The Daily Raw Recipe Wrap-up
Monday: Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal
Wednesday: Chocolate covered Granny Smith, Date Candy
Have you seen Jenna Norwood's award-winning documentary "Supercharge Me"? It's a must-see! On the same subject, there is another 30 days raw documentary on the horizon.
Is Raw the Real Deal? by Derek Shaw
Patricia Bragg N.D., Ph.D. An Icon of Health A conversation with Patricia Bragg and Dr. John Westerdahl by Sydney L. Murray
Danbury native changes food habits overnight
by Donna Christopher
Kristen, of Kristen's Raw, guest chefs a Raw Thanksgiving dinner, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Nov. 14 at the Mandala Tearoom, in Scottsdale, AZ. Call Mandala Tearoom at 480-423-3411 to reserve your spot. Visit for more information.
It's time for another Happy Birthday! My youngest daughter turns 1 on Saturday!
SHARE YOUR NEWS! If you have raw food related item for "Raw News You Can Use" please feel free to pass it along. Send information to and I will post it on Friday's blog.
Have an rawsome weekend!