The Daily Raw Recipe Wrap-up Monday: Pizza Tuesday: Chocolate and Orange Panna Cotta Wednesday: Guacamole
Raw Gaia launches the world’s 1st Raw Chocolate Face Pack
Raw talent Uncooked diet catching on with the health-conscious by Cate Lecuyerm, Salem News
Carol Alt's Raw Pecan Pie by Jenn Smith, Serious Eats
What if 'real' turkey won't do? by Erika Wurst, The Beacon News
Raw Delivery Service in the Denver and front range area Living Foods Chef Melissa Gilbert provides raw food meals delivered right to your door every week. The weekly package will include: 2 savory soups or 2 smoothies 4 Gourmet Entrees 4 Side Dishes 2 Desserts Raw Snacks Delivery area will be from Boulder in the north to Castle Rock in the south. Morrison to the west and Aurora to the east. There is a small fee for deliveries outside of Denver. Want more information? Contact Melissa at gilbertd921(at)
SHARE YOUR NEWS! If you have raw food related item for "Raw News You Can Use" please feel free to pass it along. Send information to and I will post it on Friday's blog.
The Daily Raw Recipe Wrap-up Monday: Essene BreadTuesday: NachosWednesday: Chocolate, Mint and Lemon GranitasThursday: Clementine slices Raw Delivery Service in the Denver and front range area Living Foods Chef Melissa Gilbert provides raw food meals delivered right to your door every week. The weekly package will include:
2 savory soups or 2 smoothies
4 Gourmet Entrees
4 Side Dishes
2 Desserts
Raw Snacks
Delivery area will be from Boulder in the north to Castle Rock in the south. Morrison to the west and Aurora to the east. There is a small fee for deliveries outside of Denver. Want more information? Contact Melissa at gilbertd921(at) Westlake's Web of Life Natural Foods Market has weekly lectures on raw foods by Evelyn Theiss, Plain Dealer Reporter Carol Alt's book featured in a Cookbok Review by Erin Mendell, Baltimore Sun Natural habits by Natalie Mikles, Tulsa World Scene Writer Normally, I wouldn't comment on news articles but with this one I'll make an exception. It was a fairly good article (Pam's Apple Pie Salad caught my attention) until the "note" regarding pineapples at the very bottom.
I'm not very rigid with my raw culinary ingredients. I use honey, red or rice vinegars, frozen fruits and, if you're familiar with my chocolate sauce, I even use maple syrup. But under no circumstance would I ever, ever, ever prepare a raw dish using anything that comes out of a can!
SHARE YOUR NEWS! If you have raw food related item for "Raw News You Can Use" please feel free to pass it along. Send information to and I will post it on Friday's blog.
photo by shutterblog Here are some holiday gift suggestions to give to that rawsome person in your life. If you have more ideas please share, tis the season. Terilynn
Subscription to Living Nutrition magazine
Kombucha SCOBY
A week's worth of Raw food delivery service RAWvolution; In Colorado try the Sunny Raw Blog (email Melissa at gilbertd921(at)comcast(dot)net)
salad spinner
a month's worth of Door to Door Organics
Ebooks by Melissa Gilbert, Kristen Suzanne, The Best Of The Sunny Raw Kitchen
gift basket of superfoods (raw cacao nibs, goji berries, yacon slices, etc.)
A Gift Certificate to One Lucky Duck
David Wolfe on Weight Loss and Peak Performance
wheatgrass juicer
Vitamix Blender
Living Tree Good-for-You Chocolate Pack
ceramic knife
A membership to or The Raw Divas
Raw for Life DVD
a herb garden
Handheld Citrus Juicer
Dr. Ann Wigmore's living foods two-week certification program
Wow, I can't fool you guys. Congrats to a lot of people for guessing correctly the "What's that Food" last week. You are truely rawsome. Give a major shout-out to:
Rediscover Raw Food Kelly Jene Elaine Triny said... Bob Bush Kim Monica Keely SCOUT Naren KRBinAmsterdam Evol*Etah danny Heathy Raising Alex Raw Love Alex & Melissa Olivia der_erzahler said... L.oves I.rish C.obs and Meagan
I want to give special shout-outs to Valarie and Karen for being patient while I got my ducks in a row. These two wonderful women asked me questions a while back and I have one answer and I need advice from you guys on another.
Valarie is about 8 months pregnant and she asks: "any advice that you could give, now that i will have a baby to take care of, on being organized eating raw. I have a hard time trying to manage the sprouting and dehydrating. Thanks"
Yeah, I feel you there sister, the last thing I wanted to do was sprout or dehydrate, let alone prepare.
Here are some ideas to get you started.
Green smoothies. It takes about 10 minutes to make 4 quarts of delicious, nutritious smoothies. Store in Mason jars in the back of the refrigerator and you have four snacks at your disposal.
Also, have your husband clean, chop and store fresh vegetables for you to throw in a bowl for a salad or to snack on with a raw dip. Add pumpkin or sunflower seeds.
Here is my favorite salad dressing that keeps in the frig for about a week.
Juice of 3 lemons 1/4 cup olive oil 1 teaspoon sea salt
Place ingredients in a bottle and shake.
Melissa of Raising Alex is a wonderful resource in learning how to feed your child a raw foods diet.
Reading materials: Baby Greens by Michaela Lynn
Introducing Living Foods to Your Child by Beth Montgomery
Karen says: "I am severely allergic to Avacadoes and am looking for substitutions for them. I am also allergic to soy so tofu/miso is out. I thought maybe you would have an idea what I can use as a good substitute for the Avacado?"
Thanks, Karen
Karen, Okay this one has stomped me. I have searched and I don't know of anything that can substitute an avocado. Nothing beats the simplicity of the rich and creamy fruit. It is in a class by itself. Having said that, I have came up with a substitute dish that highlights avocados. Guacamole!
I'm not sure what dishes you were thinking of creating with avocados but here is a recipe for Sweet Pea Guacamole to get you started.
photo by mafleen
Sweet Pea Guacamole 3 cups fresh peas (or use a 20 ounce package of organic frozen peas,* rinsed, defrosted and patted dry) 1 small bunch fresh cilantro, chopped 1/2 red onion, chopped 1 jalapeno, chopped 1 garlic clove, minced Juice of one lime sea salt and pepper, to taste
1 Place peas, onion, jalapeno and garlic in food processor. Process until you achieve a smooth and creamy consistency.
2 Transfer into a bowl, stir in cilantro and lemon juice.
3 Season with sea salt and pepper.
If anyone knows of a true substitution for avocados, let me and Karen know. NOTE:*Frozen peas may not be truly raw. Send an email to the company and ask if they blanch the peas before freezing. Also, please keep in mind that you will lose some enzymes because of the product has been frozen.