Raw Food Recipes + Vegan

Cole Slaw Day 22 and Day 23 of My Year of Raw Foods

9:15 a.m. Green Juice

12:12 p.m. Kelp Noodles and my Creamy Coleslaw

5 minutes later added an avocado

1 p.m. 1/2 avocado with lemon juice, salt and pepper

1:35 p.m. a forkful of Man on the Raw (very spicy) concoction — a Hot Cranberry relish (Dried Cranberries, endive, carrots, radishes, parsley and Serrano peppers with agave nectar and sea salt)

2:45 p.m. final taste test of creamy coleslaw at home
4:00 p.m. Creamy Coleslaw, Guacamole and Cucumber and red pepper salad at Kristina's son's party

5:15 p.m. Seasoned pumpkin seeds at Kristina's son party5:30 p.m. second helping of Creamy Coleslaw at Kristina's son's party

8:30 p.m. Creamy Coleslaw and wine at home with Man on the Raw

9:45 p.m. Wine and Creamy Coleslaw (with raisins added; the raisins brought a nice chewy textural contrast to the crunchy coleslaw) at home watching A Nightmare on Elm St. with Man on the Raw
Sunday, January 23, 2011 — Day 23 11:30 a.m. Green Smoothie with Man on the Raw at home

2:30 p.m. Salad while reading at home

5:30 p.m. glass of wine (I know, yet another wine) while doing laundry

5:50 p.m. Medjool Dates at home

6:37 p.m. Salad (Romaine, red cabbage, cucumber, scallions, avocados lemon juice) with my son and Buzz Lightyear

7 p.m. 2nd bowl of salad with cranberries thrown in

art, avocado, Cucumber, Food, Juice, Lemon, RAW, RAW RECIPE (photo), and more:

Cole Slaw Day 22 and Day 23 of My Year of Raw Foods + Vegan