It's time to bust out the video camera, "fire" up the VitaMix and get ready for your close-up. Living Light Culinary Institute hosts another “Hot Raw Chef” contest. The theme this go-around is "Sweet Valentine"
Both amateur and professional chefs are invited to submit a 5-minute video demonstrating an original raw vegan recipe for a chance to win a place in Living Light's new Recipe Book Writing, Design, and Production Workshop.
Entries will be evaluated on presentation, teaching style, recipe quality, and adherence to judging criteria. Deadline for submissions is Midnight January 14, 2011 Pacific Daylight Time.
Want to see how it's done? Check out last summer's Hot Raw Chef contestants, including the first Hot Raw Chef Grand Prize and People's Choice Winner Sheree Clark and my favorite Dessert Diva Heather Pace.
For the official rules and regulations click here.
Image by Cool Text: Free Logos and Buttons — Create An Image Just Like This It's been nearly three years since I offered up a holiday guide, I promise not to wait another three years for the next one. I forgot how fun it is to share my picks for the gift-giving season.
Here are some holiday gift suggestions to give to that rawsome person in your life.
If you have more gift ideas please share in the comments box below.
World Cuisine A4982799 Tri-Blade Plastic Spiral Vegetable Slicer, $33
Recycled Bamboo Utensil Kit, $19.99
Reusable shopping bags from Waste-Less Bags, 3 bags and a pouch, $14.99 or a single bag $4.95
Cashew Creamery, Choose-Your-own Flavor, including vanilla, mango, cappuccino, mint cacao chip, chocolate and more. 12 Pack, $125.04 The Gift of Education
Associate Chef and Instructor, Gourmet Chef and Pro Chef programs available at Living Light Culinary Institute. Classes begin January 8 and continue throughout the 2011. Register for a complete Chef Training Series and save 10-15% on tuition.
105degrees Academy offers Fundamentals of Raw Cuisine and Advanced of Raw Cuisine chef certifications.
Raw Prep & Raw Chef Mastery programs taught by Raw Chef Dan of Quintessence Restaurant
Creative Health Institute hosts Raw Living Chef certification programs.
The Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute teaches Dr. Ann Wigmore's Living Food Lifestyle through one- and two- week educational programs in the Living Food Lifestyle.
Cousin's Incredible Vitality presents the Raw Gourmets International, the Raw Culinary Art and Hospitality Institute. THE GIFT OF DETOX
The Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center hosts an array of programs including Detoxing and Juice Fasting, Spiritual Restreats, Vegan Spirit Vacations and more.
During the Opitimal Health Institute's Holistic Healing Program, participants cleanse and nourish the body with diet, fasting, and exercise; quiet and focus the mind with journaling and meditation; and renew and awaken the spirit with study, prayer and celebration.
Tanglewood Wellness Center offers upervised fasting programs.
Needak Non-Folding Soft Bounce Rebounder, $272
The Organic Wheatgrass Growing Kit, $32.95
Ani's Raw Food Essentials: Recipes and Techniques for Mastering the Art of Live Food, by Ani Phyo, $18.45
Everyday Raw Desserts (Raw Food) by Jo Cook, $12.90
Raw Food for Everyone: Essential Techniques and 300 Simple-to-Sophisticated Recipes, by Alissa Cohen with Leah J. Dubois, $23.10 DVDs
Raw Food for Real People — Three-part series offers easy-to-prepare, delicious raw food for a healthier diet. $39.99.
The Best of New Holiday Traditions, computer DVD, includes 16 raw vegan culinary demonstrations plus a bonus DVD with 9 additional demonstrations and an Adobe PDF file with all of the recipes in writing. $195
Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days, $29.95 STOCKING STUFFERS
Raw Food World Gift Certificates, starting at $10.
One Lucky Duck Gift Cards can be used online at; at Pure Food and Wine Restaurant; and at One Lucky Duck Juice and Takeaway in Gramercy Park.
Stainless Steel Tongue Cleaner, $7
Blackbird Naturals Truffles, 10 Truffles pack $20
Raw Beauty 2011 Calendar, $16.99
Mila, the Miracle Seed, has the highest combination of Omega-3 fatty acids and phytonutrients of any source on the planet. It is gluten-free, sugar-free and high in fiber and protein. 1-pound bag, $55
Glass Dharma Straw, $9
Raw-luxe 3-piece Face Kit, by Carol Alt's Raw Essentials Skin Care line, $48.50 * The products and services included in The Daily Raw Blog Holiday Gift Guide are selected solely at the discretion of The Daily Raw Blog owner. Links to retailer sites are provided as a convenience for readers of and do not represent an endorsement of any store or brand.
November 17th and 18th, 2010Los Angeles, KatoSpace and Jason Ostro cordiatlly invite you to join living foods chef and author Ani Phyo at Test Kitchen. Two evenings of the fusion of healthy vegan cuisine with a molecular twist. Featuring a menu with Ani Phyo classics, Ani will also be creating delicious, healthy dishes using inspired techniques used in molecular cooking without the chemicals.
“Raw News You Can Use”
Send your raw or living events or product information to In the subject line write: "RAW NEWS YOU CAN USE." Please include event, date, time, contact information (website, telephone, etc.) and anything else you think is important.
Violet Pâtisserie Orange County, CAFor orders and pricing:Email or949-478-4857 Provides organic, raw, vegan desserts based on each client’s individual needs.
“Raw News You Can Use” Send your raw or living events or product information to In the subject line write: "RAW NEWS YOU CAN USE." Please include event, date, time, contact information (website, telephone, etc.) and anything else you think is important.
photo by KelliMaysSend The Daily Raw Blog information on anything living, vegan, green, health and fitness related: treats, clothes, housewares, games, toys, or anything you can think of. The only requirements are that the item is sold nationally and that it is available online for order. Otherwise, the deadline for the guide is November 19, so pass along your suggestions on "must-haves" gifts for 2010.
Please forward the Product (or Service name), contact info and website, photo (if available) and a brief description on why it should be included as the "must-have" gift of 2010 to
photo SUNDAYS105degrees hosts Sunday Suppers featuring a 3-course menu prepared by a Level II culinary student, 4-7 p.m. $25. 5820 North Classen Boulevard, Suite 1, Oklahoma City, OK, 405-842-1050 OCTOBER 10: World Raw Food Day OCTOBER 15: BeLive & Stephen Hauptfuhr host a six-course Indian raw dinner, 6-11 p.m. Mooi Foods, 1700 W. Sunset Blvd., Echo Park, CA, 213-413-1100
OCTOBER 22: Why Raw Food? Free talk with Raw Food Chef and author Jenny Cornbleet, 10-11 a.m. Living Light, 301-B North Main Street, Fort Bragg, CA, 707-964-2420, OCTOBER 23-24: ALIVE! Expo features the newest and best natural, organic, green and eco products to benefit Project Green, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. October 23 and 11 a.m.-6 p.m. October 24. Activities include cooking and fitness demonstrations, food and wine tastings, lectures, workshops, mini massages and more. 305 Harrison St., Seattle Center, Exhibition Hall, Seattle, WA OCTOBER 29: Gourmet raw vegan dinner, 5:30 p.m. Elizabeth's Gone Raw, 1341 L Street, NW Washington, DC, 202-347-8349 NOVEMBER 13: Raw Holiday Cuisine, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Brigitte Mars teaches how to make nut nog, stuffing, cranberry sauce, sweet potato casserole, pumpkin pie and more. $70. Boulder, CO, 303-442-4967 NOVEMBER 13-14: Raw Food Revival with Jackie and Gideon Graff, $195. Hallelujah Acres, Shelby NC, 800-915-9355
NOVEMBER 21-DECEMBER 1: Peru journey with David Wolfe. $2,999-$4011. For more information contact Rebecca at DECEMBER 30, 2010-FEBRUARY 5, 2011: Dr. Douglas Graham hosts "Fasting and Feasting in Costa Rica" $9,999 -DECEMBER 31: Call for film submissions for the 2011 Green Lifestyle Film Festival. 310-854-2078, 310-928-7689, HELP WANTED The Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute is always seeking people to serve others, create community and be part of a holistic healing and teaching center. New positions continue to develop as the organization grows. They are continually developing a list of qualified applicants whom they may call for job interviews as the need arises. Puerto Rico. Detox Retreat at the Oasis is looking for energetic, self-motivated people to help with their programs! Tanglewood Wellness Center seeks interns to assist with the care of fasters. Internships require a 9 week commitment. All food is locally grown, simple raw vegan. A three-week fast and one week of refeeding will be provided as part of your experience. Living Tree Community seeks a Living Tree Field Rep. They need people in the Vancouver, B.C., New York – New Jersey, Chicago, Miami, Boston and in other major metropolitan areas to approach natural foodstores, co-ops and live food restaurants on our behalf. Preferably, they should have experience in the food industry and should be well organized and charismatic. Send an to jesse(at) Internships at Living Tree University are primarily for those considering a career in the organic food industry. They offer hands-on experience in sales, marketing, administration and production. Interns have an opportunity to do things like, contacting buyers in natural food stores, making almond butter and creating Black Sesame Truffles! Send an email, jesse(at), introducing yourself and explaining why you'd like to work and study with the Living Tree Community. Also please include a resume. Detroit Zen Center seeks volunteers for its living foods cafe, juice bar, Korean tea ceremony and more. Call 313-366-7738 to arrange a time. Costa Rica Fasting Internship, DECEMBER 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 5, 2011. Responsibilities include but not be limited to: monitoring fasters, caring for the facility, preparing daily meals, attending lectures, attending all meal discussion groups and more. Submit a nonrefundable processing fee of $75 with your application. $4999, cost of internship. CONTESTS-DEC. 31: Cuisinart's New Culinary Cook-off Video Contest Tape a video using your Cuisinart's product for a chance to win five different Cuisinart products.
“Raw News You Can Use” runs on Thursdays. Send your raw or living food events and information to In the subject line write: "RAW NEWS YOU CAN USE." Please include event, date, time, contact information (website, telephone, etc.) and anything else you think is important.
photo SUNDAYS105degrees hosts Sunday Suppers featuring a 3-course menu prepared by a Level II culinary student, 4-7 p.m. $25. 5820 North Classen Boulevard, Suite 1, Oklahoma City, OK, 405-842-1050 TUESDAYSRoot Down hosts Raw Food Nights, 6-10 p.m. Enjoy a flavorful five-course raw vegan dinner prepared by Raw Food Certified Chef Daniel Asher. $42, reservations recommended. 1600 W. 33rd Ave., Denver, CO, 303-993-4200
WEDNESDAYSLive Raw Food World TV Broadcasts featuring Angela Stokes-Monarch and Matt Monarch, 6 p.m. Pacific time. THURSDAYS Hippocrates Health Institute presents "Save Your Life" open house 5 p.m. the last Thursday of the month. Reservations required. 5 West Palm Beach, FL, 561-471-8876 Hippocrates Health Institute hosts an open house noon every Thursday. Reservations required. 1443 Palmdale Court, West Palm Beach, FL, 561-471-8876 SATURDAYS Hippocrates Health Institute hosts an open house noon every Saturday. Reservations required. 1443 Palmdale Court, West Palm Beach, FL, 561-471-8876 ONGOINGRaw Food Naturals accepts raw recipes for its new online recipe section. Email your culinary delights to Herbalist and nutritional consultant Brigitte Mars events. NOW ENROLLING
Culture of Life Institute, Tree of Life's Spiritual Nutrition Mastery Program featuring vegan and live Food Nutrition.
Ann Wigmore Foundation presents Living Foods Lifestyle® reTREATs, 10-day retreats offered every month. $1800. San Fidel, New Mexico, 505-552-0595Cafe Gratitude hosts an array of raw food preparation classes, workshops and more. Health Coach Carolyn Akens hosts raw food classes and chef certification. Cousin's IV offers raw food classes, detox programs, demos and more. 3038 West Irving Park Road, Chicago, IL, 773-478-6868 First Bite Kitchen offers a variety of raw food classes. 2525 28th St, Suite 140, Boulder, CO The Living Centre, an Eco-Spiritual Educational Sancutary, offers classes on raw food cuisine, gardening, herbs and more. 5871 Bells Road, London, England Living Light Culinary Arts Institute offers classes in Raw Vegan Cuisine for individuals, chefs and instructors. 301-B North Main St., Fort Bragg, CA, 800-816-2319 PRE-ORDER : Alissa Cohen's new book Raw Food for Everyone which comes out in October.
JULY 31-AUGUST 1: Raw Health Expo features lectures, chef demos, farmers market, Raw Health Speed Dating and more. $39.99 for a 2-day ticket if you register before July 15, $79.99 at the door, $59.99 1-day ticket. Sebastopol, CA JULY 31: East Side Raw in the City — Raw/Vitality Living, Food & Lifestyle, Music & Dance Party, 7 p.m. London, United Kingdom
AUGUST 5: Green Juices and Smoothies class, 5-6 p.m. $20. Berkeley, CA AUGUST 5: Ani's Uncooking class, 6-8 p.m. $45. Organic Avenue, 116 Suffolk St., NY, NY AUGUST 6-SEPTEMBER 5: The 2010 Summer Juice Feast with David Rainoshek AUGUST 12-15: Raw Spa Retreat features cleansing programs, organic raw food meals, lectures and more. Northern Townships of Quebec. AUGUST 20-22: Green Synergy Festival, a green, raw vegan, sustainable living, wellness, spirituality, yoga, permaculture festival. Activities include classes, interactive workshops, discussion groups, a permaculture project, dance-and-drum events and more. $350. Ronora Lodge, 9325 Dwight Boyer Road, Watervliet, MI AUGUST 23: Divine Desserts class, 6-8:30 p.m. $45. Whole Foods, Oakland, CA AUGUST 25-SEPTEMBER 26: Angela Stokes-Monarch and Matt Monarch's tour schedule. AUGUST 26: Take a Walk on the Wild Side, 6:45-11 a.m. Terry Nieves, owner of Ocean Harvest Sea Vegetable Company hosts a presentation of native seaweeds of the Northern California Coast. $95. Meet at Living Light, 301-B North St., Fort Bragg, 707-964-2420 AUGUST 26-29: Alive in Grace, Raw and Living Spirit Retreat, Molalla, Oregon AUGUST 27-29: The 2010 Living Light Chef Showcase. $225 for all three days or $75 per day. The Living Light Center and Town Hall Fort Bragg, CA AUGUST 28: First annual Veggie for a Day Music Festival. Turquoise Barn, 8052 County Highway 18, Bloomville, NY, 607-538-1235 AUGUST 28: David Wolfe Wild Walk & Talk, 1-6 p.m. $55 in advance, $60 at the door. Haliburton, ON Canada
AUGUST 31-SEPTEMBER 1:Raw Food Styling for Photography, intensive workshop that focuses on the art of food styling for the media. Students learn basic presentation skills, how food reacts under the camera, the ins and outs of propping and preparing for a shoot. This course covers the tricks and techniques for media food, building a portfolio, elements of design for photography, the importance of colors, textures, and negative space. Taught by Cherie Soria and food professional Denise Vivaldo, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. 895.00. Living Light, 301-B North main st., Fort Bragg, 707-964-2420, SEPTEMBER 10-12: Alissa Cohen Living on Live Food Teacher Training Certification class. $2200. 978-985-7217 or 888-900-2529 SEPTEMBER 13: Nut Milks & Cheeses class, 6–8:30 p.m. $45. Whole Foods, Oakland, CA SEPTEMBER 13-OCTOBER 3: Raw Food Nutrition Science, Health Educator, and Raw Culinary Arts Certification The Commercial Kitchen of Jackie & Gideon Graff, 1085 Lake Charles Drive, Roswell, GA
SEPTEMBER 18: Michigan Raw Health: EcoFestival 2010, 10 a.m.-8 p.m. $10. Brighton, Michigan SEPTEMBER 24: Why Raw Food? Free talk with Raw Food Chef and author Jenny Cornbleet, 10-11 a.m. Living Light, 301-B North Main Street, Fort Bragg, CA, 707-964-2420, SEPTEMBER 24-26: Raw Spirit International Festival features raw chef demos and tastings, yoga, tai chi, lectures, kids’ programs, organic farmers’ market and more. $110-$150. Granite Dells, near Prescott, Arizona, 928-308-2146
SEPTEMBER 24-26: Raw Revitalization, a two-night raw retreat. Includes yoga, 100% raw, organic meals, ring water collected by hand from Springwater County, Ontario, a trip to the beach or a hike up Blue Mountain, a visit to an organic and natural local farm and more. $385 per person. The House of Verona, 104 Brooker Boulevard, Collingwood, ON L9Y 0A1, 800-252-2826 SEPTEMBER 24-26: David Wolfe's Longevity Now Conference $247, $297 after August 15. Costa Mesa, CA SEPTEMER 25: Festival of Life features raw foods, music, poetry, yoga, meditation and more, 10:30 a.m.-11:30 p.m. Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Sq, Holborn, London WC1R 4RL OCTOBER 10: World Raw Food Day OCTOBER 6-11: Aloha Awakenings! A Transformational Yoga Retreat Celebrating Spirit, Love & Ecology. Organic raw and vegan meals, kindred spirit workshop, daily wood fired sauna, detox, day excursions and more. $1000-$2500. Limited space available! To sign up or get more information contact FAITH at or 415-501-9678.
OCTOBER 22: Why Raw Food? Free talk with Raw Food Chef and author Jenny Cornbleet, 10-11 a.m. Living Light, 301-B North Main Street, Fort Bragg, CA, 707-964-2420, rawfoodchef.comOCTOBER 23-24: ALIVE! Expo features the newest and best natural, organic, green and eco products to benefit Project Green, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. October 23 and 11 a.m.-6 p.m. October 24. Activities include cooking and fitness demonstrations, food and wine tastings, lectures, workshops, mini massages and more. 305 Harrison St., Seattle Center, Exhibition Hall, Seattle, WA NOVEMBER 3: Raw Holiday Cuisine, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Brigitte Mars teaches how to make nut nog, stuffing, cranberry sauce, sweet potato casserole, pumpkin pie and more. $70. Boulder, CO, 303-442-4967
DECEMBER 30, 2010-FEBRUARY 5, 2011: Dr. Douglas Graham hosts "Fasting and Feasting in Costa Rica" $9,999 -DECEMBER 31: Call for film submissions for the 2011 Green Lifestyle Film Festival. 310-854-2078, 310-928-7689, HELP WANTED
Cousins seeks Kitchen Angels. If you are interested in some free raw food coaching and a day of free raw meals, contact Meagan to become a Kitchen Angel during Curriculum I or Curriculum II classes during the first week of August. Living Lights Culinary Institute seeks the following positions: Marketplace Retail Manager is a key position available on our "Dream Team" working with others in a fast-paced, creative environment in the world of healthy, organic, raw vegan foods. Position requires organizational and leadership skills, excellent customer service, product sourcing, ordering, and inventory management, shipping and receiving knowledge, personnel management, and strong computer skills. Ideal candidate will have shopping cart and POS experience. Information Technology Responsible candidate will have a strong work ethic, and be both self-motivated and able to multi-task in a variety of areas. Knowledge of internet technology, audio/video, networking, Windows XP, and/or Microsoft Server 2003 a plus. Living Light Café needs a counter person who is friendly, enthusiastic, reliable, able to work some weekends, can handle computer and has great customer service skills. Apply at the Living Light Center administrative offices, 301-B North Main Street in the Company Store, Fort Bragg or email your application and resumé to or fax them to (707) 964-1841. Living Tree Community Foods has an opening for Operations Manager. This is for a professional throughly familiar and at home with alive, vegan, vegetarian, organic and kosher certified food. Someone who can take charge of the day-to-day functioning of a small business. This includes scheduling production and supervising sales, accounting, administration and warehousing. Duties also include purchasing and inventory control. Submit resume to jesse(at)
photo iLighter SUNDAYS105degrees hosts Sunday Suppers featuring a 3-course menu prepared by a Level II culinary student, 4-7 p.m. $25. 5820 North Classen Boulevard, Suite 1, Oklahoma City, OK, 405-842-1050 TUESDAYSRoot Down hosts Raw Food Nights, 6-10 p.m. Enjoy a flavorful five-course raw vegan dinner prepared by Raw Food Certified Chef Daniel Asher. $42, reservations recommended. 1600 W. 33rd Ave., Denver, CO, 303-993-4200
WEDNESDAYSLive Raw Food World TV Broadcasts featuring Angela Stokes-Monarch and Matt Monarch, 6 p.m. Pacific time. THURSDAYS Hippocrates Health Institute presents "Save Your Life" open house 5 p.m. the last Thursday of the month. Reservations required. 5 West Palm Beach, FL, 561-471-8876 Hippocrates Health Institute hosts an open house noon every Thursday. Reservations required. 1443 Palmdale Court, West Palm Beach, FL, 561-471-8876 SATURDAYS Hippocrates Health Institute hosts an open house noon every Saturday. Reservations required. 1443 Palmdale Court, West Palm Beach, FL, 561-471-8876 ONGOINGRaw Food Naturals accepts raw recipes for its new online recipe section. Email your culinary delights to recipes@rawfoodnaturals.comNOW ENROLLING
Culture of Life Institute, Tree of Life's Spiritual Nutrition Mastery Program featuring vegan and live Food Nutrition.
Ann Wigmore Foundation presents Living Foods Lifestyle® reTREATs, 10-day retreats offered every month. $1800. San Fidel, New Mexico, 505-552-0595Cafe Gratitude hosts an array of raw food preparation classes, workshops and more. Health Coach Carolyn Akens hosts raw food classes and chef certification. Cousin's IV offers raw food classes, detox programs, demos and more. 3038 West Irving Park Road, Chicago, IL, 773-478-6868 First Bite Kitchen offers a variety of raw food classes. 2525 28th St, Suite 140, Boulder, CO The Living Centre, an Eco-Spiritual Educational Sancutary, offers classes on raw food cuisine, gardening, herbs and more. 5871 Bells Road, London, England Living Light Culinary Arts Institute offers classes in Raw Vegan Cuisine for individuals, chefs and instructors. 301-B North Main St., Fort Bragg, CA, 800-816-2319 PRE-ORDER : Alissa Cohen's new book Raw Food for Everyone which comes out in October. JULY 24: Fig Festival and Holistic Medicine Lecture, 1 p.m. $20 in advance, $25 at the door. Register here. Barry Koral's Tropical Fruit Farm, 2344 Warmlands Ave., Vista, CA JULY 24-31: Raw Food Family Camp. Germany. JULY 26: Take a Wild on the Wild Side: Discover Raw Green Super Foods From the Ocean, 7-11:30 a.m. $95. The Wild Mendocino Coast, CA; meet at Living Light Parking Lot at 6:45 a.m., 707-964-2420 or 800-816-2319 JULY 26: Breakfast and Brunches class, 6-8:30 p.m. $45. Oakland, CA JULY 26: Monday Night LIVE! featuring Nomi Shannon, 7-8:30 p.m. Café Gratitude Healdsburg, 206 Healdsburg Ave., Healdsburg, CA, 707-723-4461
JULY 26-30 and AUGUST 2-6: Vegan Fusion hosts a 10-Day Blossoming Lotus — Vegan Fusion Cuisine Intensive, vegan and raw food cuisine. Garden Island of Kaua’i, Hawaii, 808-822-0820 or email JULY 27: The Raw Gourmet Nomi Shannon lecture, 6:30-8:30 p.m. The Green Boheme, 1825 Del Paso Blvd. Suite 2. "Between Arden and El Camino", Sacramento CA, 916-342-3133, email:
JULY 31-AUGUST 1: Raw Health Expo features lectures, chef demos, farmers market, Raw Health Speed Dating and more. $39.99 for a 2-day ticket if you register before July 15, $79.99 at the door, $59.99 1-day ticket. Sebastopol, CA JULY 31: East Side Raw in the City — Raw/Vitality Living, Food & Lifestyle, Music & Dance Party, 7 p.m. London, United Kingdom
AUGUST 5: Green Juices and Smoothies class, 5-6 p.m. $20. Berkeley, CA AUGUST 20-22: Green Synergy Festival, a green, raw vegan, sustainable living, wellness, spirituality, yoga, permaculture festival. Activities include classes, interactive workshops, discussion groups, a permaculture project, dance-and-drum events and more. $300 before July 15, $350 after July 15. Ronora Lodge, 9325 Dwight Boyer Road, Watervliet, MI AUGUST 23: Divine Desserts class, 6-8:30 p.m. $45. Whole Foods, Oakland, CA AUGUST 25-SEPTEMBER 26: Angela Stokes-Monarch and Matt Monarch's tour schedule. AUGUST 26: Take a Walk on the Wild Side, 6:45-11 a.m. Terry Nieves, owner of Ocean Harvest Sea Vegetable Company hosts a presentation of native seaweeds of the Northern California Coast. $95. Meet at Living Light, 301-B North St., Fort Bragg, 707-964-2420 AUGUST 27-29: The 2010 Living Light Chef Showcase. $225 for all three days or $75 per day. The Living Light Center and Town Hall Fort Bragg, CA AUGUST 28: First annual Veggie for a Day Music Festival. Turquoise Barn, 8052 County Highway 18, Bloomville, NY, 607-538-1235 AUGUST 28: David Wolfe Wild Walk & Talk, 1-6 p.m. $55 in advance, $60 at the door. Haliburton, ON Canada
AUGUST 31-SEPTEMBER 1:Raw Food Styling for Photography, intensive workshop that focuses on the art of food styling for the media. Students learn basic presentation skills, how food reacts under the camera, the ins and outs of propping and preparing for a shoot. This course covers the tricks and techniques for media food, building a portfolio, elements of design for photography, the importance of colors, textures, and negative space. Taught by Cherie Soria and food professional Denise Vivaldo, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. 895.00. Living Light, 301-B North main st., Fort Bragg, 707-964-2420,
SEPTEMBER 10-12: Alissa Cohen Living on Live Food Teacher Training Certification class. $2200. 978-985-7217 or 888-900-2529 SEPTEMBER 13: Nut Milks & Cheeses class, 6–8:30 p.m. $45. Whole Foods, Oakland, CA SEPTEMBER 13-OCTOBER 3: Raw Food Nutrition Science, Health Educator, and Raw Culinary Arts Certification The Commercial Kitchen of Jackie & Gideon Graff, 1085 Lake Charles Drive, Roswell, GA
SEPTEMBER 18: Michigan Raw Health: EcoFestival 2010, 10 a.m.-8 p.m. $10. Brighton, Michigan SEPTEMBER 24: Why Raw Food? Free talk with Raw Food Chef and author Jenny Cornbleet, 10-11 a.m. Living Light, 301-B North Main Street, Fort Bragg, CA, 707-964-2420, SEPTEMBER 24-26: Raw Spirit International Festival features raw chef demos and tastings, yoga, tai chi, lectures, kids’ programs, organic farmers’ market and more. $110-$150. Granite Dells, near Prescott, Arizona, 928-308-2146
SEPTEMBER 24-26: Raw Revitalization, a two-night raw retreat. Includes yoga, 100% raw, organic meals, ring water collected by hand from Springwater County, Ontario, a trip to the beach or a hike up Blue Mountain, a visit to an organic and natural local farm and more. $385 per person. The House of Verona, 104 Brooker Boulevard, Collingwood, ON L9Y 0A1, 800-252-2826 SEPTEMBER 24-26: David Wolfe's Longevity Now Conference $247, $297 after August 15. Costa Mesa, CA SEPTEMER 25: Festival of Life features raw foods, music, poetry, yoga, meditation and more, 10:30 a.m.-11:30 p.m. Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Sq, Holborn, London WC1R 4RL OCTOBER 6-11: Aloha Awakenings! A Transformational Yoga Retreat Celebrating Spirit, Love & Ecology. Organic raw and vegan meals, kindred spirit workshop, daily wood fired sauna, detox, day excursions and more. $1000-$2500. Limited space available! To sign up or get more information contact FAITH at or 415-501-9678.
OCTOBER 22: Why Raw Food? Free talk with Raw Food Chef and author Jenny Cornbleet, 10-11 a.m. Living Light, 301-B North Main Street, Fort Bragg, CA, 707-964-2420, rawfoodchef.comOCTOBER 23-24: ALIVE! Expo features the newest and best natural, organic, green and eco products to benefit Project Green, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. October 23 and 11 a.m.-6 p.m. October 24. Activities include cooking and fitness demonstrations, food and wine tastings, lectures, workshops, mini massages and more. 305 Harrison St., Seattle Center, Exhibition Hall, Seattle, WA
NOVEMBER 3: Raw Holiday Cuisine, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Brigitte Mars teaches how to make nut nog, stuffing, cranberry sauce, sweet potato casserole, pumpkin pie and more. $70. Boulder, CO, 303-442-4967
DECEMBER 30, 2010-FEBRUARY 5, 2011: Dr. Douglas Graham hosts "Fasting and Feasting in Costa Rica" $9,999 -DECEMBER 31: Call for film submissions for the 2011 Green Lifestyle Film Festival. 310-854-2078, 310-928-7689, HELP WANTED
Living Lights Culinary Institute seeks the following positions: Marketplace Retail Manager is a key position available on our "Dream Team" working with others in a fast-paced, creative environment in the world of healthy, organic, raw vegan foods. Position requires organizational and leadership skills, excellent customer service, product sourcing, ordering, and inventory management, shipping and receiving knowledge, personnel management, and strong computer skills. Ideal candidate will have shopping cart and POS experience. Information Technology Responsible candidate will have a strong work ethic, and be both self-motivated and able to multi-task in a variety of areas. Knowledge of internet technology, audio/video, networking, Windows XP, and/or Microsoft Server 2003 a plus. Living Light Café needs a counter person who is friendly, enthusiastic, reliable, able to work some weekends, can handle computer and has great customer service skills. Apply at the Living Light Center administrative offices, 301-B North Main Street in the Company Store, Fort Bragg or email your application and resumé to or fax them to (707) 964-1841. Living Tree Community Foods has an opening for Operations Manager. This is for a professional throughly familiar and at home with alive, vegan, vegetarian, organic and kosher certified food. Someone who can take charge of the day-to-day functioning of a small business. This includes scheduling production and supervising sales, accounting, administration and warehousing. Duties also include purchasing and inventory control. Submit resume to jesse(at)
Creative Health Institute has openings for its 90-day internship programs during July, August and September. 112 West Union City Road, Union City, MI, 888-221-6623 or 866-426-1213 The Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute is always seeking people to serve others, create community and be part of a holistic healing and teaching center. New positions continue to develop as the organization grows. They are continually developing a list of qualified applicants whom they may call for job interviews as the need arises. Puerto Rico. Detox Retreat at the Oasis is looking for energetic, self-motivated people to help with their programs!Tanglewood Wellness Center seeks interns to assist with the care of fasters. Internships require a 9 week commitment. All food is locally grown, simple raw vegan. A three-week fast and one week of refeeding will be provided as part of your experience. Living Tree Community seeks a Living Tree Field Rep. They need people in the Vancouver, B.C., New York – New Jersey, Chicago, Miami, Boston and in other major metropolitan areas to approach natural foodstores, co-ops and live food restaurants on our behalf. Preferably, they should have experience in the food industry and should be well organized and charismatic. Send an to jesse(at) Internships at Living Tree University are primarily for those considering a career in the organic food industry. They offer hands-on experience in sales, marketing, administration and production. Interns have an opportunity to do things like, contacting buyers in natural food stores, making almond butter and creating Black Sesame Truffles! Send an email, jesse(at), introducing yourself and explaining why you'd like to work and study with the Living Tree Community. Also please include a resume. Detroit Zen Center seeks volunteers for its living foods cafe, juice bar, Korean tea ceremony and more. Call 313-366-7738 to arrange a time. -OCTOBER 4: Freelance Writers and Bloggers welcome The Daily Raw Blog’s Almanac seeks writers for its 2011 Edition. Please send in anything relating to raw food or lifestyle related. Restaurant and product reviews are needed. Reprint articles are welcome. No financial payment available at this time. Writers will receive an e-book or print copy (if available) of The Daily Raw Blog’s Almanac 2011 edition and their byline in the edition and online. Label e-mail subject line “FREELANCE”. Costa Rica Fasting Internship, DECEMBER 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 5, 2011. Responsibilities include but not be limited to: monitoring fasters, caring for the facility, preparing daily meals, attending lectures, attending all meal discussion groups and more. Submit a nonrefundable processing fee of $75 with your application. $4999, cost of internship. CONTESTS-JULY 31: “Where Will Your Smoothie Take You” Photo ContestSnap a photo on the lake, on a remote hiking trail, at the end of the big race or anywhere else your smoothie-powered lifestyle takes you. Just be sure to have a bag of Vega Shake & Go Smoothie front and center and BE CREATIVE! Grand prize is an adventure retreat for two to the Galapagos Islands plus a one-year supply of Vega Shake & Go Smoothie. -AUGUST 1: Mushrooms Every Day, Every Way Recipe Contest Taste of Home seeks recipes that showcase the distinctive flavor and meaty texture of fresh cultivated mushrooms. Prize is $1000. - OCTOBER 4: The 2011 Daily Raw Blog's Almanac Recipe Contest Send the Daily Raw Blog’s Almanac your favorite living or raw recipe. It must be yours, original and unpublished. Amateur cooks only, please. Send recipe to Include your name, home state, website or blog (if applicable). The top 5 winners will be announced in The 2011 Daily Raw Blog’s Almanac and on The Daily Raw Blog. Each winner will receive a free e-book or print copy (if available) of The Daily Raw Blog’s Almanac 2011 edition. Label e-mail subject line “RECIPE CONTEST”. -DEC. 31: Cuisinart's New Culinary Cook-off Video Contest Tape a video using your Cuisinart's product for a chance to win five different Cuisinart products.
“Raw News You Can Use” runs Fridays (during the summer). Send your raw or living food events and information to In the subject line write: "RAW NEWS YOU CAN USE." Please include event, date, time, contact information (website, telephone, etc.) and anything else you think is important
photo excomedia SUNDAYS105degrees hosts Sunday Suppers featuring a 3-course menu prepared by a Level II culinary student, 4-7 p.m. $25. 5820 North Classen Boulevard, Suite 1, Oklahoma City, OK, 405-842-1050 TUESDAYSRoot Down hosts Raw Food Nights, 6-10 p.m. Enjoy a flavorful five-course raw vegan dinner prepared by Raw Food Certified Chef Daniel Asher. $42, reservations recommended. 1600 W. 33rd Ave., Denver, CO, 303-993-4200
WEDNESDAYSLive Raw Food World TV Broadcasts featuring Angela Stokes-Monarch and Matt Monarch, 6 p.m. Pacific time. THURSDAYS Hippocrates Health Institute presents "Save Your Life" open house 5 p.m. the last Thursday of the month. Reservations required. 5 West Palm Beach, FL, 561-471-8876 Hippocrates Health Institute hosts an open house noon every Thursday. Reservations required. 1443 Palmdale Court, West Palm Beach, FL, 561-471-8876 SATURDAYS Hippocrates Health Institute hosts an open house noon every Saturday. Reservations required. 1443 Palmdale Court, West Palm Beach, FL, 561-471-8876 ONGOINGRaw Food Naturals accepts raw recipes for its new online recipe section. Email your culinary delights to recipes@rawfoodnaturals.comNOW ENROLLING
Culture of Life Institute, Tree of Life's Spiritual Nutrition Mastery Program featuring vegan and live Food Nutrition.
Ann Wigmore Foundation presents Living Foods Lifestyle® reTREATs, 10-day retreats offered every month. $1800. San Fidel, New Mexico, 505-552-0595Cafe Gratitude hosts an array of raw food preparation classes, workshops and more. Health Coach Carolyn Akens hosts raw food classes and chef certification. Cousin's IV offers raw food classes, detox programs, demos and more. 3038 West Irving Park Road, Chicago, IL, 773-478-6868 First Bite Kitchen offers a variety of raw food classes. 2525 28th St, Suite 140, Boulder, CO The Living Centre, an Eco-Spiritual Educational Sancutary, offers classes on raw food cuisine, gardening, herbs and more. 5871 Bells Road, London, England Living Light Culinary Arts Institute offers classes in Raw Vegan Cuisine for individuals, chefs and instructors. 301-B North Main St., Fort Bragg, CA, 800-816-2319 PRE-ORDER : Alissa Cohen's new book Raw Food for Everyone which comes out in October. JULY 17: Working with Irish Moss class, 4:30 p.m. $15. WholeFoods Market, 8003 Turkey Lake Road, Orlando, FL, 407-355-7100 JULY 18: L.A. Raw Bazaar, the monthly raw event, offers music, guest speakers, raw food and more, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. Jerry's Garden, 6132 West Pico Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA JULY 18: Dr. Gabriel Cousens lectures on Diabetes, Longevity, and Raw Lifestyle, 2:30 p.m. $25 in advance, $35 at the door. Stephens Convention Center, 5555 N River Rd, Des Plaines, IL -JULY 21: Vote now in The Living Light Culinary Institute's Hot Raw Chef recipe video contest. Vote and your will receive a free e-book of the contestants' recipe. JULY 22: Raw Sarasota luncheon, 1:30 p.m. Reservations required at least two days before event. Simon's, 5900 South Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, Fl, 941 926-7151 JULY 24: Fig Festival and Holistic Medicine Lecture, 1 p.m. $20 in advance, $25 at the door. Register here. Barry Koral's Tropical Fruit Farm, 2344 Warmlands Ave., Vista, CA JULY 24-31: Raw Food Family Camp. Germany. JULY 26: Take a Wild on the Wild Side: Discover Raw Green Super Foods From the Ocean, 7-11:30 a.m. $95. The Wild Mendocino Coast, CA; meet at Living Light Parking Lot at 6:45 a.m., 707-964-2420 or 800-816-2319 JULY 26: Breakfast and Brunches class, 6-8:30 p.m. $45. Oakland, CA JULY 26: Monday Night LIVE! featuring Nomi Shannon, 7-8:30 p.m. Café Gratitude Healdsburg, 206 Healdsburg Ave., Healdsburg, CA, 707-723-4461
JULY 26-30 and AUGUST 2-6: Vegan Fusion hosts a 10-Day Blossoming Lotus — Vegan Fusion Cuisine Intensive, vegan and raw food cuisine. Garden Island of Kaua’i, Hawaii, 808-822-0820 or email JULY 27: The Raw Gourmet Nomi Shannon lecture, 6:30-8:30 p.m. The Green Boheme, 1825 Del Paso Blvd. Suite 2. "Between Arden and El Camino", Sacramento CA, 916-342-3133, email:
JULY 31-AUGUST 1: Raw Health Expo features lectures, chef demos, farmers market, Raw Health Speed Dating and more. $39.99 for a 2-day ticket if you register before July 15, $79.99 at the door, $59.99 1-day ticket. Sebastopol, CA JULY 31: East Side Raw in the City — Raw/Vitality Living, Food & Lifestyle, Music & Dance Party, 7 p.m. London, United Kingdom
AUGUST 5: Green Juices and Smoothies class, 5-6 p.m. $20. Berkeley, CA AUGUST 20-22: Green Synergy Festival, a green, raw vegan, sustainable living, wellness, spirituality, yoga, permaculture festival. Activities include classes, interactive workshops, discussion groups, a permaculture project, dance-and-drum events and more. $300 before July 15, $350 after July 15. Ronora Lodge, 9325 Dwight Boyer Road, Watervliet, MI AUGUST 23: Divine Desserts class, 6-8:30 p.m. $45. Whole Foods, Oakland, CA AUGUST 27-29: The 2010 Living Light Chef Showcase. $225 for all three days or $75 per day. The Living Light Center and Town Hall Fort Bragg, CA AUGUST 28: First annual Veggie for a Day Music Festival. Turquoise Barn, 8052 County Highway 18, Bloomville, NY, 607-538-1235 AUGUST 28: David Wolfe Wild Walk & Talk, 1-6 p.m. $55 in advance, $60 at the door. Haliburton, ON Canada
SEPTEMBER 10-12: Alissa Cohen Living on Live Food Teacher Training Certification class. $2200. 978-985-7217 or 888-900-2529 SEPTEMBER 13: Nut Milks & Cheeses class, 6–8:30 p.m. $45. Whole Foods, Oakland, CA SEPTEMBER 13-OCTOBER 3: Raw Food Nutrition Science, Health Educator, and Raw Culinary Arts Certification The Commercial Kitchen of Jackie & Gideon Graff, 1085 Lake Charles Drive, Roswell, GA
SEPTEMBER 18: Michigan Raw Health: EcoFestival 2010, 10 a.m.-8 p.m. $10. Brighton, Michigan SEPTEMBER 24-26: Raw Spirit International Festival features raw chef demos and tastings, yoga, tai chi, lectures, kids’ programs, organic farmers’ market and more. $110-$150. Granite Dells, near Prescott, Arizona, 928-308-2146
SEPTEMBER 24-26: Raw Revitalization, a two-night raw retreat. Includes yoga, 100% raw, organic meals, ring water collected by hand from Springwater County, Ontario, a trip to the beach or a hike up Blue Mountain, a visit to an organic and natural local farm and more. $385 per person. The House of Verona, 104 Brooker Boulevard, Collingwood, ON L9Y 0A1, 800-252-2826 SEPTEMBER 24-26: David Wolfe's Longevity Now Conference $247, $297 after August 15. Costa Mesa, CA SEPTEMER 25: Festival of Life features raw foods, music, poetry, yoga, meditation and more, 10:30 a.m.-11:30 p.m. Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Sq, Holborn, London WC1R 4RL OCTOBER 6-11: Aloha Awakenings! A Transformational Yoga Retreat Celebrating Spirit, Love & Ecology. Organic raw and vegan meals, kindred spirit workshop, daily wood fired sauna, detox, day excursions and more. $1000-$2500. Limited space available! To sign up or get more information contact FAITH at or 415-501-9678.
OCTOBER 23-24: ALIVE! Expo features the newest and best natural, organic, green and eco products to benefit Project Green, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. October 23 and 11 a.m.-6 p.m. October 24. Activities include cooking and fitness demonstrations, food and wine tastings, lectures, workshops, mini massages and more. 305 Harrison St., Seattle Center, Exhibition Hall, Seattle, WA NOVEMBER 3: Raw Holiday Cuisine, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Brigitte Mars teaches how to make nut nog, stuffing, cranberry sauce, sweet potato casserole, pumpkin pie and more. $70. Boulder, CO, 303-442-4967
DECEMBER 30, 2010-FEBRUARY 5, 2011: Dr. Douglas Graham hosts "Fasting and Feasting in Costa Rica" $9,999 -DECEMBER 31: Call for film submissions for the 2011 Green Lifestyle Film Festival. 310-854-2078, 310-928-7689, HELP WANTED
Living Lights Culinary Institute seeks the following positions: Marketplace Retail Manager is a key position available on our "Dream Team" working with others in a fast-paced, creative environment in the world of healthy, organic, raw vegan foods. Position requires organizational and leadership skills, excellent customer service, product sourcing, ordering, and inventory management, shipping and receiving knowledge, personnel management, and strong computer skills. Ideal candidate will have shopping cart and POS experience. Information Technology Responsible candidate will have a strong work ethic, and be both self-motivated and able to multi-task in a variety of areas. Knowledge of internet technology, audio/video, networking, Windows XP, and/or Microsoft Server 2003 a plus. Living Light Café needs a counter person who is friendly, enthusiastic, reliable, able to work some weekends, can handle computer and has great customer service skills. Apply at the Living Light Center administrative offices, 301-B North Main Street in the Company Store, Fort Bragg or email your application and resumé to or fax them to (707) 964-1841. Living Tree Community Foods has an opening for Operations Manager. This is for a professional throughly familiar and at home with alive, vegan, vegetarian, organic and kosher certified food. Someone who can take charge of the day-to-day functioning of a small business. This includes scheduling production and supervising sales, accounting, administration and warehousing. Duties also include purchasing and inventory control. Submit resume to jesse(at) The Living Light Culinary Arts Institute seeks kitchen angels for its FUNdamentals™ and Essentials shift in July, and also for Advanced Courses in August. Tuition for the Angel Program is $20 per day. This includes meals plus two culinary demonstrations or lectures each day, when available, and the recipes offered as part of that curriculum. Opportunity to learn by doing in our commercial raw vegan gourmet kitchen. Most classes are weekdays, however a few are on weekends, depending on the shift you select. Fort Bragg, CA, 707-964-2420
Creative Health Institute has openings for its 90-day internship programs during July, August and September. 112 West Union City Road, Union City, MI, 888-221-6623 or 866-426-1213 The Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute is always seeking people to serve others, create community and be part of a holistic healing and teaching center. New positions continue to develop as the organization grows. They are continually developing a list of qualified applicants whom they may call for job interviews as the need arises. Puerto Rico. Detox Retreat at the Oasis is looking for energetic, self-motivated people to help us with their programs!Tanglewood Wellness Center seeks interns to assist with the care of fasters. Internships require a 9 week commitment. All food is locally grown, simple raw vegan. A three-week fast and one week of refeeding will be provided as part of your experience. Living Tree Community seeks a Living Tree Field Rep. They need people in the Vancouver, B.C., New York – New Jersey, Chicago, Miami, Boston and in other major metropolitan areas to approach natural foodstores, co-ops and live food restaurants on our behalf. Preferably, they should have experience in the food industry and should be well organized and charismatic. Send an to jesse(at) Internships at Living Tree University are primarily for those considering a career in the organic food industry. They offer hands-on experience in sales, marketing, administration and production. Interns have an opportunity to do things like, contacting buyers in natural food stores, making almond butter and creating Black Sesame Truffles! Send an email, jesse(at), introducing yourself and explaining why you'd like to work and study with the Living Tree Community. Also please include a resume. Detroit Zen Center seeks volunteers for its living foods cafe, juice bar, Korean tea ceremony and more. Call 313-366-7738 to arrange a time. -OCTOBER 4: Freelance Writers and Bloggers welcome The Daily Raw Blog’s Almanac seeks writers for its 2011 Edition. Please send in anything relating to raw food or lifestyle related. Restaurant and product reviews are needed. Reprint articles are welcome. No financial payment available at this time. Writers will receive an e-book or print copy (if available) of The Daily Raw Blog’s Almanac 2011 edition and their byline in the edition and online. Label e-mail subject line “FREELANCE”. Costa Rica Fasting Internship, DECEMBER 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 5, 2011. Responsibilities include but not be limited to: monitoring fasters, caring for the facility, preparing daily meals, attending lectures, attending all meal discussion groups and more. Submit a nonrefundable processing fee of $75 with your application. $4999, cost of internship. CONTESTS-JULY 31: “Where Will Your Smoothie Take You” Photo ContestSnap a photo on the lake, on a remote hiking trail, at the end of the big race or anywhere else your smoothie-powered lifestyle takes you. Just be sure to have a bag of Vega Shake & Go Smoothie front and center and BE CREATIVE! Grand prize is an adventure retreat for two to the Galapagos Islands plus a one-year supply of Vega Shake & Go Smoothie. -AUGUST 1: Mushrooms Every Day, Every Way Recipe Contest Taste of Home seeks recipes that showcase the distinctive flavor and meaty texture of fresh cultivated mushrooms. Prize is $1000. - OCTOBER 4: The 2011 Daily Raw Blog's Almanac Recipe Contest Send the Daily Raw Blog’s Almanac your favorite living or raw recipe. It must be yours, original and unpublished. Amateur cooks only, please. Send recipe to Include your name, home state, website or blog (if applicable). The top 5 winners will be announced in The 2011 Daily Raw Blog’s Almanac and on The Daily Raw Blog. Each winner will receive a free e-book or print copy (if available) of The Daily Raw Blog’s Almanac 2011 edition. Label e-mail subject line “RECIPE CONTEST”. -DEC. 31: Cuisinart's New Culinary Cook-off Video Contest Tape a video using your Cuisinart's product for a chance to win five different Cuisinart products.
“Raw News You Can Use” runs Fridays (during the summer). Send your raw or living food events and information to In the subject line write: "RAW NEWS YOU CAN USE." Please include event, date, time, contact information (website, telephone, etc.) and anything else you think is important
photo pixel_unikat SUNDAYS105degrees hosts Sunday Suppers featuring a 3-course menu prepared by a Level II culinary student, 4-7 p.m. $25. 5820 North Classen Boulevard, Suite 1, Oklahoma City, OK, 405-842-1050 TUESDAYSRoot Down hosts Raw Food Nights, 6-10 p.m. Enjoy a flavorful five-course raw vegan dinner prepared by Raw Food Certified Chef Daniel Asher. $42, reservations recommended. 1600 W. 33rd Ave., Denver, CO, 303-993-4200
WEDNESDAYSLive Raw Food World TV Broadcasts featuring Angela Stokes-Monarch and Matt Monarch, 6 p.m. Pacific time. THURSDAYS Hippocrates Health Institute presents "Save Your Life" open house 5 p.m. the last Thursday of the month. Reservations required. 5 West Palm Beach, FL, 561-471-8876 Hippocrates Health Institute hosts an open house noon every Thursday. Reservations required. 1443 Palmdale Court, West Palm Beach, FL, 561-471-8876 SATURDAYS Hippocrates Health Institute hosts an open house noon every Saturday. Reservations required. 1443 Palmdale Court, West Palm Beach, FL, 561-471-8876 ONGOINGRaw Food Naturals accepts raw recipes for its new online recipe section. Email your culinary delights to NOW ENROLLING
Culture of Life Institute, Tree of Life's Spiritual Nutrition Mastery Program featuring vegan and live Food Nutrition.
Ann Wigmore Foundation presents Living Foods Lifestyle® reTREATs, 10-day retreats offered every month. $1800. San Fidel, New Mexico, 505-552-0595Cafe Gratitude hosts an array of raw food preparation classes, workshops and more. Health Coach Carolyn Akens hosts raw food classes and chef certification. Cousin's IV offers raw food classes, detox programs, demos and more. 3038 West Irving Park Road, Chicago, IL, 773-478-6868 First Bite Kitchen offers a variety of raw food classes. 2525 28th St, Suite 140, Boulder, CO The Living Centre, an Eco-Spiritual Educational Sancutary, offers classes on raw food cuisine, gardening, herbs and more. 5871 Bells Road, London, England Living Light Culinary Arts Institute offers classes in Raw Vegan Cuisine for individuals, chefs and instructors. 301-B North Main St., Fort Bragg, CA, 800-816-2319 PRE-ORDER : Alissa Cohen's new book Raw Food for Everyone which comes out in October.
JULY 9-11: Raw Magic Summer Weekend Retreat with Kate Magic. £295, £550 for two. The Manor by the Lake, Cheltenham, UK JULY 10: Taking the Mystery Out of Raw Food class, 4:30 p.m. $15. WholeFoods Market, 8003 Turkey Lake Road, Orlando, FL, 407-355-7100 JULY 11: International Raw Food Day JULY 14: Ani Phyo dinner and book signing, 6-9 p.m. 105degrees Academy, Oklahoma City, OK JULY 17: Working with Irish Moss class, 4:30 p.m. $15. WholeFoods Market, 8003 Turkey Lake Road, Orlando, FL, 407-355-7100 JULY 18: Dr. Gabriel Cousens lectures on Diabetes, Longevity, and Raw Lifestyle, 2:30 p.m. $25 in advance, $35 at the door. Stephens Convention Center, 5555 N River Rd, Des Plaines, IL -JULY 21: Vote now in The Living Light Culinary Institute's Hot Raw Chef recipe video contest. Vote and your will receive a free e-book of the contestants' recipe. JULY 22: Raw Sarasota luncheon, 1:30 p.m. Reservations required at least two days before event. Simon's, 5900 South Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, Fl, 941 926-7151 JULY 24: Fig Festival and Holistic Medicine Lecture, 1 p.m. $20 in advance, $25 at the door. Register here. Barry Koral's Tropical Fruit Farm, 2344 Warmlands Ave., Vista, CA JULY 24-31: Raw Food Family Camp. Germany.
JULY 26: Take a Wild on the Wild Side: Discover Raw Green Super Foods From the Ocean, 7-11:30 a.m. $95. The Wild Mendocino Coast, CA; meet at Living Light Parking Lot at 6:45 a.m., 707-964-2420 or 800-816-2319 JULY 26: Breakfast and Brunches class, 6-8:30 p.m. $45. Oakland, CA JULY 26: Monday Night LIVE! featuring Nomi Shannon, 7-8:30 p.m. Café Gratitude Healdsburg, 206 Healdsburg Ave., Healdsburg, CA, 707-723-4461
JULY 26-30 and AUGUST 2-6: Vegan Fusion hosts a 10-Day Blossoming Lotus — Vegan Fusion Cuisine Intensive, vegan and raw food cuisine. Garden Island of Kaua’i, Hawaii, 808-822-0820 or email JULY 27: The Raw Gourmet Nomi Shannon lecture, 6:30-8:30 p.m. The Green Boheme, 1825 Del Paso Blvd. Suite 2. "Between Arden and El Camino", Sacramento CA, 916-342-3133, email: JULY 31-AUGUST 1: Raw Health Expo features lectures, chef demos, farmers market, Raw Health Speed Dating and more. $39.99 for a 2-day ticket if you register before July 15, $79.99 at the door, $59.99 1-day ticket. Sebastopol, CA
AUGUST 5: Green Juices and Smoothies class, 5-6 p.m. $20. Berkeley, CA AUGUST 20-22: Green Synergy Festival, a green, raw vegan, sustainable living, wellness, spirituality, yoga, permaculture festival. Activities include classes, interactive workshops, discussion groups, a permaculture project, dance-and-drum events and more. $300 before July 15, $350 after July 15. Ronora Lodge, 9325 Dwight Boyer Road, Watervliet, MI AUGUST 23: Divine Desserts class, 6-8:30 p.m. $45. Whole Foods, Oakland, CA AUGUST 27-29: The 2010 Living Light Chef Showcase. $225 for all three days or $75 per day. The Living Light Center and Town Hall Fort Bragg, CA AUGUST 28: First annual Veggie for a Day Music Festival. Turquoise Barn, 8052 County Highway 18, Bloomville, NY, 607-538-1235 AUGUST 28: David Wolfe Wild Walk & Talk, 1-6 p.m. $55 in advance, $60 at the door. Haliburton, ON Canada SEPTEMBER 10-12: Alissa Cohen Living on Live Food Teacher Training Certification class. $2200. 978-985-7217 or 888-900-2529 SEPTEMBER 13: Nut Milks & Cheeses class, 6–8:30 p.m. $45. Whole Foods, Oakland, CA SEPTEMBER 13-OCTOBER 3: Raw Food Nutrition Science, Health Educator, and Raw Culinary Arts Certification The Commercial Kitchen of Jackie & Gideon Graff, 1085 Lake Charles Drive, Roswell, GA
SEPTEMBER 18: Michigan Raw Health: EcoFestival 2010, 10 a.m.-8 p.m. $10. Brighton, Michigan SEPTEMBER 24-26: Raw Spirit International Festival features raw chef demos and tastings, yoga, tai chi, lectures, kids’ programs, organic farmers’ market and more. $110-$150. Granite Dells, near Prescott, Arizona, 928-308-2146
SEPTEMBER 24-26: Raw Revitalization, a two-night raw retreat. Includes yoga, 100% raw, organic meals, ring water collected by hand from Springwater County, Ontario, a trip to the beach or a hike up Blue Mountain, a visit to an organic and natural local farm and more. $385 per person. The House of Verona, 104 Brooker Boulevard, Collingwood, ON L9Y 0A1, 800-252-2826 SEPTEMER 25: Festival of Life features raw foods, music, poetry, yoga, meditation and more, 10:30 a.m.-11:30 p.m. Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Sq, Holborn, London WC1R 4RL OCTOBER 6-11: Aloha Awakenings! A Transformational Yoga Retreat Celebrating Spirit, Love & Ecology. Organic raw and vegan meals, kindred spirit workshop, daily wood fired sauna, detox, day excursions and more. $1000-$2500. Limited space available! To sign up or get more information contact FAITH at or 415-501-9678.
OCTOBER 23-24: ALIVE! Expo features the newest and best natural, organic, green and eco products to benefit Project Green, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. October 23 and 11 a.m.-6 p.m. October 24. Activities include cooking and fitness demonstrations, food and wine tastings, lectures, workshops, mini massages and more. 305 Harrison St., Seattle Center, Exhibition Hall, Seattle, WA NOVEMBER 3: Raw Holiday Cuisine, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Brigitte Mars teaches how to make nut nog, stuffing, cranberry sauce, sweet potato casserole, pumpkin pie and more. $70. Boulder, CO, 303-442-4967
DECEMBER 30, 2010-FEBRUARY 5, 2011: Dr. Douglas Graham hosts "Fasting and Feasting in Costa Rica" $9,999 -DECEMBER 31: Call for film submissions for the 2011 Green Lifestyle Film Festival. 310-854-2078, 310-928-7689, HELP WANTED
Living Tree Community Foods has an opening for Operations Manager. This is for a professional throughly familiar and at home with alive, vegan, vegetarian, organic and kosher certified food. Someone who can take charge of the day-to-day functioning of a small business. This includes scheduling production and supervising sales, accounting, administration and warehousing. Duties also include purchasing and inventory control. Submit resume to jesse(at) The Living Light Culinary Arts Institute seeks kitchen angels for its FUNdamentals™ and Essentials shift in July, and also for Advanced Courses in August. Tuition for the Angel Program is $20 per day. This includes meals plus two culinary demonstrations or lectures each day, when available, and the recipes offered as part of that curriculum. Opportunity to learn by doing in our commercial raw vegan gourmet kitchen. Most classes are weekdays, however a few are on weekends, depending on the shift you select. Fort Bragg, CA, 707-964-2420
Creative Health Institute has openings for its 90-day internship programs during July, August and September. 112 West Union City Road, Union City, MI, 888-221-6623 or 866-426-1213 The Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute is always seeking people to serve others, create community and be part of a holistic healing and teaching center. New positions continue to develop as the organization grows. They are continually developing a list of qualified applicants whom they may call for job interviews as the need arises. Puerto Rico. Detox Retreat at the Oasis is looking for energetic, self-motivated people to help us with their programs!Tanglewood Wellness Center seeks interns to assist with the care of fasters. Internships require a 9 week commitment. All food is locally grown, simple raw vegan. A three-week fast and one week of refeeding will be provided as part of your experience. Living Tree Community seeks a Living Tree Field Rep. They need people in the Vancouver, B.C., New York – New Jersey, Chicago, Miami, Boston and in other major metropolitan areas to approach natural foodstores, co-ops and live food restaurants on our behalf. Preferably, they should have experience in the food industry and should be well organized and charismatic. Send an to jesse(at) Internships at Living Tree University are primarily for those considering a career in the organic food industry. They offer hands-on experience in sales, marketing, administration and production. Interns have an opportunity to do things like, contacting buyers in natural food stores, making almond butter and creating Black Sesame Truffles! Send an email, jesse(at), introducing yourself and explaining why you'd like to work and study with the Living Tree Community. Also please include a resume. Detroit Zen Center seeks volunteers for its living foods cafe, juice bar, Korean tea ceremony and more. Call 313-366-7738 to arrange a time. -OCTOBER 4: Freelance Writers and Bloggers welcome
The Daily Raw Blog’s Almanac seeks writers for its 2011 Edition. Please send in anything relating to raw food or lifestyle related. Restaurant and product reviews are needed. Reprint articles are welcome. No financial payment available at this time. Writers will receive an e-book or print copy (if available) of The Daily Raw Blog’s Almanac 2011 edition and their byline in the edition and online. Label e-mail subject line “FREELANCE”. Costa Rica Fasting Internship, DECEMBER 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 5, 2011. Responsibilities include but not be limited to: monitoring fasters, caring for the facility, preparing daily meals, attending lectures, attending all meal discussion groups and more. Submit a nonrefundable processing fee of $75 with your application. $4999, cost of internship. CONTESTS-JULY 31: “Where Will Your Smoothie Take You” Photo ContestSnap a photo on the lake, on a remote hiking trail, at the end of the big race or anywhere else your smoothie-powered lifestyle takes you. Just be sure to have a bag of Vega Shake & Go Smoothie front and center and BE CREATIVE! Grand prize is an adventure retreat for two to the Galapagos Islands plus a one-year supply of Vega Shake & Go Smoothie. -AUGUST 1: Mushrooms Every Day, Every Way Recipe Contest Taste of Home seeks recipes that showcase the distinctive flavor and meaty texture of fresh cultivated mushrooms. Prize is $1000. - OCTOBER 4: The 2011 Daily Raw Blog's Almanac Recipe Contest Send the Daily Raw Blog’s Almanac your favorite living or raw recipe. It must be yours, original and unpublished. Amateur cooks only, please. Send recipe to Include your name, home state, website or blog (if applicable). The top 5 winners will be announced in The 2011 Daily Raw Blog’s Almanac and on The Daily Raw Blog. Each winner will receive a free e-book or print copy (if available) of The Daily Raw Blog’s Almanac 2011 edition. Label e-mail subject line “RECIPE CONTEST”. -DEC. 31: Cuisinart's New Culinary Cook-off Video Contest Tape a video using your Cuisinart's product for a chance to win five different Cuisinart products.
“Raw News You Can Use” runs Fridays (during the summer). Send your raw or living food events and information to In the subject line write: "RAW NEWS YOU CAN USE." Please include event, date, time, contact information (website, telephone, etc.) and anything else you think is important
photo rising 70's SUNDAYS105degrees hosts Sunday Suppers featuring a 3-course menu prepared by a Level II culinary student, 4-7 p.m. $25. 5820 North Classen Boulevard, Suite 1, Oklahoma City, OK, 405-842-1050 TUESDAYSRoot Down hosts Raw Food Nights, 6-10 p.m. Enjoy a flavorful five-course raw vegan dinner prepared by Raw Food Certified Chef Daniel Asher. $42, reservations recommended. 1600 W. 33rd Ave., Denver, CO, 303-993-4200
WEDNESDAYSLive Raw Food World TV Broadcasts featuring Angela Stokes-Monarch and Matt Monarch, 6 p.m. Pacific time. THURSDAYS Hippocrates Health Institute presents "Save Your Life" open house 5 p.m. the last Thursday of the month. Reservations required. 5 West Palm Beach, FL, 561-471-8876 Hippocrates Health Institute hosts an open house noon every Thursday. Reservations required. 1443 Palmdale Court, West Palm Beach, FL, 561-471-8876 SATURDAYS Hippocrates Health Institute hosts an open house noon every Saturday. Reservations required. 1443 Palmdale Court, West Palm Beach, FL, 561-471-8876 ONGOINGRaw Food Naturals accepts raw recipes for its new online recipe section. Email your culinary delights to
Ann Wigmore Foundation presents Living Foods Lifestyle® reTREATs, 10-day retreats offered every month. $1800. San Fidel, New Mexico, 505-552-0595Cafe Gratitude hosts an array of raw food preparation classes, workshops and more. Health Coach Carolyn Akens hosts raw food classes and chef certification. Cousin's IV offers raw food classes, detox programs, demos and more. 3038 West Irving Park Road, Chicago, IL, 773-478-6868 First Bite Kitchen offers a variety of raw food classes. 2525 28th St, Suite 140, Boulder, CO The Living Centre, an Eco-Spiritual Educational Sancutary, offers classes on raw food cuisine, gardening, herbs and more. 5871 Bells Road, London, England Living Light Culinary Arts Institute offers classes in Raw Vegan Cuisine for individuals, chefs and instructors. 301-B North Main St., Fort Bragg, CA, 800-816-2319
PRE-ORDER : Alissa Cohen's new book Raw Food for Everyone which comes out in October.
JULY 2-4: Fresh Food Festival creates a forum for raw fooders in Scandinavia and other countries. Activities include lectures, yoga, Tai Chi, workshops, live music, food and more. Lolland, Denmark JULY 3: Raw Basics class, 10 a.m.-noon. Space is limited, registration required. Cafe Gratitude in Whole Foods, 20955 Stevens Creek, Cupertin, CA, 408-712-5000 -JULY 3: Vote for Althea's of The Raw Mocha Angel to win a spot on the Oprah Winfrey's Network. JULY 5: 105degrees Academy begins its 12-week Chef Certification Level II class, Advanced Raw Cuisine, 7 a.m.-2 p.m. or 3-10 p.m. Monday-Friday. 5820 North Classen Boulevard, Suite 1, Oklahoma City, OK, 405-842-1050 JULY 7-28: Karyn's Natural Healing System: July Detox Class, 8-10 a.m. or 7-9 p.m. Wednesdays through July 28. Pre-registration is required with a $50 non-refundable deposit. $250 per person, $50 off if you register by July 3. Alumni Student Special $125. Karyn's Raw Blog and Inner Beauty Center- 1901 N. Halsted St, Chicago. 312-255-1590 JULY 9-11: Raw Magic Summer Weekend Retreat with Kate Magic. £295, £550 for two. The Manor by the Lake, Cheltenham, UK JULY 10: Taking the Mystery Out of Raw Food class, 4:30 p.m. $15. WholeFoods Market, 8003 Turkey Lake Road, Orlando, FL, 407-355-7100 JULY 14: Ani Phyo dinner and book signing, 6-9 p.m. 105degrees Academy, Oklahoma City, OK JULY 17: Working with Irish Moss class, 4:30 p.m. $15. WholeFoods Market, 8003 Turkey Lake Road, Orlando, FL, 407-355-7100 JULY 18: Dr. Gabriel Cousens lectures on Diabetes, Longevity, and Raw Lifestyle, 2:30 p.m. $25 in advance, $35 at the door. Stephens Convention Center, 5555 N River Rd, Des Plaines, IL JULY 24-31: Raw Food Family Camp. Germany. JULY 26: Take a Wild on the Wild Side: Discover Raw Green Super Foods From the Ocean, 7-11:30 a.m. $95. The Wild Mendocino Coast, CA; meet at Living Light Parking Lot at 6:45 a.m., 707-964-2420 or 800-816-2319 JULY 26: Breakfast and Brunches class, 6-8:30 p.m. $45. Oakland, CA JULY 26: Monday Night LIVE! featuring Nomi Shannon, 7-8:30 p.m. Café Gratitude Healdsburg, 206 Healdsburg Ave., Healdsburg, CA, 707-723-4461
JULY 26-30 and AUGUST 2-6: Vegan Fusion hosts a 10-Day Blossoming Lotus — Vegan Fusion Cuisine Intensive, vegan and raw food cuisine. Garden Island of Kaua’i, Hawaii, 808-822-0820 or email JULY 27: The Raw Gourmet Nomi Shannon lecture, 6:30-8:30 p.m. The Green Boheme, 1825 Del Paso Blvd. Suite 2. "Between Arden and El Camino", Sacramento CA, 916-342-3133, email:
AUGUST 5: Green Juices and Smoothies class, 5-6 p.m. $20. Berkeley, CA AUGUST 23: Divine Desserts class, 6-8:30 p.m. $45. Whole Foods, Oakland, CA AUGUST 27-29: The 2010 Living Light Chef Showcase. $225 for all three days or $75 per day. The Living Light Center and Town Hall Fort Bragg, CA AUGUST 28: First annual Veggie for a Day Music Festival. Turquoise Barn, 8052 County Highway 18, Bloomville, NY, 607-538-1235 SEPTEMBER 10-12: Alissa Cohen Living on Live Food Teacher Training Certification class. $2200. 978-985-7217 or 888-900-2529 SEPTEMBER 13: Nut Milks & Cheeses class, 6–8:30 p.m. $45. Whole Foods, Oakland, CA SEPTEMBER 13-OCTOBER 3: Raw Food Nutrition Science, Health Educator, and Raw Culinary Arts Certification The Commercial Kitchen of Jackie & Gideon Graff, 1085 Lake Charles Drive, Roswell, GA
SEPTEMBER 18: Michigan Raw Health: EcoFestival 2010, 10 a.m.-8 p.m. $10. Brighton, Michigan SEPTEMBER 24-26: Raw Spirit International Festival features raw chef demos and tastings, yoga, tai chi, lectures, kids’ programs, organic farmers’ market and more. $110-$150. Granite Dells, near Prescott, Arizona, 928-308-2146
SEPTEMBER 24-26: Raw Revitalization, a two-night raw retreat. Includes yoga, 100% raw, organic meals, ring water collected by hand from Springwater County, Ontario, a trip to the beach or a hike up Blue Mountain, a visit to an organic and natural local farm and more. $385 per person. The House of Verona, 104 Brooker Boulevard, Collingwood, ON L9Y 0A1, 800-252-2826 SEPTEMER 25: Festival of Life features raw foods, music, poetry, yoga, meditation and more, 10:30 a.m.-11:30 p.m. Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Sq, Holborn, London WC1R 4RL OCTOBER 6-11: Aloha Awakenings! A Transformational Yoga Retreat Celebrating Spirit, Love & Ecology. Organic raw and vegan meals, kindred spirit workshop, daily wood fired sauna, detox, day excursions and more. $1000-$2500. Limited space available! To sign up or get more information contact FAITH at or 415-501-9678.
OCTOBER 23-24: ALIVE! Expo features the newest and best natural, organic, green and eco products to benefit Project Green, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. October 23 and 11 a.m.-6 p.m. October 24. Activities include cooking and fitness demonstrations, food and wine tastings, lectures, workshops, mini massages and more. 305 Harrison St., Seattle Center, Exhibition Hall, Seattle, WA NOVEMBER 3: Raw Holiday Cuisine, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Brigitte Mars teaches how to make nut nog, stuffing, cranberry sauce, sweet potato casserole, pumpkin pie and more. $70. Boulder, CO, 303-442-4967
DECEMBER 30, 2010-FEBRUARY 5, 2011: Dr. Douglas Graham hosts "Fasting and Feasting in Costa Rica" $9,999 -DECEMBER 31: Call for film submissions for the 2011 Green Lifestyle Film Festival. 310-854-2078, 310-928-7689, HELP WANTED
-OCTOBER 4: Freelance Writers and Bloggers welcomeThe Daily Raw Blog’s Almanac seeks writers for its 2011 Edition. Please send in anything relating to raw food or lifestyle related. Restaurant and product reviews are needed. Reprint articles are welcome. No financial payment available at this time. Writers will receive an e-book or print copy (if available) of The Daily Raw Blog’s Almanac 2011 edition and their byline in the edition and online. Label e-mail subject line “FREELANCE”. The Living Light Culinary Arts Institute seeks kitchen angels for its FUNdamentals™ and Essentials shift in July, and also for Advanced Courses in August. Tuition for the Angel Program is $20 per day. This includes meals plus two culinary demonstrations or lectures each day, when available, and the recipes offered as part of that curriculum. Opportunity to learn by doing in our commercial raw vegan gourmet kitchen. Most classes are weekdays, however a few are on weekends, depending on the shift you select. Fort Bragg, CA, 707-964-2420
Creative Health Institute has openings for its 90-day internship programs during July, August and September. 112 West Union City Road, Union City, MI, 888-221-6623 or 866-426-1213 The Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute is always seeking people to serve others, create community and be part of a holistic healing and teaching center. New positions continue to develop as the organization grows. They are continually developing a list of qualified applicants whom they may call for job interviews as the need arises. Puerto Rico. Detox Retreat at the Oasis is looking for energetic, self-motivated people to help us with their programs!Tanglewood Wellness Center seeks interns to assist with the care of fasters. Internships require a 9 week commitment. All food is locally grown, simple raw vegan. A three-week fast and one week of refeeding will be provided as part of your experience. Living Tree Community seeks a Living Tree Field Rep. They need people in the Vancouver, B.C., New York – New Jersey, Chicago, Miami, Boston and in other major metropolitan areas to approach natural foodstores, co-ops and live food restaurants on our behalf. Preferably, they should have experience in the food industry and should be well organized and charismatic. Send an to jesse(at) Internships at Living Tree University are primarily for those considering a career in the organic food industry. They offer hands-on experience in sales, marketing, administration and production. Interns have an opportunity to do things like, contacting buyers in natural food stores, making almond butter and creating Black Sesame Truffles! Send an email, jesse(at), introducing yourself and explaining why you'd like to work and study with the Living Tree Community. Also please include a resume. Detroit Zen Center seeks volunteers for its living foods cafe, juice bar, Korean tea ceremony and more. Call 313-366-7738 to arrange a time. Costa Rica Fasting Internship, DECEMBER 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 5, 2011. Responsibilities include but not be limited to: monitoring fasters, caring for the facility, preparing daily meals, attending lectures, attending all meal discussion groups and more. Submit a nonrefundable processing fee of $75 with your application. $4999, cost of internship.CONTESTS-JULY 31: “Where Will Your Smoothie Take You” Photo ContestSnap a photo on the lake, on a remote hiking trail, at the end of the big race or anywhere else your smoothie-powered lifestyle takes you. Just be sure to have a bag of Vega Shake & Go Smoothie front and center and BE CREATIVE! Grand prize is an adventure retreat for two to the Galapagos Islands plus a one-year supply of Vega Shake & Go Smoothie. -AUGUST 1: Mushrooms Every Day, Every Way Recipe Contest Taste of Home seeks recipes that showcase the distinctive flavor and meaty texture of fresh cultivated mushrooms. Prize is $1000. - OCTOBER 4: The 2011 Daily Raw Blog's Almanac Recipe Contest Send the Daily Raw Blog’s Almanac your favorite living or raw recipe. It must be yours, original and unpublished. Amateur cooks only, please. Send recipe to Include your name, home state, website or blog (if applicable). The top 5 winners will be announced in The 2011 Daily Raw Blog’s Almanac and on The Daily Raw Blog. Each winner will receive a free e-book or print copy (if available) of The Daily Raw Blog’s Almanac 2011 edition. Label e-mail subject line “RECIPE CONTEST”. -DEC. 31: Cuisinart's New Culinary Cook-off Video Contest Tape a video using your Cuisinart's product for a chance to win five different Cuisinart products.
“Raw News You Can Use” runs Fridays (during the summer). Send your raw or living food events and information to In the subject line write: "RAW NEWS YOU CAN USE." Please include event, date, time, contact information (website, telephone, etc.) and anything else you think is important