1.One thing the world doesn’t know about me is that I have the song Rapper's Delight by the Sugar Hill Gang completely memorized.
2. I am most proud of my family.
3. My biggest achievements have been the natural childbirth of my daughter, completing a 3 month juice feast and publishing a book this year.
4. My most memorable meal was dining at Pure Food & Wine in NYC on my 40th birthday.
5. I am reading Love & War by John and Stasi Eldredge
6. The most beautiful place on earth is looking up from the bottom of an epic waterfall in Yellowstone National Park.
7. If I could be any animal, it would be one of my dogs......they've totally got the life!
8. My hidden talent is to be able to whistle louder than anyone else at a rock concert or sporting event.
9. If I could share a raw dinner with any three people, they would be Jesus, Mother Theresa and Sting.
10. If I were to be remembered for one thing, it would be my passion for loving and helping others.
Penni Shelton, of Real Food Tulsa, is the creator and director of Raw Food Rehab and author of "Raw Food Cleanse: Restore Health and Lose Weight by Eating Delicious, All-Natural Foods — Instead of Starving Yourself ."