Hello everyone! I want to thank you all for the patience and support you have given me these past three months during my juice feast. I am happy to say that starting next week, The Daily Raw Blog will return to posting 4-5 days per week.
Also there are some new and exciting things going on and I hope you will enjoy.
Monday (and sometimes Friday) features "Focus On"
The Daily Raw will "Focus on" a spice, an ingredient, a piece of equipment, etc. There will be great tips, history and information on an item along with a recipe.
Tuesday honors the readers The features include "Dear Daily Raw", surveys, reader feedback, questions, comments, etc. If you have a raw food kitchen question, forward to "Dear Daily Raw" at yahoo.com. Your question will be posted in Tuesday's section.
Wednesday is Recipe Day Traditionally, across the country Wednesdays are food day for newspapers. It will be no different for The Daily Raw.
Thursday is the day for News You Can Use and the Calendar listing If you have an raw food event you would like to have posted, pass it along for Thursday's Calendar section. Send items to yahoo.com.
Fridays is my day off, well, actually it's my Test Kitchen day. I'll take the day to develop new recipes and test them out.
Unless I want to share with you what I'm working on or if it's a special occasion, there won't be any posts on Fridays. But you never know what surprises I might have in store.
And don't forget about the monthly Daily Raw Blog Recipe Challenge .
There will be some major news coming in late April, early May so stay tuned.
See you next week for new and fun raw food at The Daily Raw Blog. Peace and Love, Terilynn
Here are the ingredients I used to create my recipes for The Daily Raw Blog Recipe Challenge
1. Red Grapes 2. Cashews 3. Almonds 4. Garlic 5. Red Pepper 6. Lemon 7. Tomatoes
Focaccia with Grapes Yield: 12 slices
2 cups flax seeds, ground into flour 1 cup almonds, ground into flour ¼ cup olive oil, plus more for drizzling 2 teaspoons agave nectar 1 garlic clove, minced 1 tablespoon chopped onions 2 tablespoons Italian seasonings 2 teaspoon sea salt 1/2 cup red grapes, sliced
1 Combine flax and almond flours in a large bowl. Add olive oil, agave nectar, garlic, onion, rosemary and sea salt. Mix well.
2 Fold in grapes.
3 Spread Focaccia dough on two Teflex-sheets, making them about 1/4-inch thick. Drizzle with olive oil. Place in dehydrator at 140 degrees for 4-6 hours or until Focaccia is dry on the top.
4 Flip over and remove Teflex sheets. With a pizza cutter, score the Focaccia into six large rectangles. You should have 12 slices of Focaccia bread. Drizzle with olive oil. Dehydrate at 110 degrees for an additional 8-12 hours or until the Focaccia is dry and semi-hard on the outside but soft and somewhat moist on the inside.
The Daily Raw Blog Kitchen Tip: From time to time I use a thermometer to check the temperature of the foods I dehydrate. Particularly when I raise the temperature of the dehydrator. I just like to make sure the temperature of my food doesn't rise also.
My 1, 2 and 8-year old children are used to mom's raw food creations. For better or worse, they have acquired a taste for fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Kevin, my 14 year-old stepson is the new kid on the block and has come from a bag-of-candy-a-day habit. Now, when I create dishes, he is the gauge I use to determine if my recipes are up to par. I am pleased to say that he has asked me to make this recipe twice since it's conception.
Red Pepper Aioli 1 cup cashews, soaked for an hour ¼ cup water 2 garlic cloves, minced juice one one lemon ½ red bell pepper, seeded and chopped 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 teaspoons sea salt
1 Combine cashews, water, lemon juice and garlic in a blender. Blend until cashew becomes a thick, smooth mayonnaise. Add more water one tablespoon at a time until you cashews break down and you achieve desired consistency.
2 Add in the red peppers, olive oil and sea salt. Briefly process until peppers are smooth. 3 Serve with bread, cucumbers, mushrooms and tomatoes.
It's not too late to submit a recipe for February's challenge. Next week, I'll post the recipe for Radicchio and Fennel Coleslaw.
The beautiful Wendi Dee from Pure Jeeven has kicked off February's Daily Raw Blog recipe challenge with "Easy To Swallow Veggie Soup," a delicious-looking vegetable soup. For the recipe visit here. Thank you very much Wendi Dee for submitting your soup, you are truly rawsome. To everyone else keep it coming! For the details of the Daily Raw Blog recipe challenge visit here.
Other blog news. I have passed along my Creative Blogger Award to Paulina of Veggie Delight. She is our future in raw and vegan cuisine and I wanted to acknowledge the talent that this 16-year-old possesses. Keep up the great work Paulina!
Come and play and celebrate my last 21 days of my juice feast.
I invite all to The Daily Raw Blog Recipe Challenge!
Here's how it work:
Each month, I'll host a challenge based on certain ingredients. You can create breakfast, lunch, dinner, drink, appetizer, main dish, etc. It can be as simple or complex as you choose. You can use one ingredient or all of them. It's all up to you. What ever you choose as long as you showcase at least one of the ingredients in the photo.
Next week, I'll share my recipe but if you have a question just ask me, I won't bite. Remember I am juicing it, so no chewing for me. ;)
This month you have a slew of ingredients to choose from. Have fun with it.
Here are some of the rules: 1. It could go without saying but it has to be a raw food dish. You can use certain non-raw items, i.e. maple syrup.
2. No raw meat please.
3. Send a photo of the dish, the name of the dish, your name and a link where the recipe can be found (or include the recipe, whatever you choose) to yahoo.com.
4. There's no winners, we're just having fun and sharing our creative juices. It's all good.
List of ingredients 1. Fennel 2. Grape Tomatoes 3. Red Grapes 4. Avocado 5. Bananas 6. Dried Cranberries7. Ginger 8. Yellow Squash 9. Zuchinni
10. Cashews 11. Almonds 12. Asparagus 13. Garlic (hard to see but it's there) 14. Celery 15. Radicchio Lettuce 16. Basil 17. Red Pepper 18. Lemon
A couple of lovely ladies have had trouble sprouting chickpeas. Whether they had a foul smell or slimy chickpeas they haven't had much success. So, I revisited my October posting about How to sprout Chickpeas to double check that the instructions were up to snuff.Over the weekend I sprouted 3 quarts of chickpeas in quart size Mason jars. In each jar I put 1/2 cup of chickpeas, I filled the jar with water and then I secured cheesecloth with the lid at the mouth of the jar. The Mason Jars were the only variation I did from the original post. All the chickpeas came out great. I am eating a lot of chickpeas because of the Raw Fit Challenge. They are high in protein, a good source of calcium, dietary fiber and low in fat. It works perfect for what I'm doing. Don't be surprised to find alot of chickpea recipes in the future.
I enjoy sprouting chickpeas because they don't take long from soaking to sprouting to using.
Here was my timeline. 9 a.m. Friday: soak 8 p.m. Friday: drain soaking water and rinse and drain at a 45 degree angle 9 a.m., 2 p.m., 6 p.m., 9 p.m. Saturday: rinse and drain at a 45 degree angle (This might be a bit excessive for me, it was one of those weekends and rinsing chickpeas seemed to be the only things I could do successfully without fail.) Noon Sunday:
I noticed the tails sprouting and they were ready to use. Tip: If you won't be using the chickpeas right away, make sure they are well drained and dry and place them in the frig.
photo by Meetak
I am not sure why the chickpeas spoiled. If I were to guess maybe they were soaked too long or didn't drain well enough. Or it could have been a bad batch. If anyone else has any ideas or suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment. What did I do with all those chickpeas? I made Garden Chickpea Fritters.
The recipe I will feature tomorrow. If you have a raw food kitchen question, forward to "Question for the Daily Raw" at yahoo.com. Coming soon: Is there a substitution for avocados? Tips for being raw and a new mom.
Salsa Fresca by Matt Samuelson, p. 278 of the Complete Book of Raw (Endeavor)
SUNDAYS: 105degrees hosts Sunday Suppers featuring a 3-course menu prepared by a Level II culinary student, 4-7 p.m. $25. 5820 North Classen Boulevard, Suite 1, Oklahoma City, OK, 405-842-1050 WEDNESDAYS: Live Raw Food World TV Broadcasts featuring Angela Stokes-Monarch and Matt Monarch, 6 p.m. Pacific time.
THURSDAYS: Grezzo hosts a Vegetarian Social featuring a raw vegan tasting menu, $25. 25 State St., Newburyport, MA, 978-961-1676
Ann Wigmore Foundation presents Living Foods Lifestyle® reTREATs, 10-day retreats offered every month. $1800. San Fidel, New Mexico, 505-552-0595
The Living Centre, an Eco-Spiritual Educational Sancutary, offers classes on raw food cuisine, gardening, herbs and more. 5871 Bells Road, London, England
APRIL 23: Kombucha 101 class, 11 a.m. $30 per person/ $52 for two. Payment required to hold space. The Sprout, 445 King St., Charleston, SC, call 843-849-8554 or email pleasantsprout.com to register
APRIL 24: Denver Metro Area Living and Raw Food Cafe April rawluck, 2 p.m. Whole Foods Market, 2375 E 1st Ave., Denver, CO, 303-691-0101,
APRIL 24: Jackie and Gideon Graff's Raw Food Revival tour presents Country Barbeque Feast, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Raleigh, NC
APRIL 24: Raw Utopia hosts a raw potluck featuring a Thai food theme, 7 p.m. Bring a raw dish that will feed 10 people and eating utensils. Healing Light Center, 431 E. Bayaud Ave., Denver, CO, 303-617-3140
APRIL 24: 'Bread of Life' raw food class features live breads, crackers, muffins and cupcakes, 1-3 p.m. $55, $75 day of class. Karyn's Raw Blog and Inner Beauty Center, 1901 N. Halsted St, Chicago. 312-255-1590
APRIL 24: Party Foods and Appetizers, Chef Linda Szarkowski hosts a raw foods class, 2-5 p.m. $65. Green Spirit Living, Chicago, IL, 773-484-0937
APRIL 24: “Easily Raw,” a raw food class, 10:30 a.m.-5 p.m. £75. Raw Freedom, London, Picadilly, UK, 452-822-0964
APRIL 24: Raw food instructor Megan Massoth and Raw Chef Russell James demonstrate how to plan a show-stopping raw dinner party for friends and family, noon- 6 p.m. 105degrees, North Classen Boulevard, Suite 1, Oklahoma City, OK, 405-842-1050
APRIL 26: Jackie and Gideon Graff's Raw Food Revival tour presents Italian Extravaganza, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Virginia Beach Holistic Clinic, Virginia Beach, VA
MAY 1-14: Vilcabama Raw Food Gathering, Angela Stokes-Monarch and Matt Monarch host a 'free' gathering, no entrance fee, no 'structure' — just turn up, meet the tribe, Vilcabama, Ecuador, rawinecuador.ning.com
MAY 2: Food Preparation Demonstration features recipe development, menu planning and more, 6-9 p.m. $100 advance payment by MAY 1, $125 thereafter. Raw Soul, 348 W. 145th St., New York, NY, 212-491-5859
MAY 3: Jackie and Gideon Graff's Raw Food Revival tour presents Greek Foods class, 7-9 p.m. Rockville, MD
MAY 3-28: 105degrees Academy presents its Chef Certification Level I class, Fundamentals Of Raw Cuisine, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Monday-Friday. ALSO: Level 2, Advanced Raw Cuisine classes begins. 5820 North Classen Boulevard, Suite 1, Oklahoma City, OK, 405-842-1050
MAY 5: Jackie and Gideon Graff's Raw Food Revival tour presents Cinco De Mayo party, 7-9 p.m. Rockville, MD
MAY 8: “Whip it Up,” raw foods overview with preparation using a blender, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. $45. Lenore's Natural Cuisine, 164 Ox Creek Road, Weaverville, NC. Register at 828-645-1412
MAY 8, 13 or 15: Fermenting Foods For Ultimate Enzymes, 1-3 p.m. May 8, 6-8 p.m. May 13 or 1-3 May 15. Learn how to ferment your own foods at home and sample fermented kefir, yogurt, and kimchi. $40. 105degrees, North Classen Boulevard, Suite 1, Oklahoma City, OK, 405-842-1050
MAY 9: Organic Garden Cafe hosts a Mother's Day brunch, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. $25. 294 Cabot St., Beverly, MA, 978-922-0004
MAY 9: Pure Food and Wine hosts a Mother’s Day lunch and dinner service. 54 Irving Place, NY, NY, 212 477 1010
MAY 12-JUNE 2: Karyn's Raw Blog hosts a four-week detox class, 8-10 a.m. and 7-9 p.m. Wednesdays. $200 before May 9, $250 new students, $125 alumni. 1901 N. Halsted St, Chicago, IL, 312-255-1590
MAY 13: Dr. Alejandro Junger lecture to benefit Healthylunches.org, 7 p.m. The Director of Integrative Medicine at Lenox Hill Hospital discusses his Clean Program and the benefits of cleansing. $15. Space is limited. Live Live & Organic, 261 East 10th St, NYC, NY, 212-505-5504
MAY 15-16: ALIVE! Expo features the newest and best natural, organic, green and eco products to benefit Project Green, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. May 15 and 11 a.m.-6 p.m. May 16. Activities include cooking and fitness demonstrations, food and wine tastings, lectures, workshops, mini massages and more. Georgia World Congress Center, 285 Andrew Young International Blvd., NW, Atlanta, GA
MAY 20: Art of Cheese making class. $40. 105degrees, North Classen Boulevard, Suite 1, Oklahoma City, OK, 405-842-1050
MAY 22: "Crank It Out" Juicer and food processor techniques highlighting Green Juices, sprouting, patés and more, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. $45. Lenore's Natural Cuisine, 164 Ox Creek Road, Weaverville, NC. Register at 828-645-1412
MAY 22: Revitalive Health and Wellness Center hosts Vibrant Life Expo to benefit The Food Project, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Highlighted speakers include best-selling author and life coach Cheryl Richardson, motivational speaker and author Victoria Moran, fitness expert Michael Gerrish and fashion stylist Ginger Burr. $99 in advance, $125 at the door. The Firehouse Center for the Arts, Newburyport, MA, 978-462-1488
MAY 22: Silvia Clausin, of Raw Deli, holds classes at The Raw Food Chef School. Brighton, England
MAY 29-JUNE 4: Raw Food Family Camp. Germany.
MAY 31: Jennifer Cornbleet's "Raw For Dessert" book signing, lecture and free samples, noon -1:30 p.m. Call for registration. Barbara-Jo's Books to Cooks, 1740 West 2nd Ave., Vancouver, Canada, 866-688-6744
MAY 31-JUNE 19: Raw Food Nutrition Science, Health Educator and Raw Culinary Arts Certification. $500. The Commercial Kitchen of Jackie & Gideon Graff, 1085 Lake Charles Drive, Roswell, GA, 770 992-9218, email rawfoodrevival@att.net
JUNE 1: Jennifer Cornbleet's "Raw For Dessert" book signing, lecture and free samples, 7-8:30 p.m. Registration suggested. Whole Foods Market, 17991 NE Redmond Way, Seattle, WA, 425-881-2600
JUNE 2: Jennifer Cornbleet's "Raw For Dessert" book signing, lecture and free samples, 7-8:30 p.m. Call for registration. East West Books, 6500 Roosevelt Way Northeast, Seattle, WA, 206-523-3726
JUNE 3: Jennifer Cornbleet's "Raw For Dessert" book signing, lecture and free samples, 7-8:30 p.m. Call for registration. Whole Foods Market-Roosevelt Square, 1026 Northeast 64th St., Seattle,WA, 206-985-1500
JUNE 5: "The Heat Is On" Focus on dehydration techniques, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. $45. Lenore's Natural Cuisine, 164 Ox Creek Road, Weaverville, NC. Register at 828-645-1412
JUNE 13-20: Organic Avenue hosts Juice Fast for Peace with Gabriel Cousens. $799. Culture of Life, New York City, customerservic(at)cultureoflifestore.com
JUNE 19: The SimplyRaw Festival features raw vegan pie contest, food preparation workshops; yoga; food sampling, rebounding; sprouting workshops and more, 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Free. Central Park in the Glebe, Ottawa, Canada
JUNE 20: Raw Chef Intensive, 11 a.m.-7 p.m. $400 advance payment by JUNE 18, $425 thereafter. Raw Soul, 348 W. 145th St., New York, NY, 212-491-5859
JUNE 27-JULY 2: Herbalist Brigitte Mars teaches “Healing with Herbs and Raw Foods.” Hollyhock Retreat Centre, Cortez Island, British Columbia, Canada. 1-800-933-6339
JULY 2-4: Fresh Food Festival creates a forum for raw fooders in Scandinavia and other countries. Activities include lectures, yoga, Tai Chi, workshops, live music, food and more. Lolland, Denmark
JULY 5: 105degrees Academy begins its 12-week Chef Certification Level II class, Advanced Raw Cuisine, 7 a.m.-2 p.m. or 3-10 p.m. Monday-Friday. 5820 North Classen Boulevard, Suite 1, Oklahoma City, OK, 405-842-1050
JULY 24-31: Raw Food Family Camp. Germany.
AUGUST 27-29: The Sixth Annual Vibrant Living Expo, 2010 Vibrant Living Expo and Culinary Showcase. Early registration is $165 before MAY 31, $225 thereafter, for all three days or $75 per day. The Living Light Center and Town Hall Fort Bragg, CA
AUGUST 28: First annual Veggie for a Day Music Festival. Turquoise Barn, 8052 County Highway 18, Bloomville, NY, 607-538-1235.
SEPTEMBER 24-26: Raw Spirit International Festival features raw chef demos and tastings, yoga, tai chi, lectures, kids’ programs, organic farmers’ market and more. $110-$150. Granite Dells, near Prescott, Arizona, 928-308-2146
OCTOBER 23-24: ALIVE! Expo features the newest and best natural, organic, green and eco products to benefit Project Green, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. October 23 and 11 a.m.-6 p.m. October 24. Activities include cooking and fitness demonstrations, food and wine tastings, lectures, workshops, mini massages and more. 305 Harrison St., Seattle Center, Exhibition Hall, Seattle, WA
NOVEMBER 3: Raw Holiday Cuisine, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Brigitte Mars teaches how to make nut nog, stuffing, cranberry sauce, sweet potato casserole, pumpkin pie and more. $70. Boulder, CO, 303-442-4967
DECEMBER 30, 2010-FEBRUARY 5, 2011: Dr. Douglas Graham hosts "Fasting and Feasting in Costa Rica" $9,999. HELP WANTED
The Living Centre, an Eco-Spiritual Educational Sancutary, seeks two enthusiastic and energetic individuals for its part-time Forest Gardening Permaculture Internship. Please send a resume, references and cover letter explaining why you are the person for this position to: info(at)thelivingcentre.com. Personal interviews will be arranged with selected applicants only. 5871 Bells Road, London, England Costa Rica Fasting Internship, DECEMBER 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 5, 2011. Responsibilities include but not be limited to: monitoring fasters, caring for the facility, preparing daily meals, attending lectures, attending all meal discussion groups and more. Submit a nonrefundable processing fee of $75 with your application. $4999, cost of internship.
Internship Position at Holistic Lifestyles Company . Initial responsibilities will be primarily general office duties and personal assistance to the CEO, but will grow based on your desire to excel and your experience. Term: 3-month unpaid internship, with potential of 3-month paid internship and/or position in the company. A minimum of 20 hours per week for 3 months. Flexible, within the frame of Mon-Fri, 8am-6pm. Email your resume, a cover letter stating why you are interested in this position, how this opportunity might serve your goals and what you will bring to the team and references. Rainbeaumars.com Creole Vegan Raw food restaurant seeks experienced Raw vegan chef and ALSO seeks a prep person. MUST have experience working on the line and with vegan food. Part time and full time are available. Williamsburg, NY, visit here to apply. Spiritual Coach, author and teacher Jason Nelson seeks a part-time housekeeper on Mondays and Fridays. Task include preparing healthy Vegan/Raw meals, running errands, house cleaner and more.Send a cover letter describing why you are interested in this position, and resume to resumejasonnelson(at)gmail.com, Santa Monica, CA. More information here. Revitalive Cafe needs an upbeat, reliable, hard-working line cook that follows directions and works well with a team. Experienced preferred. The cafe is willing to train the right candidate if you are unfamiliar with raw vegan cuisine. Please send your resume for consideration. Newburyport, MACONTESTS
-APRIL 29: Fabulous Food Finds Kitchen OlympicsWant to win SUR La Table gift certificate? Find a fabulous food, kitchen tool or product you love, submit your original healthy recipe using this food or product, snap a photo of your item/product and your finished recipe and submit entries (with photos) via email to RobynWebb@aol.com. Limit two entries per person. -APRIL 29: Hot Chef Challenge 2010 Submit a 2-minute (or less) video on YouTube demonstrating an original recipe using fresh produce as a key ingredient — for a chance to cook alongside celebrity chef and Bravo TV’s Top Chef Masters 2 contender Marcus Samuelsson in the World Culinary Showcase on May 22 at NRA Show 2010 in Chicago. -MAY 7: Your Best Baby Food ContestParents.com seeks an original recipe for babies 4-12 months old for a chance to win $250. -MAY 15: AARP Viva's Summer Salad Recipe Contest Submit an original recipe for a healthy and economical summer salad made with fresh seasonal ingredients for a chance to win $500 of groceries. -JUNE 15: Cooking Light Ultimate Reader Recipe ContestEnter a recipe using a sponsors' products for your chance to win $20,000. -JUNE 30: Vegetarian Times 2010 Reader Recipe ContestSend an original vegetarian or vegan Holiday recipe, using a sponsors' product, for a chance to win one of three cash prizes and be featured in the November/December issue of Vegetarian Times. -AUGUST 1: Mushrooms Every Day, Every Way Recipe Contest Taste of Home seeks recipes that showcase the distinctive flavor and meaty texture of fresh cultivated mushrooms. Prize is $1000. -DEC. 31: Cuisinart's New Culinary Cook-off Video ContestTape a video using your Cuisinart's product for a chance to win five different Cuisinart products. “Raw News You Can Use” runs Thursdays. To list a living food event or class, send your information to yahoo.com. In the subject line write: "RAW NEWS YOU CAN USE." Please include event, date, time, contact information (website, telephone, etc.) and anything else you think is important.
photo rising70 Raw News You Can Use is posted on Wednesday this week because of the Cyber Celebration. It will return to Thursdays, next week. SUNDAYS105degrees hosts Sunday Suppers featuring a 3-course menu prepared by a Level II culinary student, 4-7 p.m. $25. 5820 North Classen Boulevard, Suite 1, Oklahoma City, OK, 405-842-1050
WEDNESDAYSLive Raw Food World TV Broadcasts featuring Angela Stokes-Monarch and Matt Monarch, 6 p.m. Pacific time. THURSDAYS Hippocrates Health Institute presents "Save Your Life" open house 5 p.m. the last Thursday of the month. Reservations required. 5 West Palm Beach, FL, 561-471-8876 Hippocrates Health Institute hosts an open house noon every Thursday. Reservations required. 1443 Palmdale Court, West Palm Beach, FL, 561-471-8876 SATURDAYS Hippocrates Health Institute hosts an open house noon every Saturday. Reservations required. 1443 Palmdale Court, West Palm Beach, FL, 561-471-8876 ONGOINGAnn Wigmore Foundation presents Living Foods Lifestyle® reTREATs, 10-day retreats offered every month. $1800. San Fidel, New Mexico, 505-552-0595 Cafe Gratitude hosts an array of raw food preparation classes, workshops and more. Health Coach Carolyn Akens hosts raw food classes and chef certification. Cousin's IV offers raw food classes, detox programs, demos and more. 3038 West Irving Park Road, Chicago, IL, 773-478-6868 First Bite Kitchen offers a variety of raw food classes. 2525 28th St, Suite 140, Boulder, CO The Living Centre, an Eco-Spiritual Educational Sancutary, offers classes on raw food cuisine, gardening, herbs and more. 5871 Bells Road, London, England Living Light Culinary Arts Institute offers classes in Raw Vegan Cuisine for individuals, chefs and instructors. 301-B North Main St., Fort Bragg, CA, 800-816-2319
MAY 27-28: The Daily Raw Blog's 3rd Anniversary Cyber Celebration features giveaways every 30 minutes, recipes, videos, reviews and more. MAY 29: Denver Metro Area Living and Raw Food Cafe rawluck, 2 p.m. Whole Foods Market, 870 S. Colorado Blvd., Denver, CO, 303-691-0101
MAY 27: Green Spirit Raw Food Living with Chef Linda presents a dehydrating class, 6-8:30 p.m. $50. Registration required. GreenSpiritliving.com, 773-484-0937 MAY 29-JUNE 4: Raw Food Family Camp. Germany. MAY 29-30: "Back to Basics" Sidney Health Fair 2010 featuring Clive Langton, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Sidney, BC Canada. MAY 30: 100 Mile Raw Challenge, noon-4 p.m. A raw food lunch will be served. $50. Burlington, Ontario Canada. MAY 31: Jennifer Cornbleet's "Raw For Dessert" book signing, lecture and free samples, noon -1:30 p.m. Call for registration. Barbara-Jo's Books to Cooks, 1740 West 2nd Ave., Vancouver, Canada, 866-688-6744
MAY 31-JUNE 19: Raw Food Nutrition Science, Health Educator and Raw Culinary Arts Certification. $500. The Commercial Kitchen of Jackie & Gideon Graff, 1085 Lake Charles Drive, Roswell, GA, 770 992-9218, email: rawfoodrevival@att.net JUNE 1: Jennifer Cornbleet's "Raw For Dessert" book signing, lecture and free samples, 7-8:30 p.m. Registration suggested. Whole Foods Market, 17991 NE Redmond Way, Seattle, WA, 425-881-2600 JUNE 2: Jennifer Cornbleet's "Raw For Dessert" book signing, lecture and free samples, 7-8:30 p.m. Call for registration. East West Books, 6500 Roosevelt Way Northeast, Seattle, WA, 206-523-3726 JUNE 3: Jennifer Cornbleet's "Raw For Dessert" book signing, lecture and free samples, 7-8:30 p.m. Call for registration. Whole Foods Market-Roosevelt Square, 1026 Northeast 64th St., Seattle,WA, 206-985-1500 JUNE 4-7: Alissa Cohen Living on Live Food Teacher Certification. $2475.00. Space is limited. Kittery, Maine and Boston, MA, 978-985-7217 RawTeacher.com JUNE 5: Gourmet Raw Foods Class with Andy Williams and Tashi Rana to benefit the Raw and Living Spirit Retreat Scholarship Fund, 4-6:30 p.m. $35 before June 1, $50 after June 1. Peoples Food Co-op, 3029 SE 21st Ave., Portland, OR, 503-935-9488 JUNE 5: "The Heat Is On" Focus on dehydration techniques, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. $45. Lenore's Natural Cuisine, 164 Ox Creek Road, Weaverville, NC. Register at 828-645-1412 JUNE 5-11: A Raw-habilitation Retreat, classes, demos, lectures, hikes, tours, bodywork and more. Costa Rica, 404-271-9997 or 770-518-4463; or email Dr. Sam at DrSamPT@gmail.com
JUNE 6: Hippocrates Health Institute presents a nine-week Health Educator Course. 1443 Palmdale Court West Palm Beach, FL, contact Linda Frees at lfrees(at)hippocratesinst.org JUNE 7-13: UZAZU Embodiment Retreat with David Rainoshek. Glen Ivy Center, Corona CA, 604-253-3039 JUNE 11: "Indigenous Nutrition and Human Evolution" lecture featuring Daniel Vitalis, 7-9 p.m. Followed by raw chocs and high-vibe dance-your-a**-off party with elixirs by Daniel and tunes by DJ Manny, 9:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m. $15-$30. Daily Juice Cafe, 4500 Duval St. Austin, TX, 214-893-2994 JUNE 12: Raw Sarasota hosts a Rawktail Party! in honor of Ani Phyo, 6-9 p.m. Jenna Norwood and Ani demo recipes for summer. Ani will have her books available to sell and sign. $20. JUNE 12-22: Conscious Cleansing Retreat offers an extensive and in-depth immersion into the lifestyle of live-foods, natural health and spiritual practices. $2,895. Tree of Life, Patagonia AZ, to register email tolrep2(at)treeoflife.nu or phone 866-394-2520 JUNE 13-20: Organic Avenue hosts Juice Fast for Peace with Gabriel Cousens. $799. Culture of Life, New York City, customerservic(at)cultureoflifestore.com JUNE 19: The SimplyRaw Festival features raw vegan pie contest, food preparation workshops; yoga; food sampling, rebounding; sprouting workshops and more, 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Free. Central Park in the Glebe, Ottawa, Canada
JUNE 20: Raw Chef Intensive, 11 a.m.-7 p.m. $400 advance payment by JUNE 18, $425 thereafter. Raw Soul, 348 W. 145th St., New York, NY, 212-491-5859 JUNE 20: The Montclair Raw Food and Super Foods Meetup hosts a Raw Italy class, 3 p.m. $40. Space is limited. Hyacinth's Raw Food Kitchen, Montclair, NJ, 973-669-0725 JUNE 25: The Best of Raw Contest features speakers, chocolate, prizes, music and more, 7 p.m. $15. Organic Avenue, 116 Suffolk Ave., NY, NY -JUNE 25: Ani Phyo's book signings and appearances. JUNE 27-JULY 2: Herbalist Brigitte Mars teaches “Healing with Herbs and Raw Foods.” Hollyhock Retreat Centre, Cortez Island, British Columbia, Canada. 1-800-933-6339 JUNE 28: Focus on Fermentation class, 6-8:30 p.m. $45. Whole Foods, Cafe Gratitude, Oakland JULY 1-4: Raw Freedom Retreat — A Raw Food Detox Holiday features classes, yoga, meditations, massage and more. £447, £547. The Well Garden, South Devon Coast, UK JULY 2-4: Fresh Food Festival creates a forum for raw fooders in Scandinavia and other countries. Activities include lectures, yoga, Tai Chi, workshops, live music, food and more. Lolland, Denmark JULY 5: 105degrees Academy begins its 12-week Chef Certification Level II class, Advanced Raw Cuisine, 7 a.m.-2 p.m. or 3-10 p.m. Monday-Friday. 5820 North Classen Boulevard, Suite 1, Oklahoma City, OK, 405-842-1050 JULY 9-11: Raw Magic Summer Weekend Retreat with Kate Magic. £295, £550 for two. The Manor by the Lake, Cheltenham, UK JULY 24-31: Raw Food Family Camp. Germany.
JULY 26-30 and AUGUST 2-6: Vegan Fusion hosts a 10-Day Blossoming Lotus — Vegan Fusion Cuisine Intensive, vegan and raw food cuisine. Garden Island of Kaua’i, Hawaii, 808-822-0820 or email info@veganfusion.com AUGUST 27-29: The Sixth Annual Vibrant Living Expo, 2010 Vibrant Living Expo and Culinary Showcase. Early registration is $165 before MAY 31, $225 thereafter, for all three days or $75 per day. The Living Light Center and Town Hall Fort Bragg, CA AUGUST 28: First annual Veggie for a Day Music Festival. Turquoise Barn, 8052 County Highway 18, Bloomville, NY, 607-538-1235 SEPTEMBER 24-26: Raw Spirit International Festival features raw chef demos and tastings, yoga, tai chi, lectures, kids’ programs, organic farmers’ market and more. $110-$150. Granite Dells, near Prescott, Arizona, 928-308-2146
SEPTEMER 25: Festival of Life features raw foods, music, poetry, yoga, meditation and more, 10:30 a.m.-11:30 p.m. Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Sq, Holborn, London WC1R 4RL OCTOBER 6-11: Aloha Awakenings! A Transformational Yoga Retreat Celebrating Spirit, Love & Ecology. Organic raw and vegan meals, kindred spirit workshop, daily wood fired sauna, detox, day excursions and more. $1000-$2500. Limited space available! To sign up or get more information contact FAITH at workshops@cafegratitude.com or 415-501-9678. OCTOBER 23-24: ALIVE! Expo features the newest and best natural, organic, green and eco products to benefit Project Green, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. October 23 and 11 a.m.-6 p.m. October 24. Activities include cooking and fitness demonstrations, food and wine tastings, lectures, workshops, mini massages and more. 305 Harrison St., Seattle Center, Exhibition Hall, Seattle, WA NOVEMBER 3: Raw Holiday Cuisine, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Brigitte Mars teaches how to make nut nog, stuffing, cranberry sauce, sweet potato casserole, pumpkin pie and more. $70. Boulder, CO, 303-442-4967 DECEMBER 30, 2010-FEBRUARY 5, 2011: Dr. Douglas Graham hosts "Fasting and Feasting in Costa Rica" $9,999
Personal Assistant Internship. Vegan actress and author Alicia Silverstone is hiring an unpaid intern to assist her personal assistant. Responsibilities include office work, Internet research, blog editing, fan mail, scheduling and domestic tasks. Los Angeles, CA The Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute is always seeking people to serve others, create community and be part of a holistic healing and teaching center. New positions continue to develop as the organization grows. They are continually developing a list of qualified applicants whom they may call for job interviews as the need arises. Puerto Rico.Detox Retreat at the Oasis is looking for energetic, self-motivated people to help us with their programs!Tanglewood Wellness Center seeks interns to assist with the care of fasters. Internships require a 9 week commitment. All food is locally grown, simple raw vegan. A three-week fast and one week of refeeding will be provided as part of your experience. Living Tree Community seeks a Living Tree Field Rep. They need people in the Vancouver, B.C., New York – New Jersey, Chicago, Miami, Boston and in other major metropolitan areas to approach natural foodstores, co-ops and live food restaurants on our behalf. Preferably, they should have experience in the food industry and should be well organized and charismatic. Send an to jesse(at)livingtreecommunity.com Vivapura, a superfoods company in Arizona seeks a kitchen assistant. The job description includes: packaging and labeling products, recipe development, organizing and cleaning kitchen. This job is for kitchen assistant but with the possibility to expand into the kitchen manger position within 6 months. Internships at Living Tree University are primarily for those considering a career in the organic food industry. They offer hands-on experience in sales, marketing, administration and production. Interns have an opportunity to do things like, contacting buyers in natural food stores, making almond butter and creating Black Sesame Truffles! Send an email, jesse(at)livingtreecommunity.com, introducing yourself and explaining why you'd like to work and study with the Living Tree Community. Also please include a resume. Detroit Zen Center seeks volunteers for its living foods cafe, juice bar, Korean tea ceremony and more. Call 313-366-7738 to arrange a time.
Hippocrates Health Institute seeks a Florida Licensed MD or DO physician to join their Medical team. Forward your CV to sjosephson(at)hippocratesinst.org. The Living Centre, an Eco-Spiritual Educational Sancutary, seeks two enthusiastic and energetic individuals for its part-time Forest Gardening Permaculture Internship. Please send a resume, references and cover letter explaining why you are the person for this position to: info(at)thelivingcentre.com. Personal interviews will be arranged with selected applicants only. 5871 Bells Road, London, England Chef Mehmet seeks raw food and green-minded people for organic farming and kitchen help for an international branch of Cousin's IV in Izmit, Turkey. Email meagan@cousinsiv.com if interested.Costa Rica Fasting Internship, DECEMBER 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 5, 2011. Responsibilities include but not be limited to: monitoring fasters, caring for the facility, preparing daily meals, attending lectures, attending all meal discussion groups and more. Submit a nonrefundable processing fee of $75 with your application. $4999, cost of internship.CONTESTS
-JUNE 15: Cooking Light Ultimate Reader Recipe Contest Enter a recipe using a sponsors' products for your chance to win $20,000. -JUNE 30: Vegetarian Times 2010 Reader Recipe Contest Send an original vegetarian or vegan Holiday recipe, using a sponsors' product, for a chance to win one of three cash prizes and be featured in the November/December issue of Vegetarian Times. -AUGUST 1: Mushrooms Every Day, Every Way Recipe Contest Taste of Home seeks recipes that showcase the distinctive flavor and meaty texture of fresh cultivated mushrooms. Prize is $1000. -DEC. 31: Cuisinart's New Culinary Cook-off Video Contest Tape a video using your Cuisinart's product for a chance to win five different Cuisinart products.
“Raw News You Can Use” runs Thursdays. To list a living food event or class, send your information to yahoo.com. In the subject line write: "RAW NEWS YOU CAN USE." Please include event, date, time, contact information (website, telephone, etc.) and anything else you think is important
photo by Jamesjyu SUNDAYS: 105degrees hosts Sunday Suppers featuring a 3-course menu prepared by a Level II culinary student, 4-7 p.m. $25. 5820 North Classen Boulevard, Suite 1, Oklahoma City, OK, 405-842-1050 WEDNESDAYS: Live Raw Food World TV Broadcasts featuring Angela Stokes-Monarch and Matt Monarch, 6 p.m. Pacific time.
THURSDAYS: Grezzo hosts a Vegetarian Social featuring a raw vegan tasting menu, $25. 25 State St., Newburyport, MA, 978-961-1676
Ann Wigmore Foundation presents Living Foods Lifestyle® reTREATs, 10-day retreats offered every month. $1800. San Fidel, New Mexico, 505-552-0595
Cousin's IV offers raw food classes, detox programs, demos and more. 3038 West Irving Park Road, Chicago, IL,
First Bite Kitchen offers a variety of raw food classes. 2525 28th St, Suite 140, Boulder, CO
The Living Centre, an Eco-Spiritual Educational Sancutary, offers classes on raw food cuisine, gardening, herbs and more. 5871 Bells Road, London, England
Living Light Culinary Arts Institute offers classes in Raw Vegan Cuisine for individuals, chefs and instructors. 301-B North Main St., Fort Bragg, CA, 800-816-2319
APRIL 29-MAY 2: Raw Food Workshop with Mark Reinfeld, author of Vegan Fusion, Idiots Guide to Raw Foods and 30-minute Vegan, noon-5 p.m. $425. Space is limited. Annapolis
MAY 1: Super Foods and Dessert presentation with Jackie & Gideon Graff, 4-6 p.m. $15. Richmond VA, 310-901-9006 or 804-275-7528
MAY 1-14: Vilcabama Raw Food Gathering, Angela Stokes-Monarch and Matt Monarch host a 'free' gathering, no entrance fee, no 'structure' — just turn up, meet the tribe, Vilcabama, Ecuador, rawinecuador.ning.com
MAY 2-22: Cru Restaurant hosts "Around the World" series, raw food classes, 3-4:30 p.m. Sundays through May 22. $20 per class, cash only. No reservations required. Where, 1519 Griffith Park Blvd., Los Angeles, CA, 323-667-1551
MAY 2: Raw Sarasota hosted by Jenna Norwood features a raw potluck and guest speaker Brian Calvi of the Farm of Life, Costa Rica, 2-4 p.m. $2 with a dish, $10 without a dish. Sarasota, FL
MAY 2: Food Preparation Demonstration features recipe development, menu planning and more, 6-9 p.m. $100 advance payment by MAY 1, $125 thereafter. Raw Soul, 348 W. 145th St., New York, NY, 212-491-5859
MAY 3: Jackie and Gideon Graff's Raw Food Revival tour presents Greek Foods class, 7-9 p.m. Rockville, MD
MAY 3-28: 105degrees Academy presents its Chef Certification Level I class, Fundamentals Of Raw Cuisine, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Monday-Friday. ALSO: Level 2, Advanced Raw Cuisine classes begins. 5820 North Classen Boulevard, Suite 1, Oklahoma City, OK, 405-842-1050 MAY 5: Jackie and Gideon Graff's Raw Food Revival tour presents Cinco De Mayo party, 7-9 p.m. Rockville, MD
MAY 7: Jackie and Gideon teaches Oriental Feast, a raw food preparation class, 7-9 p.m. $45. Belvedere Christian Church, 1301 Cheverly Road, Towson, MD, 443-845-8562 MAY 8: Asian Infused Raw Gourmet Meal prepared by Raw Food Chefs Sandra Lee and Linda Graziano, 7 p.m. $45.00, $80 for couple. Haymarket, VA, To register, email Linda Graziano at linda@ingredientsto.com or call 703-930-9333
MAY 8: “Whip it Up,” raw foods overview with preparation using a blender, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. $45. Lenore's Natural Cuisine, 164 Ox Creek Road, Weaverville, NC. Register at 828-645-1412
MAY 8, 13 or 15: Fermenting Foods For Ultimate Enzymes, 1-3 p.m. May 8, 6-8 p.m. May 13 or 1-3 May 15. Learn how to ferment your own foods at home and sample fermented kefir, yogurt, and kimchi. $40. 105degrees, North Classen Boulevard, Suite 1, Oklahoma City, OK, 405-842-1050
MAY 9: LA Raw Bazaar, the monthly raw event, offers music, guest speakers, raw food and more, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. Jerry's Garden, 6132 West Pico Boulevard, Los Angeles
MAY 9: Organic Garden Cafe hosts a Mother's Day brunch, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. $25. 294 Cabot St., Beverly, MA, 978-922-0004
MAY 9: Pure Food and Wine hosts a Mother’s Day lunch and dinner service. 54 Irving Place, NY, NY, 212 477 1010 MAY 11: Boulder Raw Meetup features a rawluck and Chinese Herbs lecture, 6 p.m. Bring a raw, vegan dish to share. 815 Alpine Ave., Apt 5, Boulder CO, for information contact Joseph, : joseph1731@yahoo.com or 720-338-7515
MAY 12-JUNE 2: Karyn's Raw Blog hosts a four-week detox class, 8-10 a.m. and 7-9 p.m. Wednesdays. $200 before May 9, $250 new students, $125 alumni. 1901 N. Halsted St, Chicago, IL, 312-255-1590
MAY 13: Dr. Alejandro Junger lecture to benefit Healthylunches.org, 7 p.m. The Director of Integrative Medicine at Lenox Hill Hospital discusses his Clean Program and the benefits of cleansing. $15. Space is limited. Live Live & Organic, 261 East 10th St, NYC, NY, 212-505-5504
MAY 15-16: ALIVE! Expo features the newest and best natural, organic, green and eco products to benefit Project Green, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. May 15 and 11 a.m.-6 p.m. May 16. Activities include cooking and fitness demonstrations, food and wine tastings, lectures, workshops, mini massages and more. Georgia World Congress Center, 285 Andrew Young International Blvd., NW, Atlanta, GA
MAY 20: Art of Cheese making class. $40. 105degrees, North Classen Boulevard, Suite 1, Oklahoma City, OK, 405-842-1050
MAY 22: "Crank It Out" Juicer and food processor techniques highlighting Green Juices, sprouting, patés and more, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. $45. Lenore's Natural Cuisine, 164 Ox Creek Road, Weaverville, NC. Register at 828-645-1412
MAY 22: Fallbrook Spring Open House Potluck, 1 p.m. Please bring a raw vegan dish to share. Vegetarian dish is okay. Rainbow Valley Grange, 2160 Rainbow Valley Blvd., Fallbrook, CA, 760-809-6668
MAY 22: Revitalive Health and Wellness Center hosts Vibrant Life Expo to benefit The Food Project, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Highlighted speakers include best-selling author and life coach Cheryl Richardson, motivational speaker and author Victoria Moran, fitness expert Michael Gerrish and fashion stylist Ginger Burr. $99 in advance, $125 at the door. The Firehouse Center for the Arts, Newburyport, MA, 978-462-1488
MAY 22-23: Chicago Green Festival, showcases more than 350 diverse local and national green businesses, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. May 22 and 11 a.m.-6 p.m. May 23. More than 150 renowned speakers appear for insightful panel discussions and presentations. $10, $15 both days. Navy Pier, 600 W. Grand, Chicago, IL
MAY 22: Silvia Clausin, of Raw Deli, holds classes at The Raw Food Chef School. Brighton, England
MAY 29: Denver Metro Area Living and Raw Food Cafe rawluck, 2 p.m. Whole Foods Market, 870 S. Colorado Blvd., Denver, CO, 303-691-0101
MAY 29-JUNE 4: Raw Food Family Camp. Germany.
MAY 31: Jennifer Cornbleet's "Raw For Dessert" book signing, lecture and free samples, noon -1:30 p.m. Call for registration. Barbara-Jo's Books to Cooks, 1740 West 2nd Ave., Vancouver, Canada, 866-688-6744
MAY 31-JUNE 19: Raw Food Nutrition Science, Health Educator and Raw Culinary Arts Certification. $500. The Commercial Kitchen of Jackie & Gideon Graff, 1085 Lake Charles Drive, Roswell, GA, 770 992-9218, email rawfoodrevival@att.net
JUNE 1: Jennifer Cornbleet's "Raw For Dessert" book signing, lecture and free samples, 7-8:30 p.m. Registration suggested. Whole Foods Market, 17991 NE Redmond Way, Seattle, WA, 425-881-2600
JUNE 2: Jennifer Cornbleet's "Raw For Dessert" book signing, lecture and free samples, 7-8:30 p.m. Call for registration. East West Books, 6500 Roosevelt Way Northeast, Seattle, WA, 206-523-3726
JUNE 3: Jennifer Cornbleet's "Raw For Dessert" book signing, lecture and free samples, 7-8:30 p.m. Call for registration. Whole Foods Market-Roosevelt Square, 1026 Northeast 64th St., Seattle,WA, 206-985-1500
JUNE 4-7: Alissa Cohen Living on Live Food Teacher Certification. $2475.00. Space is limited. Kittery, Maine and Boston, MA, 978-985-7217 RawTeacher.com
JUNE 5: "The Heat Is On" Focus on dehydration techniques, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. $45. Lenore's Natural Cuisine, 164 Ox Creek Road, Weaverville, NC. Register at 828-645-1412
JUNE 5-11: A Raw-habilitation Retreat, classes, demos, lectures, hikes, tours, bodywork and more. Costa Rica, 404-271-9997 or 770-518-4463; or email Dr. Sam at DrSamPT@gmail.com
JUNE 13-20: Organic Avenue hosts Juice Fast for Peace with Gabriel Cousens. $799. Culture of Life, New York City, customerservic(at)cultureoflifestore.com
JUNE 19: The SimplyRaw Festival features raw vegan pie contest, food preparation workshops; yoga; food sampling, rebounding; sprouting workshops and more, 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Free. Central Park in the Glebe, Ottawa, Canada
JUNE 20: Raw Chef Intensive, 11 a.m.-7 p.m. $400 advance payment by JUNE 18, $425 thereafter. Raw Soul, 348 W. 145th St., New York, NY, 212-491-5859
JUNE 27-JULY 2: Herbalist Brigitte Mars teaches “Healing with Herbs and Raw Foods.” Hollyhock Retreat Centre, Cortez Island, British Columbia, Canada. 1-800-933-6339
JULY 2-4: Fresh Food Festival creates a forum for raw fooders in Scandinavia and other countries. Activities include lectures, yoga, Tai Chi, workshops, live music, food and more. Lolland, Denmark
JULY 5: 105degrees Academy begins its 12-week Chef Certification Level II class, Advanced Raw Cuisine, 7 a.m.-2 p.m. or 3-10 p.m. Monday-Friday. 5820 North Classen Boulevard, Suite 1, Oklahoma City, OK, 405-842-1050
JULY 24-31: Raw Food Family Camp. Germany.
JULY 26-30 and AUGUST 2-6: Vegan Fusion hosts a 10-Day Blossoming Lotus — Vegan Fusion Cuisine Intensive, vegan and raw food cuisine. Garden Island of Kaua’i, Hawaii, 808-822-0820 or email info@veganfusion.com
AUGUST 27-29: The Sixth Annual Vibrant Living Expo, 2010 Vibrant Living Expo and Culinary Showcase. Early registration is $165 before MAY 31, $225 thereafter, for all three days or $75 per day. The Living Light Center and Town Hall Fort Bragg, CA
AUGUST 28: First annual Veggie for a Day Music Festival. Turquoise Barn, 8052 County Highway 18, Bloomville, NY, 607-538-1235.
SEPTEMBER 24-26: Raw Spirit International Festival features raw chef demos and tastings, yoga, tai chi, lectures, kids’ programs, organic farmers’ market and more. $110-$150. Granite Dells, near Prescott, Arizona, 928-308-2146
OCTOBER 23-24: ALIVE! Expo features the newest and best natural, organic, green and eco products to benefit Project Green, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. October 23 and 11 a.m.-6 p.m. October 24. Activities include cooking and fitness demonstrations, food and wine tastings, lectures, workshops, mini massages and more. 305 Harrison St., Seattle Center, Exhibition Hall, Seattle, WA
NOVEMBER 3: Raw Holiday Cuisine, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Brigitte Mars teaches how to make nut nog, stuffing, cranberry sauce, sweet potato casserole, pumpkin pie and more. $70. Boulder, CO, 303-442-4967
DECEMBER 30, 2010-FEBRUARY 5, 2011: Dr. Douglas Graham hosts "Fasting and Feasting in Costa Rica" $9,999.
Health Survey: High Raw Vegan Kids. Philip and Susan Miller Madeley are in the final stages of completing a master’s thesis in Vegan Live Food Nutrition with Gabriel Cousens M.D. They want to interview Raw Vegan parents with children and Raw Vegan Authority. Email or 760-294-2406 Raw Gourmets International, the culinary academy partnered with Cousin's IV, seeks Kitchen Angels to volunteer in preparing and assisting with upcoming Curriculum I Course on MAY 8. Contact Chef Caroleen at caroleen@cousinsiv.com, Chicago, IL Rawk-n-Roll Cuisine needs 1-2 culinary students for a food production internship. This is a three to six month internship, dependent on the length of internship your own culinary school requires. Hours are typically Monday-Friday from noon-6 p.m. at our commercial kitchen; please be available during these hours, with reliable transportation. Submit cover letter and resume IN THE BODY of your email. Attachments will not be opened, and resumes without cover letters will not be considered. Experienced Head Chef needed for busy upscale Vegan Raw food restaurant. Must have experience working on the line and with vegan food. Please send us an email at Alissa@alissacohen.com and explain why you would like this job and share more about yourself. The Living Centre, an Eco-Spiritual Educational Sancutary, seeks two enthusiastic and energetic individuals for its part-time Forest Gardening Permaculture Internship. Please send a resume, references and cover letter explaining why you are the person for this position to: info(at)thelivingcentre.com. Personal interviews will be arranged with selected applicants only. 5871 Bells Road, London, England Chef Mehmet seeks raw food and green-minded people for organic farming and kitchen help for an international branch of Cousin's IV in Izmit, Turkey. Email meagan@cousinsiv.com if interested.
Costa Rica Fasting Internship, DECEMBER 29, 2010-FEBRUARY 5, 2011. Responsibilities include but not be limited to: monitoring fasters, caring for the facility, preparing daily meals, attending lectures, attending all meal discussion groups and more. Submit a nonrefundable processing fee of $75 with your application. $4999, cost of internship.
Volunteers Needed. Cousin's IV hosts two booths at the Green Festival Chicago 2010 on MAY 22-23. They seek volunteers to help out in the kitchen and manning our booths. If you are interested, email Meagan at meagan@cousinsiv.com.
Spiritual Coach, author and teacher Jason Nelson seeks a part-time housekeeper on Mondays and Fridays. Task include preparing healthy Vegan/Raw meals, running errands, house cleaner and more.Send a cover letter describing why you are interested in this position, and resume to resumejasonnelson(at)gmail.com, Santa Monica, CA. More information here.
Cousin's IV seeks an experienced raw food chef. Must be committed, creative, and enjoy fun! Please email any questions and/or your cover letter and resume to Meagan at meagan@cousinsiv.com, Chicago, IL
Revitalive Cafe needs an upbeat, reliable, hard-working line cook that follows directions and works well with a team. Experienced preferred. The cafe is willing to train the right candidate if you are unfamiliar with raw vegan cuisine. Please send your resume for consideration. Newburyport, MA CONTESTS
-APRIL 29: Fabulous Food Finds Kitchen OlympicsWant to win SUR La Table gift certificate? Find a fabulous food, kitchen tool or product you love, submit your original healthy recipe using this food or product, snap a photo of your item/product and your finished recipe and submit entries (with photos) via email to RobynWebb@aol.com. Limit two entries per person.
-APRIL 29: Hot Chef Challenge 2010 Submit a 2-minute (or less) video on YouTube demonstrating an original recipe using fresh produce as a key ingredient — for a chance to cook alongside celebrity chef and Bravo TV’s Top Chef Masters 2 contender Marcus Samuelsson in the World Culinary Showcase on May 22 at NRA Show 2010 in Chicago.
-MAY 7: Your Best Baby Food Contest Parents.com seeks an original recipe for babies 4-12 months old for a chance to win $250.
-MAY 15: AARP Viva's Summer Salad Recipe Contest Submit an original recipe for a healthy and economical summer salad made with fresh seasonal ingredients for a chance to win $500 of groceries.
-JUNE 15: Cooking Light Ultimate Reader Recipe ContestEnter a recipe using a sponsors' products for your chance to win $20,000.
-JUNE 30: Vegetarian Times 2010 Reader Recipe ContestSend an original vegetarian or vegan Holiday recipe, using a sponsors' product, for a chance to win one of three cash prizes and be featured in the November/December issue of Vegetarian Times.
-AUGUST 1: Mushrooms Every Day, Every Way Recipe Contest Taste of Home seeks recipes that showcase the distinctive flavor and meaty texture of fresh cultivated mushrooms. Prize is $1000.
-DEC. 31: Cuisinart's New Culinary Cook-off Video Contest Tape a video using your Cuisinart's product for a chance to win five different Cuisinart products.
“Raw News You Can Use” runs Thursdays. To list a living food event or class, send your information to yahoo.com. In the subject line write: "RAW NEWS YOU CAN USE." Please include event, date, time, contact information (website, telephone, etc.) and anything else you think is important
For the next few months (or year?) The Daily Raw Blog will work its way through the 350 plus recipes in “The Complete Book of Raw Food” edited by Lori Baird and Julie Rodwell.
Update on the count of recipes. I have a new count of 367 recipes, instead of the 375 or so I originally stated. I'm not sure how I got such a screwy count the first time around. If anyone out there is bored and would like to count recipes in The Complete Book of Raw Food book to tell me how many recipes there actually are (don't forget the Rejuvelac recipe on page 9; and forgo the variations of recipes), please feel free.
If not, I can just complete the recipes and will get count as I go.
Update on modifications. Did you notice I was changing some of the recipes? Well, that's going to happen. I'm not a purist as far as this endeavor goes, and there will be some changes based on lack of ingredients, equipment, ambition, etc. I will let you know what I did or didn't do. No biggie.
Update on the recipes. Have you bought the book yet? If not, I don't blame you. I'm not hating, I'm broke, too (but I'm going to win the Powerball any day now). The recipes posted will be my versions of the original recipe or if the recipe is really, really good and I will forget about copyrights for a moment. If not... Here are some suggestions for if you want the recipes I don't print: #1 go to the page number in the book (if you have it)#2 try the link of the creator of the recipe. They might have it on their website. #3 Google it If you still can't find it or just too lazy to do the above mentioned (don't worry, I ain't mad at you), shoot me an email (yahoo.com) and I'll type it and send it to you. On the downlow, of course. Shh. But don't get carried away. Believe it or not I do have a life away from the computer. Okay that was a total lie, I'm constantly on the computer. But I have to make an appearance in front of the kids or they get worried how their going to be fed.
This little challenge of mine is to have fun. I'm having a total ball doing it and I hope you enjoy reading about it. Anyhoo, I thank you bunches for reading my blog after my hiatus and I have it on good authority that I will be around for a very long time. Terilynn
Here you go ladies and gentlemen the ingredients for March's Raw Recipe Challenge.
Here's how it work: Each month, I'll host a challenge based on certain ingredients. You can create breakfast, lunch, dinner, drink, appetizer, main dish, etc. It can be as simple or complex as you choose. You can use one ingredient or all of them. It's all up to you. What ever you choose as long as you showcase at least one of the ingredients in the photo.
Here are some of the rules:
1. It could go without saying but it has to be a raw food dish. You can use certain non-raw items, i.e. maple syrup.
2. No raw meat please.
3. Send a photo of the dish, the name of the dish, your name and a link where the recipe can be found (or include the recipe, whatever you choose) to yahoo.com. Next week, I'll share my recipe.
4. There's no winners, we're just having fun and sharing our creative juices. It's all good.
List of ingredients 1. Pineapple 2. Pumpkin seeds 3. Garbanzo Beans 4. Sun-dried tomato 5. Kale
Do what you will with those ingredients and most importantly, have fun!
Monday: Spicy Spinach and Pepper Taquitos Tuesday: Green Smoothie Wednesday: Herbed Summer Squash Thursday: Portobello Steaks, Smashed "Potatoes" and Chives"Roasted" Peppers
A shout-out to Jessica of Raw Food with Jessica, she submitted a photo and comments for Raw Test Kitchen's recipe Oatmeal Cookie Biscotti. Take a peek.
Living Light Culinary Arts Institute seeks Kitchen Angels for its chef training program, October 17-November 19. Angels pay $20 per day, includes meals plus two demos each day.
Mandatory Almond Pasteurization, an article by Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts
Don't feel like preparing the tasty dishes on The Daily Raw? No worries, for those times you don't want to have anything to do with the kitchen try RAWvolution. They create a box of prepared, organic, raw foods that includes two soups, four gourmet entrees, four side dishes and two desserts.
The box can be picked-up in Santa Monica, delivered anywhere in Los Angeles or New York City or shipped via Fed-Ex Overnight Express anywhere in the United States. It's $100 plus the cost of delivery/ shipping.
If you're in Colorado Garden Festival at Tagawa Gardens features classes, home-made garlic dishes and a variety of garlic, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday Sept. 15. 7711 South Parker Road, Centennial, 303-690-4722, tagawagardens.com
Boulder County host an “Eat Local” celebration on Saturday September 15, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at One Boulder Plaza (13th & Canyon). There live music, chef demos, tasty food samples, lectures and more. For more information, call 303-916-2236 or visit www.boulderrelocalization.org.
Check out Eat Local Challenge
If you're in Arizona in October
Raw Spirit Festival, Oct. 12-14. The festival celebrates organic raw vegan foods, world class music, spirituality, inspirational education, eco-sustainable solutions, healthy living and more.
SHARE YOUR NEWS! If you have an item for "Raw News You Can Use" please feel free to pass it along. Send information to yahoo.com and I will post it on Friday's blog.
....and about a bazillion more to go. I've better bust a move on these recipes if I want to complete them before...well, I don't really know before when. I'm kind of moving along at a turtle's pace, yes?
Well, to make the challenge more interesting and to post a few more recipes, I have joined NaBloPoMo, National Blog Posting Month. See my cool widget for February to the left? I have pledge to post something every day on The Daily Raw Blog (weekends included) for the month of February. Mom, stop frowning. I know, I need to find a job instead of blogging everyday. But imagine the dedication that is shown on my part writing everyday. I'm an employer's dream. It shows I have commitment or should be committed, I'm not sure which one.
Speaking of jobs, I did put in a call with the 2010 Censor Bureau to work with them this spring here in Denver. That would seem like an interesting job, meeting people and such. Wish me luck.
So to kick off February's blog-a-thon, I give you Karyn Calabrese's Walnut Pate on page 258. Visually, I wasn't impressed with the pate, it looked rather depressing, a tan-ish hue depressing. In the future, I might add a few grated carrots or diced red pepper to it or possibly half of a red onion, to add some color. The flavor? Well, Man on the Raw said it had 'lack-of-salt/seasoning issues.' Hey, it wasn't me who said it. I'm totally playing the blame-game on this dish. So he seasoned it up a bit with a couple of garlic cloves, more dill and of course, sea salt. His platting is spot on. He is great at creating little platters of food using simple ingredients. He makes things look appetizing and isn't that as important as taste and smell and texture? By adding a few basil leaves, spicy jalapenos slices, sweet tomatoes, salty olives and a drizzle of olive oil, he produced a dish with flare.
For the next few months (or year?) The Daily Raw Blog will work its way through the 350 plus recipes in “The Complete Book of Raw Food” edited by Lori Baird and Julie Rodwell.
Modifications: Did you notice I was changing some of the recipes? Well, that's going to happen. I'm not a purist as far as this endeavor goes, and there will be some changes based on lack of ingredients, equipment, ambition, etc. I will let you know what I did or didn't do. No biggie.
Recipes. Have you bought the book yet? If not, I don't blame you. I'm not hating, I'm broke, too (but I'm going to win the Powerball any day now).
The recipes posted will be my versions of the original recipe or if the recipe is really, really good and I will forget about copyrights for a moment.
If not...
Here are some suggestions for if you want the recipes I don't print:
#1 go to the page number in the book (if you have it)
#2 try the link of the creator of the recipe. They might have it on their website.
#3 Google it
If you still can't find it or just too lazy to do the above mentioned (don't worry, I ain't mad at you), shoot me an email (yahoo.com) and I'll type it and send it to you. On the downlow, of course. Shh.
But don't get carried away. Believe it or not I do have a life away from the computer. Okay that was a total lie, I'm constantly on the computer.
But I have to make an appearance in front of the kids or they get worried how their going to be fed. This little challenge of mine is to have fun. I'm having a total ball doing it and I hope you enjoy reading about it.
Anyhoo, I thank you bunches for reading my blog after my hiatus and I have it on good authority that I will be around for a very long time.