Raw Food Recipes [Search results for pure jeevan

  • Pure Jeevan Giveaway CLOSED

    Pure Jeevan Giveaway CLOSED

    Pure Jeevan gives away the eBook "Veggie Bouquets" written by Amie Sue Oldfather,
    a copy of Raw Salad Dressings eBook and a also a free membership in an online community for others who are into making vegetable bouquets.

    For a chance to win, leave a comment below.
    Optional entries: Here are more ways to enter. Each Way Gets You One Entry, except #1.

    Remember, leave a separate comment on my blog for each entry you want. If applicable, please leave the link to your Facebook/Twitter/Blog in the comment you leave me.

    1. Link the Daily Raw Blog's 3rd Anniversary Cyber Celebration back on a Blog Post of yours. **You Get 5 Extra Entries for Doing This** Please leave a link. And create 5 separate comments in the comment field below.

    2. Follow Me. If you are already following me, let me know.

    3. Post this on your Twitter: "Pure Jeevan giveaway at josculinary.com"

    4. Post this on your Facebook: "Pure Jeevan giveaway at josculinary.com"

    The deadline, for the all the contests, is tonight at 12:32 a.m. {May 28th} (EST).CLOSED Random.org will pick the lucky winner.

    This giveaway is open all with access to an email address.

  • The Pure Jeevan Winner is...

    The Pure Jeevan Winner is...

    And the winner of Pure Jeevan's eBook "Veggie Bouquets" written by Amie Sue Oldfather,
    a copy of Raw Salad Dressings eBook and a also a free membership in an online community for others who are into making vegetable bouquets is Jaime.

    Forward your email address to the dailyraw(at)yahoo. com to receive your gift. You have until 6 p.m. June 3 to claim your prize. Thank you everyone who entered.

  • The Daily Raw Blog's Blogroll

    The Daily Raw Blog's Blogroll

    photo credit: Okinawa Soba
    Here are my must-reads.
    Ani Phyo
    A Bitt of Raw
    Choosing Raw
    Debbie Does Raw
    Greens and Jeans
    HiHoRosie's Place
    In the Raw
    Julie's Raw Ambition
    Kristen's Raw
    Love Veggies and Yoga
    Loving Raw
    Man on the Raw
    MeloMeals: $3.33 A Day
    Miss Best's Blog
    My New Roots
    Pretty Smart Raw Food Ideas
    Punk Rawk Labs
    Pure Culinary Adventure
    Pure Jeevan
    Radical Radiance
    Raw Chef
    Rawdawg Rory
    Raw Food, Right Now!
    Rawfully Tempting
    Raw Mocha Angel
    Raw Palate
    The Raw Project
    Raw Reform
    Raw Success
    Raw on $10 a Day (or less)
    Raw Vibrant Goddess
    Real Food Tulsa
    Rediscover Raw Food
    Sunny Raw Kitchen
    Sweetly Raw
    Trying to Heal
    Victoria Boutenko's Green Smoothies Blog
    We Like it Raw
    Yummy Raw Kitchen

  • 10 Thoughts from Wendi Dee

    10 Thoughts from Wendi Dee

    1. One thing the world doesn't know about me is I have a bit of a dark side (think vampires and dark clubs with intense music for dancing). Don't worry...I won't bite unless you ask.

    2. I'm most proud of my child, who's the most incredible individual I've ever known.

    3. My biggest achievement has been researching, experimenting, and learning how to heal myself of
    chronic lyme disease. With all that I've learned, and continue to learn, I'll be able to help even
    more people!

    4. The most memorable meal I've ever had was lovingly prepared and served to me by Debbie Young, of
    Debbie Does Raw. She put a lot of effort into creating unbelievably delicious and beautiful raw
    Indian samosas with mouth-watering chutneys and chai. YUM!

    5. My idea of a perfect day is one filled with love, laughter, and lots of fun with family and

    6. I actually have two favorite mottos: "We are all connected and one" and "All you need is LOVE."

    7. The most beautiful place on Earth is wherever I'm having a fun time with Jim.

    8. Five years from now I see myself looking back and remarking: "Wow, I couldn't have even imagined
    that life could be this great! It all started with a simple sentence my friend Danny Living taught me to recite when visualizing the future: 'If not this, then something better!'"

    9. If I were to be remembered for one thing, I would like it to be that I took the time to truly connect with other individuals. If there was a way, I'd love to meet every person living, look into their eyes, connect with them on a deep level, and let them know how much they are loved.

    10. My favorite invention of all time is the hula-hoop--not because I'm great at hula-hooping, but
    because I've seen Jim turn into a carefree child when playing with one!

    Wendi Dee, of Pure Jeevan, lost nearly 100 pounds on a raw food diet. She and her daughter completed their Cross-Country raw tour.

  • DRC's 3rd Anniversary Cyber Celebration's Sponsors

    DRC's 3rd Anniversary Cyber Celebration's Sponsors

    Here is a list of sponsors, for The Daily Raw Blog's 3rd Anniversary Cyber Celebration, who have generously donated some pretty fabulous prizes. More to come....
    105 Degrees
    Blackbird Naturals
    Book Publishing Company
    Chia Seeds Direct
    Eden Foods
    Emma and Rod MacDougall
    Jenna Norwood
    Kaia Foods
    Krazy Kracker Lady
    Living Harvest
    Living Nutz
    Living Tree Community
    NuNaturals, Inc.
    Pure Jeevan
    Raw Food Rehab
    Raw Indulgence (Raw Revolution)
    The Raw Food World
    Raw Spirit Fest
    Zukay Live Foods

  • Sponsors and Giveaway Guidelines

    Sponsors and Giveaway Guidelines

    105 Degrees
    Blackbird Naturals
    Book Publishing Company
    Chia Seeds Direct
    Eden Foods
    Emma and Rod MacDougall
    Jenna Norwood
    Kaia Foods
    Krazy Kracker Lady
    Living Harvest
    Living Nutz
    Living Tree Community
    NuNaturals, Inc.
    Pure Jeevan
    Raw Food Rehab
    Raw Indulgence (Raw Revolution)
    The Raw Food World
    Raw Spirit Fest
    Zukay Live Foods

    Let's give another shout out to my wonderful sponsors, without them I wouldn't be able to give you, my readers, some pretty awesome gifts and I am so thankful that the sponsors made this possible.

    I want to let you, my wonderful readers, know that I appreciate you. With all the blogs out there, you take the time to visit The Daily Raw Blog and I think that's pretty cool. Although, there isn't a physical party (something to shoot for at 5th anniversary...methinks) to attend, I hope you stay within the spirit of a party.

    Visit the cyber celebration when you have the time and leave smiling. I will make sure you have plenty to explore.


    Giveaway Guidelines
    As The Daily Raw Blog gears up for a super Cyber Celebration, I wanted to give you the information regarding the contests.

    Here are the guidelines for the giveaways for May 27th. There will be at least 24 giveaways starting at 8:32 a.m. until 8:32 p.m. (EST). The giveaways will post every half hour with maybe a surprise bonus giveaway added in.

    The deadline, for the all the contests, is 12:32 a.m. May 28th (EST). Random.org will pick the lucky winners.

    You can enter as many drawings as you want for the amount of entries possible. Unless otherwise stated all contests are open U.S. mailing addresses only. I am truly sorry everyone else in the world.

    Each Way Gets You One Entry
    Remember, leave a separate comment on my blog for each entry you want. If applicable, please leave the link to your Facebook/Twitter/Blog in the comment you leave me.

    1. Leave a comment on the giveaway post starting with the first post on May 27th.

    2. Link the Daily Raw Blog's 3rd Anniversary Cyber Celebration back on a Blog Post of yours. You can mention the celebration on your blog before May 27th. For this you have my utmost gratitude and **5 Extra Entries** Please leave a link AND create 5 separate comments in the comment field of each giveaway on May 27.

    3. Follow Me. If you are already following me, let me know.

    4. Post on your Twitter: More information on each individual May 27 giveaway posts.

    5. Post on your Facebook: More information on each individual May 27 giveaway posts.
    Have fun everyone and good luck!

    A note regarding cyber time. Right now as I post it is just about 11 p.m. on Sunday night. When I hit send it the post will read sometime after 2 a.m. Monday morning. I do this so I can have a morning post but blog at night before bed.

    On May 27th, I would like my first giveaway post to read 9:32 a.m., in order to do this I will be posting at 6:32 a.m. Please feel free to enter the contest as soon as the post is up no matter what time it may be. You will have until 12:30 a.m. (May 28) Eastern Standard time to enter all the giveaways.

    The 9:32 a.m. time issue is my own sentiment doing, my first post was at that time on May 25th, 2007.

  1. cashew nut and white chocolate chip cookies
  2. olive oil and walnut brownies
  3. vanilla bean and espresso spelt scones
  4. honey tea loaf & foodie pen pals
  5. brown butter shortbread
  6. :: Mini Mince Pies!
  7. :: Christmas Cupcake Recipe from KISS Magazine!
  8. :: Salon Du Blog: Je t'adore!
  9. :: Visit To A Swedish Bakery!
  10. :: Open Aromatic Duck Salad