photo by Ella
If you smile at someone, they might smile back. ~Author Unknown
photo by Ella
If you smile at someone, they might smile back. ~Author Unknown
photographer unknown
Start every day with a smile and get it over with. ~W.C. FieldsThis week's smile courtesy of Jodika.
photo by justmakeitIf you smile at someone, they might smile back. ~Author Unknown
photo State Library and Archives of Florida
A smile is the universal welcome. ~Max Eastman
photo by abfarmerA friendly look, a kindly smile, one good act, and life's worthwhile. ~Author Unknown
A smile is something you can't give away; it always comes back to you. ~Author Unknown
photo by ferrousBeauty is power; a smile is its sword. ~Charles Reade
Wear a smile — one size fits all. ~Author Unknown
If you don't have a smile, I'll give you one of mine. ~Author Unknown
photo by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos BombasticosThe shortest distance between two people is a smile. ~Author Unknown
photo by Martin HeiganA smile is the light in the window of your face that tells people you're at home. ~Author Unknown
Mango Soup by Shannon Isley, 100
This was a good soup and I threw caution to the wind and added a pinch or two of sea salt and it transformed into a very, good soup.
But then I got to thinking. When do you eat Mango Soup? When do you use mangos? They can kick off the day blended in a smoothie, maybe add a little something different to a salsa or chutney and a mango can be down right sensual eaten by itself. But when would you take the time to create Mango soup, if it were not for a special occasion?
It’s not a cozy tomato soup or brawny mushroom soup or even a soothing miso broth. Those soups are like your grandmother’s quilt…dependable, comforting. Mangos are definitely not, that. I suppose since mangoes are an aphrodisiac, Valentine’s Day is a fine time to dine on Mango soup.
image Just the sexiness of all the ingredients. The mango. Touching it, you should feel the skin give, its ripe suppleness is a perfect consistency for the soup. Go ahead, it’s alright to smile as the sweet juices and sticky texture drip down your arm and make their way to the blender.
flint hill
Do you feel your heart race as your knife bites down on the red chile pepper exposing the heat. Did you gasp as the burning chile fumes arrived at your nose? Was that a smile as you thought of your dinner companion for the evening? I promise I won’t tell that you secretly added a few chile seeds to the blender. A little more heat won’t hurt anyone.
It’s fortunate that the coconut meat bestows richness to this seductive dish as the coconut water washes over the mixture; a cool breeze on an August day. Lime juice brings a bit of spunk with its tartness and sass.
libraryman And last but certainly not least, the ginger offers warmth, not like wool socks, yet reminiscent of the fiery lover who cuddles after. Happy Valentine’s Day.
Spicy Mango Soup
3 very ripe mangoes, peeled, flesh removed
Meat and water from 2 coconuts, extra water as needed
1 small red chile, seeds removed, chopped
Juice of 1 lime
1 teaspoon grated ginger
½ teaspoon sea salt
Combine mango, coconut meat and water, chile, lime juice, ginger and sea salt together in a high-speed blender; process until smooth and creamy. Chill for 2-3 hours before serving.
photo by Jema SmithLife is like a mirror, we get the best results when we smile at it. ~Author Unknown If you have a smiley face you would like to share please send a photo (with photographer's name and link, if available) to yahoo.com.
If you don't start out the day with a smile, it's not too late to start practicing for tomorrow. ~Author Unknown
photo by Dylan Kasson If you don't start out the day with a smile, it's not too late to start practicing for tomorrow. ~Author Unknown
She gave me a smile I could feel in my hip pocket. ~Raymond Chandler
Avocado Burritos by David Wolfe, p. 208
Since my last Juice Feast ended in March 08, I felt as if I were on a downward spiral into the abyss. I have been riddled with guilt for giving myself the wonderful gift of Juice Feasting and (becoming healthy) only to have pissed it away.
For two years I was sad, lost and confused. I was reaching for some joy in the form of pizza, Sangria and cigarettes. I haven’t been able to rid myself of that sinking feeling you get when you are trapped in quicksand. That is, until now, until I created David Wolfe’s Avocado Burritos.
Ok, before you send me to the loony bin, let me explain. It wasn’t that the recipe itself is spectacular, sorry Mr. Wolfe, it’s isn’t. It’s just guacamole. This recipe re-ignited my passion for preparing raw foods and to sharing the things I discover with you. Who would have thought the uncomplicated ingredients of avocados, jalapenos and tomatoes wrapped in lettuce leaves would cause me to smile and find a spark of happiness in my heart.
The aroma of the produce as I mashed away, the enthusiasm I received styling the dish, the gratification of taking a picture and the waterworks that fell as I wrote these words. I finally feel like I belong somewhere, even if it’s confined to a blog. I am absolutely, completely, utterly fine with that.
All this was as much of a shock as orange juice in this recipe. Who would have thought to replace traditional lime with orange? I guess that‘s why he is who he is. Different, neither good nor bad, just different. Well, thank you all the same, David Wolfe.
1.One thing the world doesn’t know about me is I used to teach people to drive for a living.
2. I am most proud of acting in spite of my fears.
3. My biggest achievement has been being able to speak in front of large crowds of people...I used to be absolutely TERRIFIED!
4. My most memorable meals was papaya and lime in Koh Samui on the beach after a 9 day fast.
5. My idea of perfect day is watching the sunrise with someone I love, spending some time in the forest walking, breathing clean air, drinking spring water. Heading
back home for a beautiful raw lunch I made, then spending the
afternoon out and about, messing around doing silly things we've never
done before. Then heading up to the top of a mountain with a
beautiful view, watching the sunset before getting dressed out to go
out for an amazing raw meal at a really classy raw food restaurant.
I'd top the evening off with some star gazing on a warm evening, a
cool breeze and the kind of conversation that really connects 2 people
6. My hidden talent is I can juggle 3 mangoes for as long as you need me to.
7. In 5 years I see myself bursting with excitement and gratitude about what just happened in the last 5 years.
8. If you could share a raw dinner with any three people I choose Bruce Lee, Willy Wonka and Thích Quảng Đức
9. If you were to be remembered for one thing, it would be making a difference in the world's eating habits.
10. My favorite invention is physical reality — whoever came up with this ride did it with a smile. Other than that I think those new hand dryers in public bathrooms that
do actually dry your hands are long over-due
Russell James, the UK's leading raw chef, is an author, personal chef, instructor and raw food consultant. His website is The Raw Chef.
photo by Petr KratochvilSmiling is my favorite exercise. ~Author Unknown
Today was all about finding lost friends, connecting with relatives and re-discovering old recipes.
Can you tell I spent the entire day on Facebook?
I had the pleasure of spending time in Facebook chat with my cousin’s wife Michelle. She and I never really spoke at any great length, and I’m afraid the 15 minutes of “chatting” on the computer is the longest time we have conversed.
There was a time she hosted the Fourth of July and I brought ingredients for a salad and she very kindly let me have her kitchen. I remember the conversation was mostly about the food. Small talk, you know. There might have been mention of lack of a good cutting knives or blender or something of the sort. Through it all she remained wonderfully gracious.
Even while I typed, I pictured her warm, friendly smile and how her eyes squint a bit when she was really tickled. She is a lady I would like to get to know better.
Angela, Angela, Angela. What can I say about Angela? The fact that she’s drop-dead gorgeous comes to mind. But why don’t I share the first time I realized she was my best friend.
You know how you are friends with someone and you have fun together, you hang out all the time and share secrets, but, you don’t really know if it’s truly friendship or acquaintances.
Maybe if you are lucky, you settle into a routine and one day someone introduces you as "my friend so-and-so." But most of the time you just don’t know. The dear that Angela is, spared me of that whole guessing game. One day after a day of not doing too much, she handed me a little red envelope and told me to open it later when I was alone. Long-story-short, inside the little red envelope was a little white card with the world’s best penmanship stating the most beautiful words of friendship that a person could write to another. That was about 12-13 years ago and I still have the card. Somewhere, tucked away in a box of my treasured documents. Thank you Angela for today’s lengthy conversation and for being my friend.
In the midst of Facebook and phone conversations,
I prepared two recipes that were one of the first ones made when I purchased The Complete Book of Raw Food several years back. So in honor of Angela, I give you dishes that are tried-and-true and they can never do you wrong, Almond Milk and the Best Ever Almond Nut Pate.
Both are no-brainers. They are simple to make, provided you have soaked almonds handy, and the nut pate is very flavorful.
And for Michelle, a recipe that I’ve never discovered before, will call upon again and again and was a much needed breathe of fresh air, The Sunrise.
Recipes 18, 19, 20 of the Complete Book of Raw Food Endeavor
Almond Milk, by Elaina Love, p. 182
Best Ever Almond Nut Pate, by Rose Lee Calabro, p. 249
Sunrise, by Shazzie, p. 154