Raw Food Recipes [Search results for the Denver Post

  • Crepes, Ani Phyo and the Jolly Red Giant

    Crepes, Ani Phyo and the Jolly Red Giant

    In Ani’s Raw Food Essentials: Recipes and Techniques for Mastering the Art of Live Food, Ani Phyo guides readers through the fundamentals of raw food preparation in a simple and user-friendly manner.

    Phyo has left no stone unturned when it comes to this collection of over 250 recipes. As in her previous book, Ani’s Raw Food Kitchen, she offers tips, cleaning product recipes and advice on how to be eco-friendly. Divided into three parts, Part 1 is the basics; it uncovers the mysteries of dehydrating, soaking and sprouting, fermentation and pickling. This section presents a few starter recipes: flatbreads and pickles, to be exact.

    Phyo gets down to business in Part 2 where she showcases her talent of taking a basic recipe, using minimal ingredients and straightforward instructions, and creates variations. For example, her recipe for “Basic Nut Mylk” on page 41 transforms into “Vanilla Almond Mylk,” (p.41) “Chocolate Flurry Shake” (p. 42) or “Chilled Chai Frosty Shake” (p. 45). Another good example is the insanely, easy recipe for “Buckwheat Crispies” on page 63. The only ingredient is one pound of buckwheat groats and the recipe can be used as cereal in “Chocolate Crispies” (p. 63) or as “Basic Buckwheat Batter” (p. 115) for “fried” onion rings (p. 116) or as the base for “Buckwheat Pizza Crust” (p. 213).
    Phyo offers effortless, quick, step-by-step instructions on the techniques of every raw culinary dish imagined. She leads with, a fruit smoothie (p. 31), and travels right along, from breakfast to desserts, with the likes of “Sun-Dried Tomatoes and Coconut Bacon Scramble” (p. 85) to Kimchi (p. 126), to “Vietnamese Pho Noodle Soup” (p. 232), to “Lucuma Ice Kream” --- and we haven’t even touched the chapter on feeding your raw dog.

    Pay attention to the green and gray boxes interspersed throughout the book, they offer handy tips (“Dehydrating in Your Oven” p. 195) and bits of factoids (Is Sugar Vegan? Turbinado vs. Sucanat vs White Sugar” p. 57).

    Part 3 is a resource guide to Phyo’s uncooking videos, metric conversions, movies to watch and advice on reducing your carbon footprint.

    My one complaint of the book is not enough color photos. Fortunately, Phyo has the skill of descriptive writing that brings a dish to life, but the dowdy black-and- white photography doesn’t add anything to the book. Part of the appeal of living foods, especially in a cookbook, is experiencing the “life of the foods” through the vibrant colors and textures seen through the photography. The dozen or so colored photos in the book are definitely drool-worthy. I would gladly trade seeing photos of Phyo (although, she is quite beautiful) for a few more colored pictures of the food.

    All-in-all, one of the most enticing aspects of “Ani’s Raw Food Essentials” is Phyo’s flair of providing “recipe” road maps to the gentle encouragement of creating your own culinary journeys in the kitchen. Which is how it should be.

    My journey started with crepes.

    Apple Crepes
    Makes 4 wrappers
    From Ani’s Raw Food Essentials page 69
    1 cup cored and diced apple
    ½ cup flax meal
    2 tablespoons agave syrup
    ½ cup water, or as needed

    Place the apples in the bottom of a high-speed blender. Add the flax meal, agave, and water. Blend until smooth.

    Spread the mixture evenly onto one lined 14-inch square Excalibur Dehydrator tray.

    Dehydrate for 4 to 6 hours at 104 °F, or until completely dry. You can also flip the crepes, peel off the liner, and dehydrate for another couple of hours until dry.

    Crepes with Herb Cream and Red Pepper Sauce
    by The Daily Raw Café

    1 Crepe recipe, making 8 small rounds

    Make 1 pint of sauce

    2 red peppers, seeded, coarsely chopped
    ¼ cup sun-dried tomatoes, soaked, reserve ½ cup soaking water
    ¼ cup reserved sun-dried tomato water, or more as needed
    1 clove garlic
    1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

    Combine ingredients in a blender until smooth, silky sauce. Adding enough of the soaking water to reach desired consistency.

    1 cup soaked cashews
    ¼ cup reserved sun-dried tomato water, or filtered water
    2 tablespoons golden balsamic vinegar
    1 tablespoon chopped red onion
    1 clove garlic, pressed
    1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley
    1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil
    1 teaspoon sea salt
    ½ teaspoon freshly ground pepper

    Combine cashews, water, vinegar, onion and garlic in a blender; process until cashews break down into a creamy, yet slightly chunky crème. You want the consistency of a ricotta. Transfer to a mixing bowl.

    Fold in parsley and basil, sprinkle with salt and pepper.

    Assemble crepes
    On a clean work surface, place 1-2 rounded tablespoons of filling in the center of each crepe, shiny side down. Roll up crepe.

    Spoon red pepper sauce on a serving plate, arrange crepe on top. Serve immediately, crepes will become soggy if left on sauce too long.

    Chocolate Crepes with Chocolate Cream
    by The Daily Raw Blog
    Add 2 tablespoons organic cocoa powder to the ingredients of the crepe wrapper recipe. Continue to make crepes as instructed.

    1 cup soaked cashews
    ½ cup water
    ½ cup raw agave nectar*
    20 drops Cocoa Bean Extract**
    2 tablespoons coconut oil (liquid)

    Blend ingredients until you have a smooth, creamy texture.

    ½ cup cocoa powder
    ¼ cup raw agave nectar
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    ¼ cup coconut oil (liquid)

    Blend ingredients.

    Note: If the sauce becomes cold, it will solidify, just place it in the dehydrator for an hour at 115 degrees to melt.

    Assemble crepes
    Place the crepe with the shiny side up. Put the cream in a line down the center of the crepe. Fold the right side just past the middle and then do the same with the left.

    Drizzle chocolate sauce on top of the crepe and sprinkle with coconut “powder”

    ANI’S SERVING SUGGESTION: Grind dried coconut into powder, and sprinkle over your crepes through a sieve to give a powdered sugar look. (p. 71)

    * I used Xagave Raw Agave Nectar (review next week)
    **I used NuNaturals (review next week)

    IN THE LATE yet still note-worthy department. The Daily Raw Café was mentioned in last Wednesday’s Denver Post (June 9, 2010). You can read the write-up here.

    My book is in the final, final, final stages of coming out. Self-publishing is a b*****! You are in charge of so ALL the aspects of development (editing, layout, design, cover art, author bio, yada yada, ya, ) on top of writing the little creature.
    The buck stops with you all the way. So much pressure! I want the best book possible for the resources available to me. It’s a lot of hard, tedious work. Which makes me wonder why on earth am I doing it again very soon (yes, there will be another book out before the year is out!). Well, we all know the answer, I am a bit wacky in the brain and I loved the experience so much, I wanted to do it again right away. Don’t laugh, I’m serious ;).

    WOW, now that’s a beet! This colossal-sized beet emerged from our garden. Man on the Raw and our daughter Avery planted it in mid-March. This root vegetable has an interesting backstory. Man on the Raw was working the compost when he spied a sliced beet top with dead stems and leaves attached.

    Nothing out of the ordinary, until he notices one leaf thriving amongst the deceased foliage.
    On a whim, he decided to plant it and see what happens. Several months later, on a rainy June weekend in Denver, the jolly red giant emerged with an amazing amount of greens. All of which made many quarts of beet and carrot juice.

  • In 7 days

    In 7 days
    Everything I Ate Raw, My Year of Living Foods

    Image by Cool Text: Free Graphics GeneratorEdit Image
    After all the raw recipes and the juice feasts in 2007-08 and in January of this year, it's hard to believe that I have never been 100% raw for longer than 7 months, give or take a few.

    It's an idea I've been toying with for a number of years, ever since I perused Tucker Shaw's book "Everything I Ate: A Year in the Life of My Mouth." I was fortunate to work with Tucker at the Denver Post and he has been supportive of The Daily Raw Blog. And the sweet guy that he is, Tucker has given his blessing on this raw adventure.

    So starting January 1st, in the spirit of Tucker's book, I will take pictures of every thing I eat and everything I eat will be raw.

    Now, I'm not going to worry about percentages. For the most part, I will consume a 100% raw vegan diet, but if a dish contains vanilla extract or gracious forbid the IS IT, or ISN't raw agave nectar, I'm not going to nitpick over ever ingredient. The only guidelines I am following is uncooked and vegan, that seems simple enough.

    After years of hee-hawing back and forth, the timing feels good. Since I do work at "the birthplace of gourmet raw vegan cuisine" it's a wonderful opportunity to get a glimpse of the incredible meals that the students create, especially, the Gourmet Chef students. I can't wait to start sharing some of those photos, they are always so creative.

    Although my journey will mostly be expressed in pictures, from time to time I will chat about the how the experience is going and of course if you have questions please feel free to ask.

    Man on the Raw will also start the journey with me (about 6 months of raw is his goal), I'm not entirely sure if he will be blogging about it. Of course, I'm all about the blogging so I will give him a nudge to write about his thoughts. A few people at work will start the year with a 30-day raw fest. Any one else out there should come along for the ride, it will be fun.

    Yeah! I love the new year, it's all about the possibilities and fresh starts, new beginnings, projects and all. Wish me luck and stay tuned to watch my adventure unfold.

  • Back to the Cutting Board: The Winding Road (to Fort Bragg) Less Traveled

    Back to the Cutting Board: The Winding Road (to Fort Bragg) Less Traveled

    The fact that I am here is amazing. If the opportunity hadn’t arrived so quickly and left to my (and Man on the Raw’s) own devices… I probably would have decided against coming to Living Light Institute. I know, it’s insane. Here’s why.

    My past journeys have been like this… Imagine these wonderful things you would love to do, make plans, create opportunities for them to happen and then don’t do them. Fun, right?

    I just wouldn’t attempt or if I did I would panic mid-stream and loss confidence and quit and cancel the journey. Returning home to sulk and wonder why I am such a loser.

    Justifications would continue to haunt me.

    We have no money, I would have miss the children, I am abandoning my children, I have no idea what I want to do when I finally “grow” up, I’m not good enough…yada, yada, yada. Thousands of (un-rational) rationalization would have weighed me down. In my lifetime, thus far, millions have. Those and many more self-imposed obstacles have inundated my life.

    But something inside of me said enough is enough (thank goodness), stop living in fear and pursue your freaking dreams! Take that winding road (figuratively) and move toward the dreams less traveled. And that’s what I am doing.

    So this journey isn’t about whether or not I will become a certified raw chef. Don’t worry, I will totally discuss the chef stuff, it’s the fun stuff, right? But really the big question is whether I will stick around long enough to become a certified chef. Whether or not I will choke.

    This is going to be fairly quick post because it is my second day of classes and I don’t have much time. I will discuss my experience with each class soon.

    My children and myself arrived in California on Wednesday, as you might know because of the email disaster, I still am not ready to send out emails from the address. Because of FEAR. Ugh!

    Anyway, our days in San Mateo (where Mom is) were spent shopping (Mom’s favorite sport) for the kids’ food, clothing, my school supplies (knife bag and covers, extra chef coats, etc.)

    I only had a day to hang in San Mateo until we ventured the four-hour trip to Fort Bragg, home of the Living Light Institute.

    Nothing spectacular happened on the open road in between San Francesca and a little town called Willits. It was fairly smooth sailing.

    It all got interesting when we reached the mountain between Willits and Fort Bragg. Wait a minute, mountain?

    When discussing Fort Bragg, noone ever brought up a mountain. Did I mention to my intense fear of heights and winding, narrow roads with steep drops? Yeah, I know, I know I live in Colorado (mountains in the west) but as I remind a select few, there is not a single mountain in Denver, so I am safe.

    Very long story, short. My little Avery got sick in the car on this winding, uphill road. Did I mention my intense fear of vomit? But it was my baby and my mom wasn’t removing her knuckles from the steering wheel even though we were parked. Who could blame her? She did her time in Mommyville, her days of car-sick kids were over.

    I, squeamishly, cleaned up Avery and prayed we would make it to Fort Bragg before another mishap. Thankfully, my prayers were answered.

    In Fort Bragg, I checked into the Inn where I was staying, registered at the school (got my binder), found a Laundromat (washed Avery’s puke-soaked clothing) found a hotel for Mom and the kids to stay in (it was too late for them to travel back) shopped at Safeway (Mom’s brilliant idea to purchase a few groceries, thanks mommy!), said good-bye to my children (very hard, I hated this part), had orientation at the Inn (I am living with other students, which is nice), stayed up late reading over the next day’s schedule and finally tossed and turned in bed all night because I was too excited, nervous, happy, sad and fearful of what the winding road of Living Light Institute would bring.

  • Raw News You Can Use

    Raw News You Can Use
    RAW RECIPE (photos)

    The Daily Raw Recipe Wrap-upMonday: Tuscan MushroomsTuesday: Coconut MilkWednesday: Oatmeal Raisin CookiesThursday: Jalapeno Slider
    Many thanks to Bob of Legally Raw for contributing his photos and comments to Raw Test Kitchen's recipe Oatmeal Shortcakes with Spiced Plums. Subscribe to the Daily Raw. In case you haven't noticed the little box to the left, you can now get the Daily Raw by email. Yeah!
    IF YOU'RE IN DENVERThe Denver Living and Raw Food Cafe, 2 p.m. Saturday. Bring a raw food dish to share, including a list of ingredients/recipe and serving utensil. Also, bring your own plate and eating utensils. Wild Oats, 870 S. Colorado Blvd. in the upstairs meeting area, 303.691.0101
    Want to find more up-to-date raw events happening in the Metro Denver area? Visit Raw Denver.
    AROUND THE USRaw Spirit Festival, Oct. 12-14. The festival celebrates organic raw vegan foods, world class music, spirituality, inspirational education, eco-sustainable solutions, healthy living and more.

    Living Light Culinary Arts Institute seeks Kitchen Angels for its chef training program, October 17-November 19. Angels pay $20 per day, includes meals plus two demos each day.
    Journeys for the Soul, Oct. 24-28. A transformational liquid fasting retreat with hosts Kerrie Dancing Butterfly and David Wolfe.

    CFIA: Health Hazard Alert — Dole Brand Hearts Delight Lettuce Salad May Contain E. coli O157:H7 Bacteria
    Forget Your George Foreman: The Raw Food Diet Gains Popularity by Meredith Roberts
    Raw Food Diet and Food Safety, souce eMaxHealth

    SHARE YOUR NEWS! If you have an item for "Raw News You Can Use" please feel free to pass it along. Send information to yahoo.com and I will post it on Friday's blog.

    Have an rawsome weekend!


    RAW RECIPE (photos)

    The Daily Raw Recipe Wrap-up
    Monday: Cream of Mushroom Soup
    Tuesday: The Legally Raw Candy bar
    Wednesday: Zucchini Noodles with Alfredo Sauce
    Thursday: Pear Salad with Tangy Cranberry Vinaigrette
    Find a fresh choice at House of Nature's Own by Emanuella Orr

    Learn basic recipes to integrate more raw foods into your life. Raw Denver hosts a Raw Foods 101 food preparation class, 11 a.m. Saturday. For more information or to register visit rawdenver.com.

    Enjoy a Raw Latin American Fiesta! Kristen, of Kristen's Raw, offers a Mexican cuisine class noon-2 p.m. Saturday at the Wild Oats Market in Scottsdale, AZ. For details and to register, visit her website.

    Actress Cathy Silvers (Jenny Piccalo on "Happy Days") signs copies of her book "Happy Days Healthy Living" October 27th at Euphoria Loves Rawvolution, 2301 Main St., Santa Monica, 310-392-9501

    Journeys for the Soul, Oct. 24-28. A transformational liquid fasting retreat with hosts Kerrie Dancing Butterfly and David Wolfe.
    Here is a really sweet email from one of The Daily Raw Blog readers.
    "Hello Daily Raw!

    Im a lover of your daily raw website — I always know I will find great recipes and ideas!

    The other day I made something from your Raw Blog, for your test kitchen...the chocolate cupcakes! That post really got me, as I'm a chocolate lover all the way around. I have a raw catering business and this coming week my clients will be getting these delicious cupcakes as one of the desserts. I actually had brownie "dough" already made up, so added the vanilla and almond extracts like you had in your recipe, and had the coconut icing already made too, so added beet juice to colour it pink :D For a few of them I used a key lime filling as the icing.

    Attached are a few of my cupcake pictures.

    RAW RECIPE (photos)

    Thank you for the inspiriation! I look forward to trying your stuffed butternut squash next! :)

    In light,

    Healthy, thanks for the email and photo. SHARE YOUR NEWS! If you have raw food related item for "Raw News You Can Use" please feel free to pass it along. Send information to yahoo.com and I will post it on Friday's blog. Have an rawsome weekend!


    RAW RECIPE (photos)

    The Daily Raw Recipe Wrap-up
    Monday: Pizza
    Tuesday: Chocolate and Orange Panna Cotta
    Wednesday: Guacamole

    Raw Gaia launches the world’s 1st Raw Chocolate Face Pack

    Raw talent Uncooked diet catching on with the health-conscious by Cate Lecuyerm, Salem News

    Carol Alt's Raw Pecan Pie by Jenn Smith, Serious Eats

    What if 'real' turkey won't do? by Erika Wurst, The Beacon News

    Raw Delivery Service in the Denver and front range area
    Living Foods Chef Melissa Gilbert provides raw food meals delivered right to your door every week.
    The weekly package will include:
    2 savory soups or 2 smoothies
    4 Gourmet Entrees
    4 Side Dishes
    2 Desserts
    Raw Snacks
    Delivery area will be from Boulder in the north to Castle Rock in the south. Morrison to the west and Aurora to the east. There is a small fee for deliveries outside of Denver.
    Want more information? Contact Melissa at gilbertd921(at)comcast.net.

    SHARE YOUR NEWS! If you have raw food related item for "Raw News You Can Use" please feel free to pass it along. Send information to yahoo.com and I will post it on Friday's blog.

    Have an rawsome weekend!


  • Recipe #21 of the Complete Book of Raw Food Endeavor

    Recipe #21 of the Complete Book of Raw Food Endeavor
    RAW FOOD (photos)

    ....and about a bazillion more to go. I've better bust a move on these recipes if I want to complete them before...well, I don't really know before when. I'm kind of moving along at a turtle's pace, yes?

    Well, to make the challenge more interesting and to post a few more recipes, I have joined NaBloPoMo, National Blog Posting Month. See my cool widget for February to the left? I have pledge to post something every day on The Daily Raw Blog (weekends included) for the month of February. Mom, stop frowning. I know, I need to find a job instead of blogging everyday. But imagine the dedication that is shown on my part writing everyday. I'm an employer's dream. It shows I have commitment or should be committed, I'm not sure which one.

    Speaking of jobs, I did put in a call with the 2010 Censor Bureau to work with them this spring here in Denver. That would seem like an interesting job, meeting people and such. Wish me luck.

    RAW FOOD (photos)

    So to kick off February's blog-a-thon, I give you Karyn Calabrese's Walnut Pate on page 258. Visually, I wasn't impressed with the pate, it looked rather depressing, a tan-ish hue depressing. In the future, I might add a few grated carrots or diced red pepper to it or possibly half of a red onion, to add some color.
    The flavor? Well, Man on the Raw said it had 'lack-of-salt/seasoning issues.' Hey, it wasn't me who said it. I'm totally playing the blame-game on this dish. So he seasoned it up a bit with a couple of garlic cloves, more dill and of course, sea salt. His platting is spot on. He is great at creating little platters of food using simple ingredients. He makes things look appetizing and isn't that as important as taste and smell and texture? By adding a few basil leaves, spicy jalapenos slices, sweet tomatoes, salty olives and a drizzle of olive oil, he produced a dish with flare.


    RAW RECIPE (photos)

    The Daily Raw Recipe Wrap-up
    Monday: Sushi Rolls with Spicy Pecan Dipping SauceTuesday: Oatmeal Cookie BiscottiWednesday: Apple GaletteThursday: Chocolate Cupcakes with Coconut Icing

    The Daily Raw News BriefsThe Daily Raw is mentioned in Join me as I jump into the blog, by Kristen Browning-Blas, Denver Post Food Editor
    Tools for Living, by Vince Basehart
    Raw diet is healthy alternative by Laura McFarland, Rocky Mount Telegram
    The Hallelujah Diet Explained, eMaxHealth
    Raw Spirit Festival, Oct. 12-14. The festival celebrates organic raw vegan foods, world class music, spirituality, inspirational education, eco-sustainable solutions, healthy living and more.
    Enjoy a Raw Latin American Fiesta! Kristen, of Kristen's Raw , offers a Mexican cuisine class noon-2 p.m. October 20 at the Wild Oats Market in Scottsdale, AZ. For details and to register, visit her website.
    Journeys for the Soul, Oct. 24-28. A transformational liquid fasting retreat with hosts Kerrie Dancing Butterfly and David Wolfe.
    SHARE YOUR NEWS! If you have an item for "Raw News You Can Use" please feel free to pass it along. Send information to yahoo.com and I will post it on Friday's blog.
    Have an rawsome weekend!Teri


    RAW RECIPE (photos)

    The Daily Raw Recipe Wrap-up Monday: Essene BreadTuesday: NachosWednesday: Chocolate, Mint and Lemon GranitasThursday: Clementine slices Raw Delivery Service in the Denver and front range area Living Foods Chef Melissa Gilbert provides raw food meals delivered right to your door every week. The weekly package will include:

    • 2 savory soups or 2 smoothies
    • 4 Gourmet Entrees
    • 4 Side Dishes
    • 2 Desserts
    • Raw Snacks
    Delivery area will be from Boulder in the north to Castle Rock in the south. Morrison to the west and Aurora to the east. There is a small fee for deliveries outside of Denver. Want more information? Contact Melissa at gilbertd921(at)comcast.net.
    Westlake's Web of Life Natural Foods Market has weekly lectures on raw foods by Evelyn Theiss, Plain Dealer Reporter
    Carol Alt's book featured in a Cookbok Review by Erin Mendell, Baltimore Sun
    Natural habits by Natalie Mikles, Tulsa World Scene Writer
    Normally, I wouldn't comment on news articles but with this one I'll make an exception.
    It was a fairly good article (Pam's Apple Pie Salad caught my attention) until the "note" regarding pineapples at the very bottom.

    I'm not very rigid with my raw culinary ingredients. I use honey, red or rice vinegars, frozen fruits and, if you're familiar with my chocolate sauce, I even use maple syrup.
    But under no circumstance would I ever, ever, ever prepare a raw dish using anything that comes out of a can!

    SHARE YOUR NEWS! If you have raw food related item for "Raw News You Can Use" please feel free to pass it along. Send information to yahoo.com and I will post it on Friday's blog.

    Have an rawsome weekend!

  • Raw News You Can Use

    Raw lust for Food Network (uncooked) by Terilynn Epperson, special to the Denver Post


    RAW RECIPE (photos)

    The Daily Raw Recipe Wrap-up
    Monday: Basil Limeade
    Tuesday: Pesto-stuffed Butternut Squash with White SauceWednesday: Creamy tomato basil soup and Basil PestoThursday: Honey-Basil Sorbet with Chocolate-covered Basil
    Local director showcases film at MCC, Herald Staff Report. Jenna Norwood showcases her award-winning film, "Supercharge Me! 30 Days Raw"
    Learn basic recipes to integrate more raw foods into your life. Raw Denver hosts a Raw Foods 101 food preparation class, 11 a.m. October 20th. For more information or to register visit rawdenver.com.

    Enjoy a Raw Latin American Fiesta! Kristen, of Kristen's Raw, offers a Mexican cuisine class noon-2 p.m. October 20 at the Wild Oats Market in Scottsdale, AZ. For details and to register, visit her website.

    Actress Cathy Silvers (Jenny Piccalo on "Happy Days") signs copies of her book "Happy Days Healthy Living" October 27th at Euphoria Loves Rawvolution, 2301 Main St., Santa Monica, 310-392-9501

    Journeys for the Soul, Oct. 24-28. A transformational liquid fasting retreat with hosts Kerrie Dancing Butterfly and David Wolfe.

    RAW RECIPE (photos)

    Send a happy birthday shout-out to my Sous Chef D. She turns 8 years old today!
    SHARE YOUR NEWS! If you have raw food related item for "Raw News You Can Use" please feel free to pass it along. Send information to yahoo.com and I will post it on Friday's blog.

    Have an rawsome weekend!
