My goal for The Daily Raw is to publish my original recipes without many repeats. From time to time I will posts my Keep It Simple Snack. These are recipes of various recipes (that I have blogged) that are used together in a different way.
It's a way to show that as long as you have the items in the fridge you can whip up something in five minutes or less. SAL (Sprouts, Avocado and Lettuce) Sandwich
2 slices sun-dried tomato bread1 T sun-dried tomato spread1 small lettuce leaf1 small bunch of clover sprouts1/4 avocado, cut into slices
Smear the sun-dried tomato spread on the bread. Top with lettuce, sprouts and avocado. Put other slice on top and voila!
Serve with Sweet Potato Couscous with Apricots.
Take a peek at the directory to the left for the recipes of the sun-dried tomato spread, sun-dried tomato bread and Sweet Potato Couscous.
Raw Food Recipes + Tomatoes
My KISS — SAL Sandwich