You know what I realized? I don't start my posts with any sort of greetings. No “hello,” “how are you doing,” “what's happening," nada. So from this day forward I am saying howdy.
Howdy! There much better.
I am sooo excited! One month from today, I will be checking in as a student at the Living Light Culinary Arts Institute. Woo hoo!
I can’t believe it, I have wanted to attend Living Light for over 6 years. One of the reasons Daily Raw Café exists is my desire to learn how to prepare raw foods.
It’s bizarre, I have never had the slightest interest in preparing cooked dishes at a culinary level, but there is something about using only living/raw ingredients and creating amazing dishes that stokes the fire within.
Somewhere along the way, I must have got an inkling of my raw culinary destiny. When I did a raw food demo at the Raw Spirit Fest in 2008, guess who introduced me? Go ahead, guess. You’ll never guess. Okay, pull my leg why don’t you? It was the founder of Living Light herself, Cherie Soria who introduced me as a chef! Wild and crazy.
I would have fainted right there if I didn’t have to show a room full of people how to make raw Thai Food.
How’s that for the Universe/Higher Power/God leaving a proverbial bread crumb.
So I followed the promising trail and here I am a month and a day (classes start on July 10th) from a new raw adventure.
On to garden. I love my garden. It is growing so beautifully and it’s such a zen experience tending to it. We won’t be getting our greens from the grocery store this summer. We are S-E-T. We have been blessed with an abundance of kale, lettuce, mixed greens, beet greens, weeds that taste like beets and so much more. We are juicing them, using them in smoothies, but here are a few of the dishes I have created showcasing greens from our garden. I hope you enjoy.
This is truly a garden salad. Man on the Raw and I literally cut greens and piled them in our bowls and ate [and laughed and kissed and stuff ;)] in the garden. It was nice, very nice.
“Garden” Salad
Serves One Adam and his Eve
½ lemon, juiced
1 tablespoon hemp oil, or your favorite oil
1 garden full of your choice of greens
pinch of sea salt, or more to taste
Stir lemon juice and oil in your bowl. Add the sea salt . Fill your bowl up with greens from your garden. Toss gently with a fork, mixing all ingredients together.
Note on photo: On my salad I preferred ½ of avocado and hemps seeds instead of the oil.
Ma mère m'a fait la prise des leçons françaises comme un enfant et moi obtiennent finalement de l'employer ici à The Daily Raw Café!
Potage Crème De Laitue
Services 2
anarcadiers crus de 1 tasse, imbibés pour 1 heure
l'eau de 1 tasse
laitue de 1 tasse
1 scallion
1 noix de muscade crue de cuillère à café de ½
de nectar d'agave de cuillère à café
Placez les ingrédients dans un mélangeur à grande vitesse jusqu'à la saison douce et crémeuse avec du sel et le poivre. Arrosez avec la noix de muscade supplémentaire.
Mercredi heureux mes amis!
My mother made me take French lessons as a child and I finally get to use it here at The Daily Raw Café!
Cream of Lettuce Soup
Serves 2
1 cup raw cashews, soaked for 1 hour
1 cup water
1 cup lettuce
1 scallion
1 teaspoon raw agave nectar
½ teaspoon nutmeg
Place ingredients in a high-speed blender until smooth and creamy Season with salt and pepper.
Sprinkle with extra nutmeg.
Happy Wednesday my friends!
English to French translation courtesy of WorldLingo