Chocolate and Orange Panna Cotta 2 cups cashews, soaked until soft ¼ cup fresh-squeezed orange juice 1 teaspoon ground flax seeds ½ cup chocolate glaze (recipe below) ¼ teaspoon orange zest
1 Blend cashews and flax seeds, gradually add orange juice one tablespoon at a time until cashews are smooth and well blended.
2 Add chocolate glaze and orange zest until smooth.
3 Pour mixture into two chilled 4-inch springform pans. Let set in freezer for 2 hours.
4 Carefully remove molds from panna cottas. Leave it on the saucer plates and put in the refrigerator overnight. Let stand at room temperature 5 minutes to soften slightly. Serve panna cottas with candied oranges.
Kitchen notes Chocolate Glaze ½ cup cocoa powder ½ cup maple syrup (not a raw product) 2 tablespoons coconut butter 2 tablespoon water
1 In the blender, combine cocoa powder, maple syrup, coconut butter and water until well combined.
Servings: 2
Candied Oranges ½ cup agave nectar ½ cup water 1 small navel orange, sliced 1/8 teaspoon sea salt
1 In a bowl, whisk agave nectar and water to create a simple syrup. Dip orange slices into the simple syrup until well coated. Sprinkle sea salt on slices.
2 Place orange slices on Teflex sheet and dehydrate at 100 degrees for 3 hours.
Please note: I used mason jar lids for the molds instead of the springform pans.
This beverage is all Man on the Raw's doing. It's funny because he'll create these wonderful things and doesn't use measurements and so I have to backtrack with him. Which isn't always fun.
But I love him all the same. He is quite fabulous in the kitchen, if I must say so. And I must. I have learned a great deal from him, even if he doesn't realize.
Citrus-Ginger Refresher 2 cups orange juice 1 lemon, juiced ½ tablespoon ginger 4 cups sparkling water
..............I buy strawberries for the kids when they're on sale, but as usual they don't get eaten as quickly as I would like. So I had a bunch of strawberries getting moldy on me so here is the result of the surviving berries. I think I did pretty good. This cheesecake is very rich, it's hard to eat more than one piece at a time. Serve it immediately after making, it gets soft very quickly. Any leftover cheescake should be put back in the freezer. I used a 4-inch springform pan for the small tart. STRAWBERRY SAUCE 2 pint-size baskets strawberries, cleaned and stems removed 1/4 c agave nectar 1/4 t sea salt Marinate strawberries in agave nectar and sea salt. Let marinate overnight in refrigerator for best results. Once marinated, the juice from strawberries will be in the bowl. In a blender, puree strawberries, adding strawberry juice 1/4 cup at a time, until you achieve a smooth consistency. Cover and briefly chill. CRUST 2 c almonds, soaked overnight 1 c Medjool dates, soaked for 1 hour 1/2 t organic vanilla extract 1/4 t sea salt In a food processor, combine almonds, dates, vanilla and sea salt. Press onto bottom and up the sides of an 10-inch tart pan. FILLING 3 c cashews, soaked for 1 hour juice of 1 lemon 2/3 c agave nectar 1/4 c water 2 t organic vanilla extract 1/4 t sea salt Mix cashews, lemon juice, vanilla, sea salt and agave nectar in a blender. Add water 1 tablespoon at a time to create a creamy consistency. Pour into crust and put in freezer for a couple of hours to chill. TOPPING1 pint strawberries, slicedTo complete cake, arrange strawberries on top of cake. Brush strawberries with sauce, immediately.DID YOU KNOW? One cup of sliced strawberries contains almost as much vitamin C as one cup of orange juice.
Since my last Juice Feast ended in March 08, I felt as if I were on a downward spiral into the abyss. I have been riddled with guilt for giving myself the wonderful gift of Juice Feasting and (becoming healthy) only to have pissed it away.
For two years I was sad, lost and confused. I was reaching for some joy in the form of pizza, Sangria and cigarettes. I haven’t been able to rid myself of that sinking feeling you get when you are trapped in quicksand. That is, until now, until I created David Wolfe’s Avocado Burritos.
Ok, before you send me to the loony bin, let me explain. It wasn’t that the recipe itself is spectacular, sorry Mr. Wolfe, it’s isn’t. It’s just guacamole. This recipe re-ignited my passion for preparing raw foods and to sharing the things I discover with you. Who would have thought the uncomplicated ingredients of avocados, jalapenos and tomatoes wrapped in lettuce leaves would cause me to smile and find a spark of happiness in my heart.
The aroma of the produce as I mashed away, the enthusiasm I received styling the dish, the gratification of taking a picture and the waterworks that fell as I wrote these words. I finally feel like I belong somewhere, even if it’s confined to a blog. I am absolutely, completely, utterly fine with that.
All this was as much of a shock as orange juice in this recipe. Who would have thought to replace traditional lime with orange? I guess that‘s why he is who he is. Different, neither good nor bad, just different. Well, thank you all the same, David Wolfe.
I want to thank all those who read my blog and support my 92 day juice feast.
An extra special thanks to my sister, who keeps me grounded during this endeavor and helps me realize it's the journey not the destination. Many blessings and I'm the lucky one.
Congrats to my dear friend in The Lone Star state who passed her boards. Yeah you!
To my 7-year old, thank you for being you. You are an unique one and mom loves you.
WHAT I DRANK TODAY: H2O orange juice (1 quart) carrot juice (1 quart) wheatgrass (3 oz) herbal tea
12:30 p.m. Large Salad (Romaine, mixed greens, spinach, beets, carrots, sprouts, cucumber, seasoned seeds, 1/4 of avocado, Dijon dressing)
2 p.m. Orange Jewels Drink (Orange juice, cashews, dates, agave, soy lecithin, vanilla) and a E3Live shot
3:45 p.m. Cherry Cheesecake
6:15 p.m. olives
6:15 p.m. Organic wine
6:30 p.m. radish bite
7:15 p.m. Fig and Cacao Bean
7:17 p.m. Figs
Time? 7:17 p.m.
Time? almonds
Time? Organic wine
Time? Organic wine and olives while outside looking at the stars with Man on the Raw
Time?: Cacao Beans with agave at home while blogging this post Due to 3 4 glasses too many glasses of wine, the evening times and names of food will appear tomorrow could not be fully recalled. Good nite folks, have a great weekend.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend, I am not quite sure if I will be seeing you or not since today is the last day of the poll to the left.
Choose wisely, dear readers the fate of my blogging humanity, as we know it, hangs in the balance. Okay, okay, I'll stop. Today is the last day and I would really appreciate your vote. But the Daily Raw Blog world will survive to see another day, if you don't vote. No pressures, it is just for fun, right? I am not really into bribes, I would never think of trying to bribe you with a plate of cookies or anything. You are much to clever to fall for something like that. But just in case you were hungry for a few recipes here you go, enjoy reading them while you are clicking the mouse on the poll to the left. And if polls really and truly aren't your thing, that's cool, there is a nice Give-away here.
Chili-Lime Jicama Fries Serves 4 1 jicama, peeled, cut into matchsticks Juice of 1 lime ½ teaspoon honey 1 tablespoon olive oil 2 teaspoons chili powder 1 teaspoon sea salt Lime wedges
Place jicama in a shallow serving bowl.
Whisk lime juice, honey, oil, chili powder and sea salt in a bowl. Pour over jicama. Let sit for 1 hour to allow flavors to meld. Garnish with lime wedges.
Almond Orange CookiesAdapted from Valya’s Almond Orange CookiesYields: 25-30 cookies 2 cups raw almonds, soaked for 6-8 hours1 ½ cup raisins1 cup unsweetened coconut orange, peeled, segmented1 teaspoon organic vanilla extract 1 teaspoon cinnamon ½ teaspoon nutmeg ¼ teaspoon sea salt
Combine all the ingredients in a food processor until well-combined. Mixture should be a sticky consistency; holding together well. Form mixture into small cookie shapes and place on dehydrator screens (without Teflex sheets). Dehydrate at 115 degrees for 20-24 hours or until dry on the outside and a bit chewy on the inside.
To commemorate Day 40 of My Juice Feast please enjoy a few Shazzie drinks. Cabbage and Carrot Juice, by Shazzie, p. 140 — pretty basic, tasted more like carrots than cabbage, which is a good thing when drinking cabbage. Brutus is Scared, by Shazzie, p. 139. I drank gallons of this juice all last week before I realized there was an actual recipe in the book. (no photo available)
Coconut Drink, by Shazzie, p. 142. Tastes a bit like an Orange Julius without the sweetness. Hopping Wild, by Shazzie, p. 148.
Take Shazzie's advice and work your way up the wild green ladder. Dandelions (my green of choice) are bitter and 10-20 leaves overpower the drink. And a bit of ramblings at Inspiration:Life.
For the next few months (or year?) The Daily Raw Blog will work its way through the 350 plus recipes in “The Complete Book of Raw Food” edited by Lori Baird and Julie Rodwell.
Modifications: Did you notice I was changing some of the recipes? Well, that's going to happen. I'm not a purist as far as this endeavor goes, and there will be some changes based on lack of ingredients, equipment, ambition, etc. I will let you know what I did or didn't do. No biggie.
Recipes. Have you bought the book yet? If not, I don't blame you. I'm not hating, I'm broke, too (but I'm going to win the Powerball any day now).
The recipes posted will be my versions of the original recipe or if the recipe is really, really good and I will forget about copyrights for a moment.
If not...
Here are some suggestions for if you want the recipes I don't print:
#1 go to the page number in the book (if you have it)
#2 try the link of the creator of the recipe. They might have it on their website.
#3 Google it
If you still can't find it or just too lazy to do the above mentioned (don't worry, I ain't mad at you), shoot me an email ( and I'll type it and send it to you. On the downlow, of course. Shh.
But don't get carried away. Believe it or not I do have a life away from the computer. Okay that was a total lie, I'm constantly on the computer.
But I have to make an appearance in front of the kids or they get worried how their going to be fed. This little challenge of mine is to have fun. I'm having a total ball doing it and I hope you enjoy reading about it.
Anyhoo, I thank you bunches for reading my blog after my hiatus and I have it on good authority that I will be around for a very long time.