Raw Food Recipes + Vegan

Day 10 of Raw Foods

9 am green smoothie at work

9:30 a.m. Mila and green smoothie with celery stick at work

11 a.m. kale chips at work

1:20 p.m. Garden Blend soup with Salad (mixed greens, avocado, carrots, pickled onions, sprouts, raw Dijon dressing) and flax crackers at work

3:55 p.m. Carob and Cacao Brownies in the car

5:30 p.m. Bowl of Cherries at home

6:30 p.m. Granola at gal pal Kristina's house

7:30 p.m. Kelp Noodles with avocado and dulse flakes with Kristina at her house

avocado, Food, RAW, RAW RECIPE (photo), soup, and more:

Day 10 of Raw Foods + Vegan