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  • The Daily Raw Blog's Blogroll

    The Daily Raw Blog's Blogroll

    photo credit: Okinawa Soba
    Here are my must-reads.
    Ani Phyo
    A Bitt of Raw
    Choosing Raw
    Debbie Does Raw
    Greens and Jeans
    HiHoRosie's Place
    In the Raw
    Julie's Raw Ambition
    Kristen's Raw
    Love Veggies and Yoga
    Loving Raw
    Man on the Raw
    MeloMeals: $3.33 A Day
    Miss Best's Blog
    My New Roots
    Pretty Smart Raw Food Ideas
    Punk Rawk Labs
    Pure Culinary Adventure
    Pure Jeevan
    Radical Radiance
    Raw Chef
    Rawdawg Rory
    Raw Food, Right Now!
    Rawfully Tempting
    Raw Mocha Angel
    Raw Palate
    The Raw Project
    Raw Reform
    Raw Success
    Raw on $10 a Day (or less)
    Raw Vibrant Goddess
    Real Food Tulsa
    Rediscover Raw Food
    Sunny Raw Kitchen
    Sweetly Raw
    Trying to Heal
    Victoria Boutenko's Green Smoothies Blog
    We Like it Raw
    Yummy Raw Kitchen

  • 10 Thoughts from Penni Shelton

    10 Thoughts from Penni Shelton

    1.One thing the world doesn’t know about me is that I have the song Rapper's Delight by the Sugar Hill Gang completely memorized.

    2. I am most proud of my family.

    3. My biggest achievements have been the natural childbirth of my daughter, completing a 3 month juice feast and publishing a book this year.

    4. My most memorable meal was dining at Pure Food & Wine in NYC on my 40th birthday.

    5. I am reading Love & War by John and Stasi Eldredge

    6. The most beautiful place on earth is looking up from the bottom of an epic waterfall in Yellowstone National Park.

    7. If I could be any animal, it would be one of my dogs......they've totally got the life!

    8. My hidden talent is to be able to whistle louder than anyone else at a rock concert or sporting event.

    9. If I could share a raw dinner with any three people, they would be Jesus, Mother Theresa and Sting.

    10. If I were to be remembered for one thing, it would be my passion for loving and helping others.

    Penni Shelton, of Real Food Tulsa, is the creator and director of Raw Food Rehab and author of "Raw Food Cleanse: Restore Health and Lose Weight by Eating Delicious, All-Natural Foods — Instead of Starving Yourself ."

  • Terilynn's Notes

    Terilynn's Notes

    The whole point of me not blogging on Saturday and Sunday was for me to take a few days off and chill. Want to do a poll on whether or not you think I chilled? Yeah, I don’t want to touch that poll either. I prepared recipes from the Complete Book of Raw Food, wrote new recipes, read a book or two for reviews, watched Food, Inc, went to an Oscar party, spent time in the garden, planned for future posts. Okay, so not all my weekend plans were the Daily Raw Café related.

    In the quest to find some sort of uniformity with the Daily Raw Café and my life, being unemployed I have more time to play here with you guys. The Daily Raw pleasantly passes the time and causes me not to be so depressed that I’m unemployed. Moving forward, Mondays at the Daily Raw will be an overview of what’s to come for the week.
    I apologize, I lost my train of thought. Really one should not blog if one is dog tired from Oscar parties.

    Mondays yes, that was what we were discussing. Mondays and now, the strange, warm Colorado weather.

    This Colorado weather may be pulling the wool over Man on the Raw’s eyes, but I am not fooled. I know there is at least one more big snow coming our way, I don’t care if we are experiencing warm, sunny days with nary a cloud in the sky.
    It’s insane that Man on the Raw wants to plant seeds in our garden now before our traditional Mother’s Day seed shopping spree. I would have been upset if he hadn’t unearthed, from the far depths of our soil, a huge bowl full of Jerusalem Artichoke aka Sunchokes. He grabbed enough to convince me seeding early would be worth breaking tradition. On Friday I will share with you a bit of history behind Jerusalem Artichokes and a recipe or two. Tomorrow I will announce the winner of the "Becoming Raw" book, but it's not too late to enter, you have until tonight.

    Tuesday, you will be in good company with the lovely Penni Shelton of Real Food Tulsa when she gives us her 10 Thoughts. Wednesday, I will share some munchie recipes from The Complete of Raw Food and a bit of my obsessive compulsive tendencies when I strive to create a crispy vegetable chip.
    For today, I’m sharing photos of our garden. Of course, we are going to plant early. Kale, collards, spinach and I think beets, will do nicely for now. Hearty vegetables that will survive any upcoming snow storm.

    Do me a favor, drop Man on the Raw a comment or two and ask him to tell you his composting secrets. All the juice pulp I produce and the shavings of leftover fruits and vegetables are saved for his compost pile. Man on the Raw creates the richest soil I have ever encountered, and it's all made by him using our compost, dirt and leaves, etc. If you want to know more about composting and making soil, probe him a bit, I bet you he’ll spill it.

  1. Orange and ginger muffins
  2. cosmopolitan cupcakes cookery class
  3. almond and rosemary shortbread
  4. Chocolate, ricotta and honey pizza
  5. Chicken and leek pie
  6. :: White Chocolate Cheesecake with Summer Fruit
  7. :: Sadhbh's Cookclub- Delicious Beef Pho!
  8. :: Cooking at London's Borough Market!
  9. :: Auntie Ann's Banana Bread
  10. :: Big Boy Apple Breakfast Muffins