 15: AARP Viva's Summer Salad Recipe Contest
Submit an original recipe for a healthy and economical summer salad made with fresh seasonal ingredients for a chance to win $500 of groceries.
-MAY 20: Free tickets to the Raw Spirit Festival
Share your most inspiring Raw Spirit Stories of transformation and/or festival experience. Email your 10 — 200 word stories to heavenly(at)rawspirit.com by MAY 20 to qualify for the contest.
-JUNE 15: Cooking Light Ultimate Reader Recipe Contest
Enter a recipe using a sponsors' products for your chance to win $20,000.
-JUNE 30: Vegetarian Times 2010 Reader Recipe Contest
Send an original vegetarian or vegan Holiday recipe, using a sponsors' product, for a chance to win one of three cash prizes and be featured in the November/December issue of Vegetarian Times.
-AUGUST 1: Mushrooms Every Day, Every Way Recipe Contest
Taste of Home seeks recipes that showcase the distinctive flavor and meaty texture of fresh cultivated mushrooms. Prize is $1000.
-DEC. 31: Cuisinart's New Culinary Cook-off Video Contest
Tape a video using your Cuisinart's product for a chance to win five different Cuisinart products.
“Raw News You Can Use” runs Thursdays. To list a living food event or class, send your information to yahoo.com. In the subject line write: "RAW NEWS YOU CAN USE." Please include event, date, time, contact information (website, telephone, etc.) and anything else you think is important