photo SUNDAYS105degrees hosts Sunday Suppers featuring a 3-course menu prepared by a Level II culinary student, 4-7 p.m. $25. 5820 North Classen Boulevard, Suite 1, Oklahoma City, OK, 405-842-1050
TUESDAYSRoot Down hosts Raw Food Nights, 6-10 p.m. Enjoy a flavorful five-course raw vegan dinner prepared by Raw Food Certified Chef Daniel Asher. $42, reservations recommended. 1600 W. 33rd Ave., Denver, CO, 303-993-4200

WEDNESDAYSLive Raw Food World TV Broadcasts featuring Angela Stokes-Monarch and Matt Monarch, 6 p.m. Pacific time.
Hippocrates Health Institute presents "Save Your Life" open house 5 p.m. the last Thursday of the month. Reservations required. 5 West Palm Beach, FL, 561-471-8876
Hippocrates Health Institute hosts an open house noon every Thursday. Reservations required. 1443 Palmdale Court, West Palm Beach, FL, 561-471-8876
Hippocrates Health Institute hosts an open house noon every Saturday. Reservations required. 1443 Palmdale Court, West Palm Beach, FL, 561-471-8876
ONGOINGRaw Food Naturals accepts raw recipes for its new online recipe section. Email your culinary delights to recipes@rawfoodnaturals.com
Herbalist and nutritional consultant Brigitte Mars events. NOW ENROLLING

Culture of Life Institute, Tree of Life's Spiritual Nutrition Mastery Program featuring vegan and live Food Nutrition.

Ann Wigmore Foundation presents Living Foods Lifestyle® reTREATs, 10-day retreats offered every month. $1800. San Fidel, New Mexico, 505-552-0595Cafe Gratitude hosts an array of raw food preparation classes, workshops and more.
Health Coach Carolyn Akens hosts raw food classes and chef certification.
Cousin's IV offers raw food classes, detox programs, demos and more. 3038 West Irving Park Road, Chicago, IL, 773-478-6868
First Bite Kitchen offers a variety of raw food classes. 2525 28th St, Suite 140, Boulder, CO
The Living Centre, an Eco-Spiritual Educational Sancutary, offers classes on raw food cuisine, gardening, herbs and more. 5871 Bells Road, London, England
Living Light Culinary Arts Institute offers classes in Raw Vegan Cuisine for individuals, chefs and instructors. 301-B North Main St., Fort Bragg, CA, 800-816-2319
PRE-ORDER : Alissa Cohen's new book Raw Food for Everyone which comes out in October.

JULY 31-AUGUST 1: Raw Health Expo features lectures, chef demos, farmers market, Raw Health Speed Dating and more. $39.99 for a 2-day ticket if you register before July 15, $79.99 at the door, $59.99 1-day ticket. Sebastopol, CA
JULY 31: East Side Raw in the City — Raw/Vitality Living, Food & Lifestyle, Music & Dance Party, 7 p.m.
London, United Kingdom

AUGUST 5: Green Juices and Smoothies class, 5-6 p.m. $20. Berkeley, CA
AUGUST 5: Ani's Uncooking class, 6-8 p.m. $45. Organic Avenue, 116 Suffolk St., NY, NY
AUGUST 6-SEPTEMBER 5: The 2010 Summer Juice Feast with David Rainoshek
AUGUST 12-15: Raw Spa Retreat features cleansing programs, organic raw food meals, lectures and more. Northern Townships of Quebec.
AUGUST 20-22: Green Synergy Festival, a green, raw vegan, sustainable living, wellness, spirituality, yoga, permaculture festival. Activities include classes, interactive workshops, discussion groups, a permaculture project, dance-and-drum events and more. $350. Ronora Lodge, 9325 Dwight Boyer Road, Watervliet, MI
AUGUST 23: Divine Desserts class, 6-8:30 p.m. $45. Whole Foods, Oakland, CA
AUGUST 25-SEPTEMBER 26: Angela Stokes-Monarch and Matt Monarch's tour schedule.
AUGUST 26: Take a Walk on the Wild Side, 6:45-11 a.m. Terry Nieves, owner of Ocean Harvest Sea Vegetable Company hosts a presentation of native seaweeds of the Northern California Coast. $95. Meet at Living Light, 301-B North St., Fort Bragg, 707-964-2420
AUGUST 26-29: Alive in Grace, Raw and Living Spirit Retreat, Molalla, Oregon
AUGUST 27-29: The 2010 Living Light Chef Showcase. $225 for all three days or $75 per day. The Living Light Center and Town Hall Fort Bragg, CA
AUGUST 28: First annual Veggie for a Day Music Festival. Turquoise Barn, 8052 County Highway 18, Bloomville, NY, 607-538-1235
AUGUST 28: David Wolfe Wild Walk & Talk, 1-6 p.m. $55 in advance, $60 at the door. Haliburton, ON Canada

AUGUST 31-SEPTEMBER 1: Raw Food Styling for Photography, intensive workshop that focuses on the art of food styling for the media. Students learn basic presentation skills, how food reacts under the camera, the ins and outs of propping and preparing for a shoot. This course covers the tricks and techniques for media food, building a portfolio, elements of design for photography, the importance of colors, textures, and negative space. Taught by Cherie Soria and food professional Denise Vivaldo, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. 895.00. Living Light, 301-B North main st., Fort Bragg, 707-964-2420, rawfoodchef.com
SEPTEMBER 10-12: Alissa Cohen Living on Live Food Teacher Training Certification class. $2200. 978-985-7217 or 888-900-2529
SEPTEMBER 13: Nut Milks & Cheeses class, 6–8:30 p.m. $45. Whole Foods, Oakland, CA
SEPTEMBER 13-OCTOBER 3: Raw Food Nutrition Science, Health Educator, and Raw Culinary Arts Certification The Commercial Kitchen of Jackie & Gideon Graff, 1085 Lake Charles Drive, Roswell, GA

SEPTEMBER 18: Michigan Raw Health: EcoFestival 2010, 10 a.m.-8 p.m. $10. Brighton, Michigan
SEPTEMBER 24: Why Raw Food? Free talk with Raw Food Chef and author Jenny Cornbleet, 10-11 a.m. Living Light, 301-B North Main Street, Fort Bragg, CA, 707-964-2420, rawfoodchef.com
SEPTEMBER 24-26: Raw Spirit International Festival features raw chef demos and tastings, yoga, tai chi, lectures, kids’ programs, organic farmers’ market and more. $110-$150. Granite Dells, near Prescott, Arizona, 928-308-2146

SEPTEMBER 24-26: Raw Revitalization, a two-night raw retreat. Includes yoga, 100% raw, organic meals, ring water collected by hand from Springwater County, Ontario, a trip to the beach or a hike up Blue Mountain, a visit to an organic and natural local farm and more. $385 per person. The House of Verona, 104 Brooker Boulevard, Collingwood, ON L9Y 0A1, 800-252-2826
SEPTEMBER 24-26: David Wolfe's Longevity Now Conference $247, $297 after August 15. Costa Mesa, CA
SEPTEMER 25: Festival of Life features raw foods, music, poetry, yoga, meditation and more, 10:30 a.m.-11:30 p.m. Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Sq, Holborn, London WC1R 4RL
OCTOBER 10: World Raw Food Day
OCTOBER 6-11: Aloha Awakenings! A Transformational Yoga Retreat Celebrating Spirit, Love & Ecology. Organic raw and vegan meals, kindred spirit workshop, daily wood fired sauna, detox, day excursions and more. $1000-$2500. Limited space available! To sign up or get more information contact FAITH at workshops@cafegratitude.com or 415-501-9678.

OCTOBER 22: Why Raw Food? Free talk with Raw Food Chef and author Jenny Cornbleet, 10-11 a.m. Living Light, 301-B North Main Street, Fort Bragg, CA, 707-964-2420, rawfoodchef.comOCTOBER 23-24: ALIVE! Expo features the newest and best natural, organic, green and eco products to benefit Project Green, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. October 23 and 11 a.m.-6 p.m. October 24. Activities include cooking and fitness demonstrations, food and wine tastings, lectures, workshops, mini massages and more. 305 Harrison St., Seattle Center, Exhibition Hall, Seattle, WA
NOVEMBER 3: Raw Holiday Cuisine, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Brigitte Mars teaches how to make nut nog, stuffing, cranberry sauce, sweet potato casserole, pumpkin pie and more. $70. Boulder, CO, 303-442-4967

DECEMBER 30, 2010-FEBRUARY 5, 2011: Dr. Douglas Graham hosts "Fasting and Feasting in Costa Rica" $9,999
-DECEMBER 31: Call for film submissions for the 2011 Green Lifestyle Film Festival. 310-854-2078, 310-928-7689, greenlifestylefilms@gmail.com

Cousins seeks Kitchen Angels. If you are interested in some free raw food coaching and a day of free raw meals, contact Meagan to become a Kitchen Angel during Curriculum I or Curriculum II classes during the first week of August.
Living Lights Culinary Institute seeks the following positions:
Marketplace Retail Manager is a key position available on our "Dream Team" working with others in a fast-paced, creative environment in the world of healthy, organic, raw vegan foods. Position requires organizational and leadership skills, excellent customer service, product sourcing, ordering, and inventory management, shipping and receiving knowledge, personnel management, and strong computer skills. Ideal candidate will have shopping cart and POS experience.
Information Technology
Responsible candidate will have a strong work ethic, and be both self-motivated and able to multi-task in a variety of areas. Knowledge of internet technology, audio/video, networking, Windows XP, and/or Microsoft Server 2003 a plus.
Living Light Café
needs a counter person who is friendly, enthusiastic, reliable, able to work some weekends, can handle computer and has great customer service skills. Apply at the Living Light Center administrative offices, 301-B North Main Street in the Company Store, Fort Bragg or email your application and resumé to info@rawfoodchef.com or fax them to (707) 964-1841.
Living Tree Community Foods has an opening for Operations Manager. This is for a professional throughly familiar and at home with alive, vegan, vegetarian, organic and kosher certified food. Someone who can take charge of the day-to-day functioning of a small business. This includes scheduling production and supervising sales, accounting, administration and warehousing. Duties also include purchasing and inventory control. Submit resume to jesse(at)livingtreecommunity.com