Raw Food Recipes [Search results for Tonya Kay

  • 10 Thoughts from Tonya Kay

    10 Thoughts from Tonya Kay

    illustration by Jim Balent 1. One thing the world doesn’t know about me is I dressed up as a grape in middle school and lead the choreography of my middle school Camp Fire float, pretending we were California raisins singing "I Heard It Through The Grape Vine"

    2. I am most proud of introducing my best girlfriend to her idol, Kenny Rogers, when I was on tour with him. She used to make me harmonize Dolly Parton's part to Kenny songs in high school. My best girlfriend was shaking and in tears when she met Kenny!

    3. My biggest achievement was going off of meds for the third and final time when I went raw!

    4. My favorite superfood is blueberries.

    5. I just read Dr. Sam's Revolutionary Rehab Manual — it's a fine piece of physical therapy philosophy every natural athlete would enjoy.

    6. San Andreas, CA is the most beautiful place on earth. That, or the Dingle Peninsula on Ireland's rocky, easternmost coast.

    7. If I could be any animal, it would be a crow, probably, because they have such an ironic sense of comedy.

    8. My hidden talent is I am a wiz with numbers.

    9. I would like to share a raw dinner with the late Robert Anton Wilson, Pablo Picaso and Stevie Nicks.

    10. My favorite invention is oscillating fans.

    Raw Vegan Tonya Kay is an actress, with appearances on House, Glee and NUMB3Rs, professional dancer, touring with Panic At The Disco, and her whip cracking, knife throwing and other danger arts have been guested on the Tonight Show With Conan O'Brien, Showtime's Live Nude Comedy and History Channel's More Extreme Marksmen.

  1. madeira cake
  2. toasted hazelnut flourless brownies
  3. rhubarb crumble tart
  4. smoked sea salt chocolate chip cookies
  5. rhubarb and buttermilk loaf
  6. :: Caramel Apple Sauce
  7. :: Basic Pancake Recipe
  8. :: Basic Cupcake Recipe
  9. :: Chocolate Chip Oreo Cupcakes!
  10. :: What reccession? Let them eat cake!