photo by Charlotte Liu
All information contained in the Daily Raw Blog's Almanac was deemed accurate at the time of publication. Every effort is made to provide the reader with up-to-date and correct information. However, mistakes can be made, websites close and unforeseen circumstances arise. A correction will run on the website. Label e-mail subject line "CORRECTIONS"
CORRECTIONSOn page 98, the recipe for Essene Stuffing has Herb Essene Bread on page 63 however, the bread recipe actually appears on p. 42.
UPDATESI will try to update information that has changed in the Daily Raw Blog's Almanac 2010 since publication, as I receive it. If you know of any changes, please feel free to pass them along and I will post an update.

The Art of Food Living Community Cafe in the Restaurant Guide has changed ownership. It is now called The Green Boheme. The new website is thegreenboheme.com. The address and telephone number remains the same. (updated July 3, 2010)
As of July 5, 2010, Good to Go (in the Restaurant Guide) has moved to a new location. The new location is 7378 Center Ave., Huntington Beach, CA (updated July 5, 2010)